Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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5-Meo-Dmt report. I’ve done 5-meo about 10 times. My last trip was a couple months ago.

Plugged 25mg. In my experience, I begin to grey/blackout at 30mg. 25mg is a strong experience with awareness.

I had no intention heading in. I have always layed on my bed during the experience, yet this time I was called to my yoga mat after plugging. There was some thought resistance that I shouldn’t be doing yoga on 5-Meo. My coordination and balance would be off, I could pass out, I could injure myself. Those thoughts dissolved and there I was on my mat. I have not practiced yoga until recently - I just finished a 30 day intro series at home on YT. My sober yoga experience is that I am imbalanced, very inflexible and wobbly. My breath is often choppy or I hold my breath. I’m exactly what I would imagine a 48 y.o. man to be after a month of daily yoga practice.

In contrast to yoga, I’ve had many years of meditation practice. During my first strong trip on psilocybin, there was a *knowing* that years of meditation did not bring. I had a similar sense here with yoga. That there was a knowing that years of yoga theory and practice wouldn’t have brought. With the ego dissolved, there was a massive expansion. There was no worry, doubt, hesitation, criticism or angst. There was just a knowing beyond “me” that knew what to do. It just appeared. The breathing, movement, balance, awareness and energy all flowing together. And none of it was *mine*. There was this presence like the knowing of yogis. The mat became a mirror of me. The mind and body flowed in ways I didn’t think it was ready for. Yet the mind/body just knew what to do - without any thoughts.





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Just tried vaping between 3-6mg of 5-MeO-MET HCl.

Don't be stupid like me, don't vape HCl. It is unhealthy. Always freebase your stuff or get freebase in the first place.

I have thought that, since it's an insignificant amount of HCl in that dose, then I will be able to hold it. I was wrong, for a non-smoker it's very harsh.

Equipment and settings: Mr Bald T vaporizer, iStick Pico mod, Samsung 30Q battery, TC-Ni 190°C.

Effects and duration: Numbing, slight body rush, slight hightnening in awareness, 10-20 minutes.

There's a black residue left on the bottom of the cup.

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@Girzo Sounds like you burned it.

There is a fine line between smoking and vaporizing. Proper vaporization is tricky to acheive. Which is why I prefer plugging.

Placing the 5-MeO on some herb (not weed but something neutral like mullein) will make vaporizing a lot easier. A glass pipe like the Glass Vapor Genie is ideal for that.

I'm doubt 5-MeO will vaporize in a cheap electronic vaporizor.

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5-MeO-DMT from melatonin? Would it be possible to make it at home?

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

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1 hour ago, Enlightenment said:

Would it be possible to make it at home?

Not without $10,000 of lab equipment and knowledge of organic chemistry.

Sasha Shulgin describes how to synthesize 5-MeO-DMT step-by-step in his book, TiHKAL. But he was an organic chemist with a professional lab, unlike you, so don't even try.

5-MeO-DMT is difficult to make even for professional labs.

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On 2018-08-01 at 2:02 PM, Leo Gura said:

@Girzo Sounds like you burned it.

There is a fine line between smoking and vaporizing. Proper vaporization is tricky to acheive. Which is why I prefer plugging.

Placing the 5-MeO on some herb (not weed but something neutral like mullein) will make vaporizing a lot easier. A glass pipe like the Glass Vapor Genie is ideal for that.

I'm doubt 5-MeO will vaporize in a cheap electronic vaporizor.

I put 5meo-dmt (hcl version) on tin foil and put a flame to the underside so it didn’t get direct flame. The tinfoil was at the bottom of a plastic bottle and I inhaled from the top hole of the bottle. That’s one quick and dirty way of doing it in a pinch

Edited by robdl

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If only Walter White cooked the purest 5-Meo as opposed to meth :P 

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@Outer Just cause it's messy doesn't mean it isn't a pro lab.

That pic shows you just what it takes to make 5-MeO.

And don't forget he was raided by the FBI.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5-Meo needed it's own theme song :D 


Ok I'm chillin in Mexico
Got sunburn on my testicles
Sippin San Pellegrino
Preparin' for 5meo
Ceremony with Octavio
Heart beatin' like its cardio
Inhaling smoke like Snopp Do
Double G, pardon me, i gotta lay down, 
Way down im subconscious
I got entities and enemies, waitin' to eat the inner me
Pluggin' it like Leo (hey)
Losin' my ego
Until I realize that Jesus is inside of me - Rio 

5-Meo, 5-Meo (8x)

Eternal Truth!

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5-meo-dmt report. 27mg plugged. I start to black out at 30mg, so I go slightly under.

I layed on a yoga mat and let it happen. No resistance, smooth sailing. Slight body discomfort including a minor chest pain and elevated heart - which was slightly distracting. I did need to let go a bit of that.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been contemplating the nature of awareness. I seem to be stuck in the “observer plus object” stage. I’ve felt close to the “consciousness is everything” stage - yet I kept defaulting back to conceptual / intellectual mindspaces. Well, this trip gave some direct experience. I’ve had experience of observing oneness before, yet here there was no separate observer. Everything kept appearing from nothing. Yet, the appearances were within an infinite number of appearances. Thus, it wasn’t real in a sense. Different beings and animals would experience different appearances - yet underlying the appearances was a vast nothing, void - from which everything appeared as one form of an infinite number of possibilities.

This feels sooo far advanced for my current stage. 5-meo is by far the strongest tool I’ve encountered. How can I integrate and anchor this into life. Meditate, contemplate on it? Do more 5-meo? I’m already starting to feel like my mind is trying to conceptualize it and that I’m losing the magnitude of it. 

A couple phrases I gained direct experience: deconstructing reality and rest in the awareness

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5 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

5-meo-dmt report. 27mg plugged. I start to black out at 30mg, so I go slightly under.

I layed on a yoga mat and let it happen. No resistance, smooth sailing. Slight body discomfort including a minor chest pain and elevated heart - which was slightly distracting. I did need to let go a bit of that.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been contemplating the nature of awareness. I seem to be stuck in the “observer plus object” stage. I’ve felt close to the “consciousness is everything” stage - yet I kept defaulting back to conceptual / intellectual mindspaces. Well, this trip gave some direct experience. I’ve had experience of observing oneness before, yet here there was no separate observer. Everything kept appearing from nothing. Yet, the appearances were within an infinite number of appearances. Thus, it wasn’t real in a sense. Different beings and animals would experience different appearances - yet underlying the appearances was a vast nothing, void - from which everything appeared as one form of an infinite number of possibilities.

This feels sooo far advanced for my current stage. 5-meo is by far the strongest tool I’ve encountered. How can I integrate and anchor this into life. Meditate, contemplate on it? Do more 5-meo? I’m already starting to feel like my mind is trying to conceptualize it and that I’m losing the magnitude of it. 

A couple phrases I gained direct experience: deconstructing reality and rest in the awareness

Meditate and realize it has not gone away. The trip is long gone and what you are looking for is already here. I know you know but it’s very important to not forget! 

I would never ever want my life to be a continuous 5meo trip. It’s limited. 

Life is here! Your life! As you are. Wanting something else is suffering. 


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21 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

This feels sooo far advanced for my current stage. 5-meo is by far the strongest tool I’ve encountered. How can I integrate and anchor this into life. Meditate, contemplate on it? Do more 5-meo? I’m already starting to feel like my mind is trying to conceptualize it and that I’m losing the magnitude of it. 

A couple phrases I gained direct experience: deconstructing reality and rest in the awareness

After 5-8 months now or so of having had some glimpses 7 glimpses or so with 5-MeO (in the 10-20mg range) (no major major breakthrough), and continual 'spiritual practice' (feels kind of weird saying it as practice because it's by mostly about doing nothing, taking time to just relax/ and observing life, and some self-inquiry/listening to satsangs).

I am getting sober glimpses during the day sometimes, like a few times a week, and am more relaxed/open during daily life, and I am getting glimpses now almost every night, which is amazing and beautiful to experience, but only when I am half 'asleep' (and thus enough out of my mind, but still conscious) or during dreams.

But I still don't let go completely and contract into body moving-self-thinking or sleep. So in daily life I am still contracting into self-thought/fear in cycles, but also experiencing some freedom from it simultaneously. 

Anyways, what I want to say @Serotoninluv , as for advice, just continue your practice of stillness and know you know nothing.

Because the hardest thing to accept for me.. is of course the letting go into stillness, but also the not knowing, and losing yourself as a 'knowing mind person' in the world.  You have no beliefs or thoughts that are 'true' or 'right', you can't, it's transient and made up.

Also, I can notice suffering really only arises when there is the thought of duality, for example you might notice this when you lose having real morals, and then this might feel uncomfortable, but only because you imagine a society/people that exist outside of you, that you feel you need to be someone for.

You can still spout opinions and actions related to your relative life, and that's fine, but that's only because of your made up relative existence.

- listening to music is so nice btw, and the fact that everything is as spiritual as anything else, and that it's all so mysterious, and that there are no authorities.

edit: this is after 4 years of regular practice also by the way, and other psy use

Edited by AlwaysBeNice

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So I educated myself throughout the last days and decided to go with vaporizing first and then experimenting with plugging from time to time. Especially since Martin Ball recommends going through 3 back to back hits in one session and lists some valuable points why this can help work through energetic blockages more effectively. But I'm open-minded to what plugging can offer too.

The GVG is on its way, but as many might have seen as well, there is really no option getting 5-MeO-DMT right now.
I now decided to work with N,N-DMT and I researched 5-MeO-MiPT a bit. Some say it comes close to 5(DMT), some say it's very different. Has anyone here had any experiences with N,N and/or MiPT? Martin Ball says these are also quite valuable for nondual work although 5(DMT) is king. What do you think?

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If you focus on stillness as apposed to thoughts/visuals it certainly has a ton of potential like almost all drugs

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@peanutspathtotruth I'm looking into getting the GVG too. Did you order the concentrate pads with it as well? 

Edited by JustinS


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