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Fapping Every Day - Need some advice

25 posts in this topic

For me Buddhism solved my addiction to porn. They already practice semen retention for thousands of years and the benefits are already proven by science. You really can't find the solution to your addiction in a forum post, you really have to dig deep into yourself and use spirituality.

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It just sounds like a habit and possibly a source of dopamine - boredom killer activity.

I think you should tackle this by learning about yourself. Maybe abstain and when you get the urge to do it, talk to yourself and ask yourself why you want to do what you're trying to abstain from. Maybe go down that road and while you're there, ask yourself why you are there. 

More importantly, what do you want to be doing instead? 

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On 22/04/2022 at 3:29 PM, caesar13 said:

One thing I'm sure of: While watching porn I am not much inclined to any part of a women's body. I kind of concentrate on the hair, how the women's hair cover's her face while having intercourse with a male partner. So it seems to me that the hair is the triggering part for me. I'm very sure, how much beautiful the women may be, if she has no beautiful black hair, I wouldn't go for that video. For that matter, if somehow I lose interest in women's hair, I may not watch porn often - until unless the urges are too strong (say if semen secreted too much that it has to get out)

I don't know, man. It just sounds to like you've got a type. When I watch porn I'd also go for my type. It doesn't sound that weird to me. I mean of course you'd focus on the black hair if you're interested in women with black hair, isn't that normal? I don't know what I'm missing here. Is something like this really considered an obsession.

Anyway, finding yourself masturbating everyday is what I would consider the real problem. Usually this signals a fixation, something that you need to bring to your awareness and resolve as consciously as possible. Humans are sexual beings, yes, but we're not that sexual to the point where we need to masturbate everyday.. that's just absurd. Of course you end up feeling shitty about yourself if you're doing it everyday because at this point you know that you're now just abusing your sexual energy.. not expressing it.

So I'd say try to deal with that instead of the black hair thing.. I wouldn't consider the hair thing an emergency right now. 

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On 24/04/2022 at 10:44 AM, caesar13 said:

Jokes aside, what do you guys suggest? 

I would suggest finding/exploring sex with a woman you are attracted to.. pretty straightforward to me :).

On 24/04/2022 at 10:44 AM, caesar13 said:

Is it because I fap everyday that I'm not having sexual urges? I remember sometimes, maybe when I don't fap for 2 or 3 days, I get sexual dreams. So I am indeed getting sexual urges, right?

This just sounds like some kind of repression to me. Like are you saying you can't get hard with a real woman (as opposed to porn)? Have you tried to be with a woman (go on dates, get touchy) and see if you get hard? I suggest at least experimenting before jumping to conclusions.


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On 4/22/2022 at 1:46 PM, Leo Gura said:

This is highly abnormal.

A guy comes on here in search of advice, creates a post that is highly insightful and honest, and you respond with THIS? Aren't you supposed to be some self help guru? Why not say something useful? Things like this on this forum cause confusion and judgment that are counterproductive. I really don't know what you were trying to accomplish by saying this. Please help me understand.

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