
My mom might start the spiritual path

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So I just came back from a vacation with my mom and my little brother skiing in the mountains (like Norwegians do xD). The first few days, my brother had to work, and me and my mom stayed at our cabin with our grandmother and her partner. Over the years, my grandmother has gotten slightly less pleasant to be around at times (she has a rather demanding personality), and my mom has started to think about how it's threatening her relationship with her partner (who is now showing signs of dementia), among other things.

My grandmother has bad legs, so she can't join the daily skiing trips with me and my mom. My mom has always found deep peace in nature, and over the course of the last few years, I've come to be in the same boat. I felt that the contrast between the moments we spent in the mountains together just me and her, and the moments we spent in the cabin with my grandmother, made her start to really think about what caused my spiritual development (because that was also a strong contrast to my prior self), and how that is in fact what my grandmother is lacking. At least that is what I've come to realize after she asked me about it and we had a long conversation in the car ride home.

I've always held back talking about these matters to her, but for the first time, I was given the opportunity to share my deepest self with her (though in an introductory fashion). Another thing that I think sparked this conversation was that she has been aware of meditation for quite a while (and practicing somewhat infrequently), and that not too long ago, when she asked whether I know someone at school who also meditates (while talking about a paper I was writing on the mystical experience), I mentioned in passing and a bit jokingly that I know about a few people, but that they're treating it as a "symptomatic treatment" and not as a "way to find God". I think it made her think about her own approach to meditation and how it differed from mine, and how the two produced drastically different results.

The way our conversation went made me think that she has, if not a genuine desire, at least a curiosity towards the spiritual path, and that in the future, when she finally gets tired of her job, of finding a new husband, of upholding whatever social or financial status that doesn't fulfill her, then maybe she will start asking more questions. So if it happens, I think it'll be at least a couple of years into the future.

I'll most likely rewrite this tomorrow when I'm not half-asleep, but I felt like sharing this now so that when I wake up tomorrow, I can maybe hear if any of you have some similar stories :D 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I made my entire family do yoga xD

Ye, influence is a thing.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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