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Comparing Existential Paradigms side by side and their consequences

4 posts in this topic

Hey.  I made a google spreadsheet with comparisons of some potential existential paradigms and their consequences.  Note that there are probably more than what is listed here and that everyone may have different interpretations/experiences/perspectives/understandings for what each one is like.  It is interesting to note how the paradigm we choose to operate from will influence our priorities, values, and decisions.  It is also interesting to note how people have had conflicts (myself included ha) and wars over disagreement with this kinda stuff... when all you have to do is put it in a spreadsheet and compare for fun (but it's not so fun when we disagree on what the lines in the spreadsheet should say and are attached to our perspective).... It could be none of these are "truth", it could be one is, it could be a variety.

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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Thanks alot, this is so great!

Truth you don't find. Truth finds you. Sooner or later. What you then do, no one knows. If you knew, it would already have found you."


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