
How important are looks to women?

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I went on a date with a girl. I didn't find her physically attractive in person, as the date went on I found out she had many personality traits that aligned with me, she was smart , interesting, had similar interests, both academics , great conversationalist. However none of these things made me attracted to her. Within the first 0.01 seconds of seeing her I had already decided I wouldn't be pursuing this girl. Now I ask, do women do the same thing?

Guys here talk about game and all this, but if someone hasn't found you attractive in those first 0.01 seconds , is game and being confident really going to change any of that? For me it surely didn't. 

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Pretty subjective thing. It's kind of hard for me to seperate looks from how one otherwise carries themselves. As in, it's possible for me to be very attracted to someone that most people wouldn't consider attractive physically speaking. Mostly a psychological/spiritual thing but the physical aspects could compound it. So I'd be lying if I said looks didn't matter at all.

Edited by puporing

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Girls rarely get attracted in the first second, they get attracted more slowly as they sense the guy's vibe and energy.

But of course not all girls will be attracted to what you got to offer. In such cases no amount of confidence will help you. But she's also not rejecting you purely based off looks. Girls give guys much more leeway in terms of looks. It's not 100% leeway but much more leeway than a guy gives a girl.

A lot of times the girl rejects you simply because she's not in the right mood. It's not even about you in most cases but about the bullshit going on in her own life which is distracting her from being fully open to dating. Most of the time she's not even thinking of dating or sex.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Girls rarely get attracted in the first second, they get attracted more slowly as they sense the guy's vibe and energy.

But of course not all girls will be attracted to what you got to offer. In such cases no amount of confidence will help you. But she's also not rejecting you purely based off looks. Girls give guys much more leeway in terms of looks. It's not 100% leeway but much more leeway than a guy gives a girl.

A lot of times the girl rejects you simply because she's not in the right mood. It's not even about you in most cases but about the bullshit going on in her own life which is distracting her from being fully open to dating. Most of the time she's not even thinking of dating or sex.

So, then why do a lot of girls like to check out a guy visually and sometimes during the very first second of seeing him will be like “oh, he looks cute☺️“ or “wow, he looks hot! ?” or “oh my, he looks handsome?”?

I’ve even had that happen to me a number of times before in my life.

Edited by Hardkill

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2 hours ago, Hardkill said:

So, then why do a lot of girls like to check out a guy visually and sometimes during the very first second of seeing him will be like “oh, he looks cute☺️“ or “wow, he looks hot! ?” or “oh my, he looks handsome?”?

I’ve even had that happen to me a number of times before in my life.

A lot of times they are reading the situation holistically and unconsciously. A girl will automatically say a guy is hot or handsome if she is attracted to him. But what she is actually attracted to is SURVIVAL VALUE.

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Depends on girl, and her attractiveness level.


But yes they are very important. Yes women do the same.

Difference is women change and flip flop their mind way easier, and theirs wayyyyy more factors involved than looks, woman want the complete package not just “good looks, nice personality” like men.


-It’s Especially important you don’t have thing that’s immediately disqualify you

(insanely ugly, super skinny/fat, short, terribly dressed)

-Arent too boring plain and average 

-And at least have some level of Masculinity in your looks, (if not, be very pretty). & some edge or intrigue 


Probably most important and attractive quality in looks is

Overall Masculinity, Height, Large Frame, Jawline, etc. 


The more attractive a girl, the more Looks you will need usually, the more looks usually matter

especially if you don’t have insane Status, & Charisma/Game to compensate.


Women are picky, they want leaders, they want the whole package. Men will duck anything that walks and gives it up.


Looks definitely matter more to men, because it’s almost the only thing that matters to most thirsty men,


But Looks almost in a way Equally matter if not matter more to women. They want the Good genes to have good babies.

There’s only Leeway to not having Supermodel looks, to get supermodel girls is if you have insane Game/Charisma, Standout Style, Amazing Physique, and High status. That’s in itself is insanely rare and valuable, and can create a halo effect.….

Good Looking & tall men rarely are ever Not charismatic, confident, and higher status to some extent.


Id still say after you Pass Lookswise…. Your behavior and perceived status matters most.


You still need to pass lookswise for a girl to be attracted to you at all. Sometimes the bar is low, sometimes you just fit her type. They will usually settle for the best overall option around.

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