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How do we help Incels?

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How do you think society should go about helping incels realize their self deceptions and become the healthy, lovable and attractive men they are meant to be?

Ive seen some violent videos recently and worry this may get worse as more and more people feel alienated from one another.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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- Restructure schools into safer places

- Increase accessibility and attractiveness of depth psychotherapies

- Increased welfare state


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Do what works

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Anyone here used to be an uncle now successfully dating?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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The issue with incels is not dating. They have severe self hate and mental illness, some of them were molested as children. 
They need to be removed from incel resources that brainwash them and get psychological help.

some incels have gotten girlfriends and it just made them worse. For example the infamous jubilee incel did but he became suicidal after she left and refused to take his PTSD medication.

As for the issue of men having trouble in relationships, there isn’t really a great solution, the current climate isn’t sustainable and the culture is toxic. They most importantly need to learn to meet their own emotional needs, have healthy boundaries, and a life purpose. Some basic attraction advice should be enough after that.

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I would say that you would have to create healing/rewiring on a mental and emotional level. There are deep beliefs in people who think (and thus behave) as if they are fundamentally flawed and/or can’t get something (girls). And those beliefs are tied to/formulated from emotional experiences they’ve had. I don’t know what those— beliefs and emotions— would be (it’s probably individual). But maybe they would amount to something like learned helplessness. The symptoms of it (low self-esteem, frustration, futility, low-effort) seem to fit. ? If so, you would have to heal/rewire the mind-body around those initial aversive stimuli that created the condition (learned helpless) and release the burden (the beliefs from the emotion). 

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Part of me emphasises with them. A lot of the advice given to incels comes from people who are not anywhere near as physically unappealing as some incels are. If I were bottom 5% of physical appearance as a guy, I would get really fucking annoyed if people who were average looking were telling me to just get my shit together, and that it's all in my head

A lot of incels are not anywhere near as bad looking as they make themselves out to be. They're just brainwashed. And for them, the typical advice still applies

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Some well known incels are attractive they just have poor self image 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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