Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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He has a pretty good (and short) description of his enlightenment experience in the Power of Now. It was the first enlightenment experience I have ever read. :) 

Maybe that's when I've learned that I should not be scared of fear, because that can even enlighten me.

Edited by Barna

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@Leo Gura - and others! - have you heard this interview? Really interesting stuff. Listen (fx.) from 57:45 about the 'special properties' of 5meo and also how it works compared to regular DMT.



Interview 2 (touches upon 5meo also):

Edited by zikzak
Added interview nr.2

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5 hours ago, zikzak said:

It's well worth listening to the two full podcasts - absolutely fascinating...

Downloads:   podcast1  podcast2

Origins of Mind pdf

Who would've thunk it, that the brain has at least 13 intermeshed non-delineated organs (ie, without clear physical boundaries), each of which matures and affects us at different times throughout our lives?

And the explanation for 5-MeO DMT's surgical-like action resulting in true "ego death"... the way it unlocks the door to a non-dual experience through it's narrow selectivity (whereas something like LSD is akin to using a sledgehammer to open it) - that is priceless.

The level of experience and amazing resources brought into this forum never ceases to amaze me... A big thank you to all who contribute so much here, from the top of my mind and bottom of my heart!

Edited by jse
updated link to latest pdf version

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19 hours ago, jse said:


And the explanation for 5-MeO DMT's surgical-like action resulting in true "ego death"... the way it unlocks the door to a non-dual experience through it's narrow selectivity (whereas something like LSD is akin to using a sledgehammer to open it) - that is priceless.


Yes I enjoyed the neurological explanation too. The endless debate on which substances are most likely to cause ego-loss is very well addressed here in a scientific approach.

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 @Leo Gura I have tried this but dont really know whats going on. either ego doesnt let me take off, or im having too few (12mg), or its not authentic, or maybe im not having a proper snorting practice. What else could i try to do ? Any special visual inspection for authenticity ? doesnt look white or very crystal either

WhatsApp Image 2017-03-08 at 16.25.00.jpeg?

Edited by Salomon Tolosa

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@Salomon Tolosa 12mg is a baby dose. It won't alter consciousness very much.

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@Leo Gura or anybody else who might know,

can HCL be taken any other way apart from snorting, snorting gave me a runny nose and sore throat. 

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Ill let my baby ass take charge, going for plug, 30 mg in solution, not sure if its better on distilled water or polyethylene glycol, 2ml syringe, and will let you know.

Edited by Salomon Tolosa

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5 hours ago, bobbyward said:

@Leo Gura or anybody else who might know,

can HCL be taken any other way apart from snorting, snorting gave me a runny nose and sore throat. 

Plugging is your best bet.

Don't eat it.

Vaporizing it is possible, but challenging with HCl. You'll most likely burn it.

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1 hour ago, Salomon Tolosa said:

Ill let my baby ass take charge, going for plug, 30 mg in solution, not sure if its better on distilled water or polyethylene glycol, 2ml syringe, and will let you know.

That is a very large dose. It will blow your mind. Make sure you've done smaller doses first.

10mg >> 20mg >> 25mg >> 30mg

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21 minutes ago, I_Like_Thing said:

Some people have a vasovagal response when "plugging"; which can cause you to pass out (or in extreme cases pull an Elvis). Think of the trauma to a loved one who found you passed out on the floor with something stuck up your ass :) In some ways this is worse than finding your body with a bag over your head, your pants down, and your hand still clutched to the naughty dolphin. Mom would have nightmares for years...

Pretty sure guidelines restrict terrorism in this forums. But thanks for taking the time to scare the shit out of me and bringing my mom into this.

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So unnecessary

I'm just watching you planting your seeds all over this "self actualization" forum, none of my business, after all thats just my perception.. :)  (wow feels good putting smile faces when I say something bad, its like its erasing the last sentence) :):):) oh.... it feels so nice.. :)


@Salomon Tolosa good luck! I personally haven't tried YET but only heard positive experiences ;)


"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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