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The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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@peanutspathtotruth Welcome to the vaporization club.

I have heard that closest to 5-MeO, in terms of spiritual depth, is DPT. https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/DPT

Freebase makes the vaporization WAYYY easier. I have tried to smoke 40 mg of DPT HCl - nothing, it wasn't even + on a Shulgin's scale. Freebase? This stuff melts like chocolate and goes into your lungs in one deep inhale. You don't even feel a taste. It's like breathing hot, mountain air. 

DPT though is very taxing on the body. Proceed with caution.

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Mr Bald T + iStick Pico. Costs around $30

This way I don't have to deal with open fire while on drugs.

If someone has more money, Quartz Quest seems like a good option. It's available on Divine Tribe's website. They also sell ready-made setups.

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1 hour ago, JustinS said:

@peanutspathtotruth I'm looking into getting the GVG too. Did you order the concentrate pads with it as well? 

Yes I ordered some of them, just to be safe. I think I will try only with the concentrate pad and also with a mullein leaf bed. Heard good reports for both methods.

1 hour ago, Girzo said:

@peanutspathtotruth Welcome to the vaporization club.

I have heard that closest to 5-MeO, in terms of spiritual depth, is DPT. https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/DPT

Freebase makes the vaporization WAYYY easier. I have tried to smoke 40 mg of DPT HCl - nothing, it wasn't even + on a Shulgin's scale. Freebase? This stuff melts like chocolate and goes into your lungs in one deep inhale. You don't even feel a taste. It's like breathing hot, mountain air. 

DPT though is very taxing on the body. Proceed with caution.

That one sounds very interesting, never heard of it before. It even seems to be still legal in my country. But as far as my quick search showed, I could only get the HCL, no freebase. Will definitely look into that, thank you!

Edited by peanutspathtotruth

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DPT HCl is easy to convert to freebase, so you could go ahead and acquire that. DPT HCl can be insufflated or plugged too, you don't have to vape it.

It's very very different from 5-MeO-DMT. I wouldn't really say it's closest to 5-MeO-DMT in terms of spiritual depths, because it's such a different trip, but it does have some things in common - both being extremely powerful, potentially challenging and life changing.

DPT is much more reality-warping than 5-MeO-DMT, and so far doesn't seem as likely to deliver the "nondual" state. In many ways it more like the classic psychedelics like LSD and mushrooms, but maybe weirder and more black-belt because it can have some heavy body sensations that take some work to channel properly.

It's more "visionary" than 5-MeO-DMT, and less geometric than stuff like acid/mushrooms. It reminds me of something that Shamans might use to talk to spirits.



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Interesting, thanks for the advice. What do you think comes closest to 5-Meo-DMT? I already had some intense LSD and shroom experiences, I feel drawn towards trying things like DMT and 5-MeO-DMT now though. It's a shame I can't get 5-MeO-DMT at the moment. Although I saw there would be a possibility to get some bufo alvarius extract. Would you guys recommend this or is it too far away from a "clean" experience of synthetic 5-MeO-DMT?

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Receptor wise, 5-MeO-MIPT is probably the closest to 5-MeO-DMT. I wonder if there is a correlation between more "body load" = more potential for ego death. DPT is also a very strong tryptamine, I had brokenthrough to non-dual state once on it.

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@Enlightenment So I guess I will really gonna try the MiPT. Just read a lot about people saying that lower to medium dosages make it very similar to MDMA which made me a bit unsure. Because it's not the happiness I'm looking for.

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Subjectively (to me anyways), 5-MeO-MiPT is *nothing* like 5-MeO-DMT. They're probably even less similar than DPT vs 5-MeO-DMT. But I think you're right that the receptor binding profile does have a lot of overlap. Just shows how there's a lot more to the experience than can be explained by binding data.

5-MeO-MiPT feels a lot more recreational - not really like MDMA, but a bit rolly I guess. It's like this edgy, goofy, trippy, drug. Kinda hard to describe. In common with 5-MeO-DMT I find it's not really visually active. 

Sounds like 5-MeO-MALT might have a lot in common with 5-MeO-DMT - haven't tried it though.

In the end the answer to "What do you think comes closest to 5-Meo-DMT?" is... 5-MeO-DMT :D


Edited by outlandish

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15 minutes ago, outlandish said:

In the end the answer to "What do you think comes closest to 5-Meo-DMT?" is... 5-MeO-DMT :D


Yeah, well... So maybe it will be Bufo Alvarius eventually until the synthetic one is available again.

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Careful with DPT. It can be very intense and horrific. Don't expect a pleasant trip with that one.

I've heard one person describe it as "snorting a row of haunted houses."

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^ Good description. Spectres, angels, ghosts, seem to be common themes with DPT. I've taken two proper trips with it (I think 40mg, 60mg insuffl and several smaller doses) and never found it to be a terrifying trip or anything, but I can see how it could go that way if things got out of hand.

It can be spooky and conjure up an awareness (real or not) of ghosts and stuff. For me it manifested as an awareness of ghosts-in-the-machine (well internet), and visions of an ancient spectre clutching onto his/her attachment to power and material riches. Felt like part fantasy, part real, which is what ghosts are all about I suppose. It also gave me an awareness of some of what we normally would consider to be "darker" aspects of reality that we don't normally want to look at directly - life eats life kind of stuff. DPT helped me to look straight at this without flinching and with acceptance. It also showed me negative stuff going on in my own life, and my own reality, and helped me resolve to do something about it, something I've partially completed, partially working on 5 years later tbh.

I've seen DPT described as "disillusioning", which sounds bad unless you've experienced it. I think this is really true. It is disillusioning in the sense that it can strip back some illusions we live with to give ourselves a comfort blanket. But if we can pull back this curtain a bit and look more directly at reality, as it really is, without the feel-good fairy tales we tell ourselves, it's a step in growing up, a step towards living a more genuine life.

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5-meo-dmt report:

20min. of shamanic/holotropic breathing, then plugged 27mg 5-meo-dmt.

I'm at a loss for words to describe it. So expansive. It was like all the programming of concepts and beliefs vanished. No thoughts. No "me". Just everything. My mind is curious why the experience was so obvious, ordinary and ho-hum. Yet at the same time, beyond anything the mind can fathom. 

During the comedown my mind-body felt like a sensory unit for a vast organism. There was curiosity about parts of the body and interacting with objects. It was a radically different perspective. Like I had never been exposed to anything before. It was as if a higher entity was experiencing itself through my mind-body. Yet, the higher entity was so far beyond what an intellect can imagine. There was awareness that human beings create stories in an attempt to cope their thin sliver of perception of the whole. Scientists seemed like children trying to figure out how the parts of a toy work. 

As the self and human perception returned, there was some confusion as I went back and forth between the whole and a finite self. My mind questioned how I could possibly return to interact with people and work a job. Hours later, there was a sense that concepts and language could be used as a tool in life and put back on the shelf when no longer needed.

Other trips with psychedelics seemed to highlight an aspect of the whole, such as the eternal moment or self-object. Here, I seemed to dissolve in the one. The realities humans create appeared so contracted and tiny. 

For now, the desire to figure out is gone and there is a wanting to return home. For the oneness to be and experience via it's mind-body. Yet, remnants of the finite self return. For now, there is awareness of the finite self, yet also a foreboding sense of dread that it will reassemble itself.

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@Serotoninluv Wow that sounds like a full on experience. Interesting that you mention that before you experienced facets and now the whole and that it felt so crystal clear. I'm currently reading Entheogenic Liberation and that's exactly what Martin says about a breakthrouth on 5. How is your view on integrating all this? Do you plan more trips soon or will you "hang up the phone" for now? 

I also thought that the shamanic breathing beforehand could be an interesting preparatory step. Do you feel it did anything for the letting go on the comeup as in: did it help surrendering? 

Edited by peanutspathtotruth

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@peanutspathtotruth I've recently started shamanic breathing and it's like a half-step to a psychedelic mindspace. For me, the shamanic breathing has a strong body component and a moderate mind component (relative to psychedelics).

This was the first time I tried shamanic breathing as prep work. During the breathing, I revisited an Aya ceremony I attended last year. It was a rough ride as I struggled for control. During the shamanic breathing, there was an image that arose of me in a room with a wise teacher, like Mother Aya. I was asked if I was genuine and sincere about entering, because once I entered I couldn't leave. I had flashbacks of trips in which I wanted out, but couldn't make it stop. Here, some anxiety arose that I would be trapped in the room. There was a voice that said "Don't do it! This is going to be like those scary trip reports on actualized. Trust your intuition - Don't do it". This was balanced with memories that 5-meo-dmt has always seemed gentle to me and that I have had glimpses beyond self that were not scary. I think this tug-of-war led to a sense of humility and genuineness entering the trip.

Right after the 5-meo trip, I saw the sense of discomfort on other trips was due to the sense of separation. As if the psychedelic removed all my mechanisms to cope with a sense of a finite self. So all that remained was finite self energy facing oneness - very uncomfortable. Here, the finite self seemed to completely dissolve - including all ideas, concepts and memories - for both mind and body. It's indescribable because it was beyond any concept, thought or feeling. As I came down, insights into my "character" emerged. There was no identification with the character - as if a larger entity grew a tentacle to experience itself.

I don't know how to integrate this into my life. The revelation seemed so simple, easy and obvious. Like I have always know this. Yet, I had been living immersed in a manufactured reality my whole life. I must have been self delusional. I had considered myself very open-minded to the Truth. As my finite self returns, the question arises "What is self delusion? And will it return with the finite self?"

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On 8/15/2018 at 11:24 PM, peanutspathtotruth said:

Yes I ordered some of them, just to be safe. I think I will try only with the concentrate pad and also with a mullein leaf bed. Heard good reports for both methods.

That one sounds very interesting, never heard of it before. It even seems to be still legal in my country. But as far as my quick search showed, I could only get the HCL, no freebase. Will definitely look into that, thank you!

It's easy to freebase:


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26 minutes ago, zikzak said:

The link deals with converting 5-MeO, in this case I meant DPT, not sure if it's the same method though? Thanks for the help though :)

Anyway, I found I could get some Bufo Alvarius instead of the synthetic 5-MeO, so I think I'll go with that and leave DPT out for now.
This weekend I will have my first DMT encounter (Changa). Maybe it's worth a trip report, let's see.

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You can use that same method to freebase DPT! Same same.

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