
Elon Musk should buy Actualized

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With all the censoring that is going on in this forum...

Seriously, I really like this forum but with the amount of censoring that Leo does, it's hard to have trust in the direction of this forum. Truth can not be sustained if free speech is prohibited.

This thread getting locked and me probably banned will be even more proof for that.

Edited by xbcc

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How many valuable things you couldn't share, because you were afraid of moderation?

Can you point out any high quality forum or platform, where there is no moderation?

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48 minutes ago, xbcc said:

With all the censoring that is going on in this forum...

Seriously, I really like this forum but with the amount of censoring that Leo does, it's hard to have trust in the direction of this forum. Truth can not be sustained if free speech is prohibited.

This thread getting locked and me probably banned will be even more proof for that.

He censors anti-vax and pro-trump stuff. That's about the only stuff I've actually seen him censor


Truth can not be sustained if free speech is prohibited

As a counter to this: order can't be maintained if total free speech is allowed

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6 minutes ago, something_else said:

He censors anti-vax and pro-trump stuff. That's about the only stuff I've actually seen him censor

Leo do not touch on post about aliens and and ufos and  posts about law of ra book of one.but when i put a post about jinn, leo blocked it.leo is biased.also leo let a russian guy get mob lynched here while he did nothing.i asked leo to change some things about this forum but u know ,he  think he is above critisim.he get defensive when u critisize him.i asked him to change  system but it falls on deaf ears


1 hour ago, xbcc said:

With all the censoring that is going on in this forum...

Seriously, I really like this forum but with the amount of censoring that Leo does, it's hard to have trust in the direction of this forum. Truth can not be sustained if free speech is prohibited.

This thread getting locked and me probably banned will be even more proof for that.

Do not get attached to this forum.read the book tiny habit by bj fogg.visiting this forum is a habit and with the book tiny habit by bj fogg u can systematically break the habit of visiting this forum if u want to


@Preety_India check the book out.i see u putting multiple post about leaving the forum but couldnt couldnt do it .use the book and systematically breake your habit of visiting this forum.if u want to ,u can leave this forum using tiny habit but i do not think anyone will let u put 30,000 post in any other forum or subreddit






6 minutes ago, something_else said:



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Do you understand what would happen to this forum if there are no censoring ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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A better topic would be "What is censorship? And why it creates division and further radicalization of ideology".


1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Do you understand what would happen to this forum if there are no censoring ?

Any view coming from higher truth has no exhaustion of energy to explain itself.

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4 hours ago, itachi uchiha said:

Leo do not touch on post about aliens and and ufos and  posts about law of ra book of one

Aliens and UFOs are ultimately harmless things to discuss, and very thought provoking too

I have no idea what the second thing you mentioned there is

A lot of the pro-trump, right wing or anti-vax stuff is potentially much more harmful than talk about UFOs

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No, God states that @Leo Guramust maintain eternal leadership of this forum in order keep integrity and values of this sacred online palace.

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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If Elon took over the forum this place would turn into a cesspool of misogny and racism.  Unfortunately it seems those who always complain about free speech and censorship just want a 'safe space' to espouse their hateful and conspiratorial views. 

Its also baffling how so many people think Elon is an arbiter of free speech given his track record stifling free speech in his own companies and personal life. 

Edited by abundance

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I don't care how awake you are or claim to be. Identity is not a luxury, but a necessity. So you either own it or repress it and throw it into your shadow. Anyone who claims to not have an identity is a liar, hypocrite, or just stupid and deluded.

Now, I don't agree with all of Leo's decisions or philosophy, but in the politics section I think it's not that bad. I mean I would prefer not having this section altogether, but it is what it is.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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4 hours ago, BuddhistLover said:

No, God states that @Leo Guramust maintain eternal leadership of this forum in order keep integrity and values of this sacred online palace.

I completely understand your sentiment, friend. But, trust me if you poke the ego with a stick. It does not react in your favor.

Your issue is not with a personality. It is with the sharing of the idea of censorship. This thread is ripe for being shut down, not even I would think it wrong, and I am in favor of no censorship. Consider this. Consider the idea you need to share, and then make it known without any jabs/insults towards any individual.

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Actualized.org should buy out Elon Musk. Everyone please donate to my Patreon. We can do this! :P

P.S. UFOs are a legit topic if discussed reasonably.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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My one complaint is about "anti-vax" topics. 

What makes Leo an authority to decide what is permissible in regards to vaccines ? 

The term itself is stupid and ignorant. 

No one is against the concept of injecting something inert into your body that will create an immune response to ward off a potentially dangerous pathogen in the future. 

People are against products that have safety issues, whether it be a vaccine, a medication, or what have you. 

Why is discussion about issues, based off of data, not allowed in regards to this topic ? 

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Actualized.org should buy out Elon Musk. Everyone please donate to my Patreon. We can do this! :P

P.S. UFOs are a legit topic if discussed reasonably.

ok but on tuesdays it's my turn to have elon musk ok?

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18 hours ago, itachi uchiha said:

 check the book out.i see u putting multiple post about leaving the forum but couldnt couldnt do it .use the book and systematically breake your habit of visiting this forum

I got warned for saying exactly this to the exactly same person and got the same reaction, its pointless brother. It doesn't matter just let it go, people sit writing pointless shit on forums thinking they're growing by doing it all the time.

Real living & growth is found out there in the wild, not in your computer.

Edited by MarkKol

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5 hours ago, a7xKingz said:

What makes Leo an authority to decide what is permissible in regards to vaccines ? 

It's his forum lol

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1 hour ago, MarkKol said:

I got warned for saying exactly this to the exactly same person and got the same reaction, its pointless brother. It doesn't matter just let it go, people sit writing pointless shit on forums thinking they're growing by doing it all the time.


Her past post about leaving the forum contained a lot of desperation and suffering.i figured how to leave the forum for myself  and decided to help her.look at her response.she make it as if i am out to get her.


1 hour ago, MarkKol said:

Real living & growth is found out there in the wild, not in your computer.

I got the best growth when i was alone ,all by myself, depressed ,heart broken, doing the work on myself without anyones company.thinking that u can do a shit posting marathon here and u somehow grow is super delusion.those who think like this are super deluding themself

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8 hours ago, a7xKingz said:

My one complaint is about "anti-vax" topics. 


Shutting down threads based solely on shared ideas is very dangerous.

We can still buy Hitler's "Mein Kampf" in books stores. Why is this a good idea? Because people want to know how history occurred, due to perspectives.

Some ideas are labeled as "right-wing" or "left-wing" based off nothing but conjecture. This creates tribalism. It politicizes the issue into good vs evil dynamic. Thus, an ego will feel righteous in shutting down conversation they believe to be "evil" to stop the spread of "dangerous information". Of course, this doesn't actually give the positive effect those individuals may believe it would. What happens is that the information goes underground into an echo chamber of ideas that radicalizes people into extremists, because there isn't anyone who can challenge their point of view (they probably set up their own type of censorship). You know how many twitter posts I have seen that say "If they censor you, you know that you are on target". They feel justified in their position when you shut them down. Because they believe they have won!

Who in history is most ubiquitous for shutting down alternative ideas, by the way?

Censorship, is no different to burning books. You are showing that a perspective has more power than you say it does, by invalidating that point of view. If it has no power, zero. Then it would be easy to keep talking, and expanding your position by understanding the opposite point of view (usually through more research, which will allow you to more confidently speak about the subject to anyone else you come across).

I am not anti-vax or pro-vax. But, witch burning won't get us anywhere. Discuss the information provided, and prove your point without ad hominem. (ad hominem sounds kinda like this: right winger! left winger! Putin apologist! Trump supporter! Biden lover! anti-vaxer! pro-vaxer! conspiracy theorist! fascist! heathen! witch! witch!!!).

This can't be done in a single day. There is no quick fix (mass ban) solution to our situation. Threads may have to go on for years as more data and information is acquired. Ideology is the fire, don't let it consume your soul.

Edited by Rokazulu

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FYI, I am not an authority on most topics but someone has to make the final decision in such matters. This is not really avoidable.

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