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IFS Founder Dislikes Ekkart Tolle

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@Salvijus I think they are criticizing the larger movement and following of guys like Ekkart, and what their teachings reinforce.

Think about how many people there are who watch hours of Ekkart Tolle and are no closer to peace and happiness? He has a huge following of seekers, and I think his own teaching reinforces them being stuck.

Maybe Ekkart has wisdom beyond that, but the stuff i've learned from IFS I never got from conventional non duality teachers. 

You can say if meditation is done right then it's fine, but i'd argue 99% of people meditating are not doing it like that. 

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@Raptorsin7 the point is that their criticism is faulty. 

People watching and not benefiting is not echkart tolle's fault. Not everyone who reads zen becomes a zen master but at least they are listening and trying in the right direction, that's important. How much benefit each draws is upto them. But material itself is authentic and legit and valid. That's all that matters.

And really Echkart Tolle is the worst example they could've chosen to make a point. His teaching literally leads to dissolution of pain body, peace of mind, freedom from addictions, self realization, enlightenment, higher wisdom, connection to god's will, impenetrable holyness, health, joy, happyness and etc.

At least if they had chosen somebody like Ramana Maharsi or J.Krishnamurti who say u don't need to do anything at all to be blissed out i could understand. ?bc that's not easy to grasp. But criticism on echkart... that's really lame and weak levels of spiritual understanding.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus Hmm. 

I think if you are a fresh seeker and you listen to this guy or Ekkart Tolle, you will make way more progress with IFS.

But maybe I also haven't really felt the full power of what Ekkart talks about, unless i was on psychidelics. I'm skeptical towards non dual teachers

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@Raptorsin7 depends what u call as progress i guess. 

If healing the mind and traumas is what u call progress then maybe. If self realization is the goal then deff no.

And different meditation techniques give different emphasis on self-realization vs healing the mind. Usually they converge at some point. 

Some focus only on self-realization like zen and leave all personality disorders/traumas away. That's actually the fastest way, ignoring all the personal bs and jumping over it. This method if done successfully will arrive a seeker towards self-realization and abiding in the state of nondual self-realization purify the mind automatically. And that’s what those guys in the video fail to understand and abiding in that state fixes all mind problems without any effory or intention.

Other schools focus on purification a lot, trying to fix the person before doing the spiritual work. That's fine too. It depends on what is the state of evolution and development of a seeker. Accordingly a path is made for him/her. 

Healing the mind(the goal of therapy) has it's place and no spiritual tradition ever denies the significance of it. But it's just a preparatory step. And actually if purification of the mind is your goal, u can find 10× times more effective ways of doing that then therapy in spirituality.

And + all therapy systems are created by ignorant people and those systems have many flaws in them which is really lame and doesn't lead anywhere ultimately. It's not the highest quality material to study from. Why study all that nonsense when u can directly learn from buddha or christ... be smart about it. It will save u lots of time and useless learning. :D

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus We'll see. So far I am really impressed with my IFS therapist. I'd wager i'll surpass typical monastics with these kinds of therapies.


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