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What Is Meditation?

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I just found this guy's channel and so far I'm really impressed. I wanted to share it.


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I think he is a member in the forum. Anyway, it is a good video. Every practice, be it meditation or contemplation, are human inventions. What ever is absolutely true regarding our reality, it is so prior to any invention or practice. This is why a truly good practice will eventually lead to the dissolution of itself. This is also why it is said that spirituality, eventually, is a thorn used to remove another thorn, but should be discarded and thrown away once the first thorn is removed. Meditation as a practice can be used for many purposes, of course. But if it becomes an attachment, it may become another egoic trap.

This may raise the question why to do any practice at all, if no practice can lead to what is already so? Well, because our usual tendencies and preferences are about entangling our identity in activities (or "doings"), it is unlikely to become conscious that we are not any of them. The practice can steer us away from this predicament and enable us to disentangle our identity from anything - including the practice itself.  

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