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Is there such thing as spiritual based dating or am I expecting too much?

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I couldn't help but notice there are far more men here than women but I read an idea which should work in practice: making an app like Youtube but instead of suggesting a next video suggesting the closest date based on interests and spiritual development. Am I expecting too much or could such a thing work in practice?

I'm also curious if it even matters in real relationships or that's an outlier and shouldn't be a goal to pursue but could only emerge by chance?

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You could simply look for someone interested in spiritually. Self diagnosing how far you have gotten is unreliable.

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-I'm not a business expert or anything but your idea sounds cool to me. Just don't expect to make money right off the bat. That kind of application is an investment in the long-term not in the short-term. It will take time before you make real money. Be sure to assess your risks before implementing your idea, I mean it could just fail completely if not done right. :) 

- I believe Spirituality matters in Dating. I believe it matters VERY VERY VERY much. It might even be a core criteria for dating someone for some people. :) 

- Atma Namaste! :) Om Namah Shivaya Om! :)

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Of course it's a thing. Though someone may not be aware they're being "spiritual" per se or until it's pointed out to them. I've had many "spiritual" encounters though most of them did not manifest to the full extent (ie, physical union). I don't think it's too much to ask, I can't see myself being any other way.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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Make it! Why not. I think it's extremely important to share values with your partner. :) 

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