
Are pretty girls nicer ?

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I have a theory that less physically attractive women are much more bitter and rude towards men due to commonly being used by guys. It seems when guys see an unnatractive girl they see a quick lay but not someone they'd make there gf so they play them and eventually these girls feel every guy is like this and develop a defensive and resentful attitude  towards men. Ofcourse this is just a generalization and not always the case. Just my anecdotal experience.

Also ofcourse nobody has control over there  appearance so how we treat ppl should never be dependant on how they look or whether we find them attractive or not. I am always respectful and kind to everyone, but this is just an observation of mine. 

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I'm a really good looking guy so my anecdotal evidence might be messed up lol but from my experience, yes hot women/pretty women are incredibly nice from my experience.  The only way I can maybe see them NOT being nice to certain people, is when they are busy and have many options of things to do with their time and the other person doesn't like that.  Or they don't want to be 'gamed' by some PUA in a leather jacket and a fedora.

Average and ugly women are generally nice but there is a lot of resentment and anger there with some of them due to being burned.  I also find that age either humbles some of them or makes their bitterness even worse.


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Pretty girls are usually well socialized and generally have the charisma to make you feel good even when they want you to leave them alone. 

I don't know if it has anything to do with being a nice/good person but in general they have way better social skills.


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You haven't interacted with enough women to make such a generalization (kudos to you for realizing that it is a generalization).

When you do, you'll realize that looks don't count for much in judging the character of humans ... for men, women and everything in between.

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Way too broad of a generalization. Hot girls can be bitchy because they get hit on a lot. But they can also be sweet. You're not going to predict it. Girls' moods change every day. Stop over-analyzing and just approach the ones you like. Get some hard blowouts.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Way too broad of a generalization. Hot girls can be bitchy because they get hit on a lot. But they can also be sweet. You're not going to predict it. Girls' moods change every day. Stop over-analyzing and just approach the ones you like. Get some hard blowouts.

I’ve heard from one PUA expert that hot girls tend to be nicer than less attractive girls because they enjoy getting complimented by others for their beauty. Also, I heard of a lot of hot girls  who don’t get hit on often as more average looking girls because because of how intimidating they can be to guys. So, they appreciate it when a male stranger has the guts and the grace to flatter them with respect.

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@Preety_India It means that someone rejects you hard. Blowout = rejection.

Girl saying "Get lost you ugly moron." would be an example of a hard blowout.

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13 hours ago, Hardkill said:

I’ve heard from one PUA expert that hot girls tend to be nicer than less attractive girls because they enjoy getting complimented by others for their beauty.

Complementing a hot girl on her beauty is preaching to the choir. She already knows she's hot. She's been told that her whole life by everyone. It's like complimenting a billionaire for being rich. It comes off so cringe. Jeff Bezos does not need you to compliment him on his wealth.

I would never compliment a hot girl on her looks. It just makes you look like a desperate chump.


Also, I heard of a lot of hot girls  who don’t get hit on often as more average looking girls because because of how intimidating they can be to guys.

This sounds good in theory but in practice hot girls get hit on a lot more than average girls. They literally have dozens of guys orbiting them, desperate to get in their pants. This notion that hot girls rarely get approached because they are too intimidating is a fairytale. Guys are not stupid. They target the hottest girls first. Not all guys are struggling Incels. Plenty of guys got natural game.


So, they appreciate it when a male stranger has the guts and the grace to flatter them with respect.

1) Stop trying to flatter girls. Especially hot ones.

2) Stop complimenting girls on their appearance and compliment on their unique traits and personality.

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3 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Leo Gura and why should anyone compliment you?

My devilish good looks ;)

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yeah, Leo is right. You would be amazed by how much people overlook personality. Guys and girls combined, people don't really pay that much attention to personality as you would originally think.

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Complementing a hot girl on her beauty is preaching to the choir. She already knows she's hot. She's been told that her whole life by everyone. It's like complimenting a billionaire for being rich. It comes off so cringe. Jeff Bezos does not need you to compliment him on his wealth.

I would never compliment a hot girl on her looks. It just makes you look like a desperate chump.

This sounds good in theory but in practice hot girls get hit on a lot more than average girls. They literally have dozens of guys orbiting them, desperate to get in their pants. This notion that hot girls rarely get approached because they are too intimidating is a fairytale. Guys are not stupid. They target the hottest girls first. Not all guys are struggling Incels. Plenty of guys got natural game.

1) Stop trying to flatter girls. Especially hot ones.

2) Stop complimenting girls on their appearance and compliment on their unique traits and personality.

I mean, I know that you don't want to come off as if you're kissing her ass. That's a mistake. However, in my experience and according to dating coaches it actually has helped when I validated a hot chick. In fact, they say that not validating a chick, even a hot chick can be cringe because it could convey that you're trying too hard to act "too cool" for her. It doesn't mean that you compliment her like crazy, but give a few quick compliments on something about her (it doesn't even have to be on her body yet) as long as it is authentic, confidence, and smooth and leads to her being turned on more and more sexually instead of coming off like you are just sucking up to her. 


I've actually been told by a number of attractive girls I've approached who told me something along the lines of "Wow! That's was ballsy! I've never been approached and tell me something like that in such a bold direct manner out of nowhere." Of course, hot girls will be hitting by many guys in their lifetime who practices cold approaching or who warm approach her. However, most guys in general, who have average to below average game and don't have enough confidence, will not have the guts to even approach her, let alone the skill to effectively increase their chances greatly of pulling her. That's why average to slightly above average looking girls usually get the most amount of guys approaching them because most guys perceive those chicks as being "easier" to get and settle for. Check this out too:


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Yes, girls love to be validated. In pickup this is called qualification. A girl is unlikely to sleep with you unless she hears from you why she's special and "not like all the other girls."

But again, guys make the rookie mistake of trying to qualify girls based on their most obvious physical features. And girls hate that because there is always a hotter girl around the corner with bigger tits. So qualifying a girl on her tits is a rookie mistake.

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21 hours ago, Loba said:

You 'all' sound stupid...

I would rather die in a ditch alone, miserable, than to read your communal trash


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On 22/04/2022 at 4:20 AM, Leo Gura said:

Yes, girls love to be validated. In pickup this is called qualification. A girl is unlikely to sleep with you unless she hears from you why she's special and "not like all the other girls."

But again, guys make the rookie mistake of trying to qualify girls based on their most obvious physical features. And girls hate that because there is always a hotter girl around the corner with bigger tits. So qualifying a girl on her tits is a rookie mistake.

@Leo Gura I have some confusions on this 

  1. On your series you recommended "hey I think you're cute" > but this cliche and cringe like you said above so why did you recommend this? 
  2. What would be examples of "less obvious physical features", something like "I like your earlobes" ? or "There's something about your eyes that I like" ? Rather than "you're hot, nice figure" ? 
  3. Or is it best to generally avoid physical appearance, it it better to say "I like you're energy" ? or should you only say this if it's authentic, will the inauthenticity of this actually be cringe too? 
  4. Is it better to just say "Hey you cought my eye" ... or "hey I wanted to meet you real quick" or "you seem like a nice lady" & then flirt non verbally then? 


Edited by Striving for more

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8 hours ago, Striving for more said:

@Leo Gura I have some confusions on this 

  1. On your series you recommended "hey I think you're cute" > but this cliche and cringe like you said above so why did you recommend this? 

That's just an opener to clearly establish a sexual frame. I don't really consider it a compliment or qualification. It's just a way to let her know you are talking to her for dating purposes.

  1. What would be examples of "less obvious physical features", something like "I like your earlobes" ? or "There's something about your eyes that I like" ? Rather than "you're hot, nice figure" ? 

Ideally you would avoid complimenting physical features period. But if there is something you genuinely like about her which is a bit less obvious, focus on that. Stuff that is not overtly sexual like eyes, face, smile, freckles, tattoos, hair, nails, piercings, jewelry, smell, etc.

Once she's really into you and sleeps with you, then you can compliment her on stuff like her ass, tits, nipples, pussy, how she sucks your dick, etc and she will love it.

  1. Or is it best to generally avoid physical appearance, it it better to say "I like you're energy" ? or should you only say this if it's authentic, will the inauthenticity of this actually be cringe too? 

Yes, energy is a good one. Vibe. Femininity. Passion. Enthusiasm. Submissiveness. Fashion sense. Maturity. Wisdom. Intelligence. Spiritual connection. Intuitiveness. Special skills she has like cooking. Cool hobbies. Adventurousness. Health-consciousness. The way she kisses. etc.

Of course ideally your compliments are as authentic and genuine as possible. This is pretty easy. Just look for features about her you genuinely like and then tell her about it. If you are seriously attracted to a girl there should be stuff about her you genuinely love besides her ass and tits.

  1. Is it better to just say "Hey you cought my eye" ... or "hey I wanted to meet you real quick" or "you seem like a nice lady" & then flirt non verbally then? 

All those openers will work. What really matters is your vibe and sub-communication behind the openers and how you carry on the conversation afterwards. The verbals of the opener are truly irrelevant.

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's just an opener to clearly establish a sexual frame. I don't really consider it a compliment or qualification. It's just a way to let her know you are talking to her for dating purposes.

Ideally you would avoid complimenting physical features period. But if there is something you genuinely like about her which is a bit less obvious, focus on that. Stuff that is not overtly sexual like eyes, face, smile, freckles, tattoos, hair, nails, piercings, jewelry, smell, etc.

Once she's really into you and sleeps with you, then you can compliment her on stuff like her ass, tits, nipples, pussy, how she sucks your dick, etc and she will love it.

Yes, energy is a good one. Vibe. Femininity. Passion. Enthusiasm. Submissiveness. Fashion sense. Maturity. Wisdom. Intelligence. Spiritual connection. Intuitiveness. Special skills she has like cooking. Cool hobbies. Adventurousness. Health-consciousness. The way she kisses. etc.

Of course ideally your compliments are as authentic and genuine as possible. This is pretty easy. Just look for features about her you genuinely like and then tell her about it. If you are seriously attracted to a girl there should be stuff about her you genuinely love besides her ass and tits.

All those openers will work. What really matters is your vibe and sub-communication behind the openers and how you carry on the conversation afterwards. The verbals of the opener are truly irrelevant.



Leo, super off-topic, but can you please un-ban me?

You banned me immediately for “sourcing psychedelics” no warning, when someone asked me for source, I specifically & literally just said, “go look up on google”, all I said.

I didn’t give any source.


Ive been heavy into this work for years, and love the information, discussion, and resources here


I’ll never source anything or cause anything close to a problem here again if you give me the chance. Thank you for understanding.

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