Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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6 hours ago, WildeChilde said:

Why was 5 MEO made illegal?  

Because it shows that you are God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Outer said:

Leo is male, white and college educated.

Things like race, gender differences and the value of 'education' are all made up ego stories. None of it is real. We are all the same and in non-duality we are one. 

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Any news on the substance that should be even better than 5meo?

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@zikzak I wouldn't say it's better per se, it's a bit overpowered.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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What is it? Don't know if I have missed you mentioning it somewhere?


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@zikzak I have not mentioned it yet.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I found this post on Bluelight pretty interesting. People say that all kinds of different psychedelics are powerful but if they haven't tried 5-MeO-DMT it doesn't say that much. This guy however seems to have extensive experience with 5meo. But it's still a bit unclear if the end goal for him has anything to do with breaking through to non-duality. Nevertheless it sounds like an interesting substance (5-MeO-MALT):

"5-MeO-DMT: Lots of experience. Sublingual, vaped, plugged. From + through ++++
5-MeO-MiPT: Around 5 experiences. Oral, vaped. From + through +++
5-MeO-TMT: Tried it twice, plugged. Nothing special. ++
5-MeO-MALT: Tried once recently. 20mg vaped, strong +++

I have to say, 5-MeO-MALT is probably one of the best psychedelics I've ever experienced. It's far more intense than 5-MeO-DMT in headspace, absolutely stunning visually and seems to have the ability to induce boundless euphoria. The happiness it induces is so extreme that I had a hard time believing what I was feeling. It's extremely introspective, relentlessly so. It feels like a combination of every other psychedelic. I think anyone who manages to break through on this would probably come away from it feeling as though they have no need to ever touch a psychedelic again. After you've felt everything that there is to feel, what more could you want?

Ranking: MALT > DMT > MiPT > TMT"

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Hello..i m knew here on forum:) I m interested if 5 meo dmt experience will install in you that burning desire for enlightement which Leo talks about its necessary to pursue it seriously.I meditate quite regularly for three years now do self inquiry also but feel like still i m not so drawn to enlightement as i should be..so would 5 meo dmt experience help? Btw i never tried any psychodelic not even weed

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4 hours ago, DecemberFlower said:

Hello..i m knew here on forum:) I m interested if 5 meo dmt experience will install in you that burning desire for enlightement which Leo talks about its necessary to pursue it seriously.I meditate quite regularly for three years now do self inquiry also but feel like still i m not so drawn to enlightement as i should be..so would 5 meo dmt experience help? Btw i never tried any psychodelic not even weed

Hey friend. 

 If you have meditated and done self inquiry you should be good with mushroom or lsd. You can even try weed as a warm up! set and setting is important with any substance. Have silence and no ignorant people around. 

Or you can do a 10 day silent retreat. What you want is to get an so called “enlightenment experience” and they happen on meditation retreats without magic pills. 

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7 hours ago, cirkussmile said:

Hey friend. 

 If you have meditated and done self inquiry you should be good with mushroom or lsd. You can even try weed as a warm up! set and setting is important with any substance. Have silence and no ignorant people around. 

Or you can do a 10 day silent retreat. What you want is to get an so called “enlightenment experience” and they happen on meditation retreats without magic pills. 

Thanks for advices:) Yeah i also think if i want to try some psychedelics i should start with lighter ones but from what i read no amount of lighter psychedelics can prepare you for 5 meo dmt experience neither can they create that ego death experience  surely

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2 hours ago, DecemberFlower said:

neither can they create that ego death experience  surely

Of course they can. Depends on the amount, set, setting and your previous expereiences. And your ability to surrender to death.

What's the difference between a duck?

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You can have deep ego death experiences on pretty much any decent psychedelic. I've had it on: mushrooms, LSD, 2CB, AL-LAD, etc.

I've yet to take a psychedelic which did not cause ego-death in me at some point.

It all depends on you and how deeply you're willing to go.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

You can have deep ego death experiences on pretty much any decent psychedelic. I've had it on: mushrooms, LSD, 2CB, AL-LAD, etc.

I've yet to take a psychedelic which did not cause ego-death in me at some point.

It all depends on you and how deeply you're willing to go.

Oh thats great to know,I thought only 5 meo dmt is a sure way to experience it.Seems like i have to do more research on psychedelics before i take one.

So why you recommended 5 meo dmt as a best way to get close as possible to enlightenment on your video?

Edited by DecemberFlower

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There are some frightful experiences with 5-MeO-DMT on forums. This one for example:


It seems that there is no greater certainty about having spiritually nurturing or enlightening experiences with this drug as with any other. I wonder if a survey would reveal that people who have been meditating for say at least a year are more likely to have positive experiences. If these factors co-relate. 

@Leo Gura , would it be possible to conduct such a survey with members here, by conducting a poll for example?

Edited by astrokeen

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@astrokeen The Truth is frightful to the unprepared mind.

That is not a bug, that's the feature!

5-MeO is not going to nurture your ego. It's going to kill you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You can have deep ego death experiences on pretty much any decent psychedelic. I've had it on: mushrooms, LSD, 2CB, AL-LAD, etc.

I've yet to take a psychedelic which did not cause ego-death in me at some point.

It all depends on you and how deeply you're willing to go.

Please tell me more about 2cb. Dosage?

and of course, did you get horny?

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@astrokeen The Truth is frightful to the unprepared mine.

That is not a bug, that's the feature!

5-MeO is not going to nurture your ego. It's going to kill you.

It can be so fucking terrifying at the time, though what's awesome about it is I think, is that these hard times of extreme ego confrontation, really help you in the long run, even if you didn't breakthrough or dealt with your shit entirely, knowing that you can handle fear/confusion makes you so much more capable of living in peace afterwards (given you use it to integrate it with non-dual wisdom, as appose to just blasting yourself and living your same mind routine again)

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@Leo Gura  Leo, what's the benefit differences between 5-MeO DMT and Ayahuasca?  

I've done Ayahuasca (which I loved!) and smoked DMT (which I hated). Have not tried 5 MeO DMT yet. 

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