Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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22 hours ago, Azrael said:

I'm hoping to be on the forefront on exploring full liberation via 5-MeO-DMT and I'd like to bring the people who are ready to this great substance. I'm very much looking forward to the future with this.

How do you plan to involve other people? Because this is my goal as well.

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Found an amazing read of experiences http://www.dmtsite.com/5-meo-dmt/experience/descriptions.html

One in particular got me thinking, maybe when you take 5-meo you basically go back to singularity, and re-live and see the whole universe re-create itself as you visualize it into existence once again when coming down from the peak.

It always fascinated me how everything eventually dissolves into nothingness, you have to re-create it to go back to where you took off.

If you never came back, how would you know? Does that reality even exist? or is it pure imagination of self?

One things for certain, we all should be extremely proud and grateful for where we are today and what we have come to be aware of

One Love


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I'd also like to mention the report by ~ James Oroc, Tryptamine Palace: 5-MeO-DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad. (2009).

Was almost exactly like one of my strongest experiences with N'N-DMT. Never really noticed any fear coming down but did at the beginning. 

He explained what i had forgotten, touched my heart and brought a tear to my eye. Amazing!


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On 29/01/2017 at 10:43 PM, Azrael said:

When your dream state ends, you rest in total infinite self-aware peace until another dream will pop again in which you play your role. I think this is the best way I can put it.

Why do you think we even need to experience this "dream" we call earth? Why can't we all be "born" into infinite? And, what other dream? The "heaven" dream, the "hell" dream?

Leo brought up the topic of epistemology in his blog and elsewhere, which I find interesting when applied here.

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4 hours ago, Barna said:

How do you plan to involve other people? Because this is my goal as well.

First and foremost by speaking about what the experience is like, what you need to know to do it yourself and get ppl pumped up. Furthermore, I seriously expect this substance to change my life in such a drastic way in the next 5-10 years that you could at least fill some books with it, keep up the discussion and find the 1% of the 1% of spiritual seekers who are wanting to do this and help them. There are many possibilities, here. It's right now not my first occupation - not my life purpose - but it is a muse that I follow privately and depending on how the future's gonna be, maybe I'll get more involved.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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2 hours ago, Key Elements said:

Why do you think we even need to experience this "dream" we call earth? Why can't we all be "born" into infinite? And, what other dream? The "heaven" dream, the "hell" dream?

Imagine you would be infinite potential, infinitely happy, self-aware and complete. What do you do? Play that you are not so that you can love somebody who is not you, to see beauty for the first time, to be afraid that something could go wrong, to fight and kill to experience the rush of it. You are infinite. Why wouldn't you?

What other dream states? I don't know. There infinite possibilities you are experiencing right now (you as your body-mind apparatus can just by design not be aware of that). When you die, somebody else will be born. A child, a bird, probably fucking aliens in other universes. I don't know. You'll see. :P

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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I thought about writing books about 5-MeO, but there are so many already!

I was thinking about working with people in one-on-one meetings, I made a thread about it in this forum, but nobody is interested. :)

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44 minutes ago, Azrael said:

What other dream states? I don't know. There infinite possibilities you are experiencing right now (you as your body-mind apparatus can just by design not be aware of that). When you die, somebody else will be born. A child, a bird, probably fucking aliens in other universes. I don't know. You'll see. :P

Well, when we die, hopefully, we will become infinite. Like Leo said, "why not go for full Buddhahood?"

But, I'm still wondering why do we have to experience another realm, like earth? :) Have you thought of it this way? (General question.) I know that we are infinite already. It's "strange" that we are "separate entities" when we wake up, yet we are also infinite. 



Edited by Key Elements

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@Azrael Wasn't talking about mixing, but as an effective system. Zen has you cease conscious thought for the release of DMT. "Think no thought." - Dogen Zenji. The dharma gate of joyful ease. :)

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1 hour ago, Barna said:

I was thinking about working with people in one-on-one meetings, I made a thread about it in this forum, but nobody is interested. :)

I'm definitely interested, but currently live too far away from the West.

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On 30/01/2017 at 1:55 AM, AlwaysBeNice said:

Attached egos are at risk, egos that are not ready to open up, not willing to look at themselves. That might create a backlash you don't want to see.

Your answer here is cool. However, I think this is still a regular user. He's just a 'noob' who has to go back and practice on shrooms first or some lighter dose of psychedelics before moving onto 5meo.

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And meditate most importantly.

Unless someone is a pretty stable person in generally, has some knowledge of wisdom/spirituality. As most people are really not that stable or have any good sense of spirituality (and most people think they are more stable than they think).

To them I would not recommend a heavy dose of psychedelics if they have not meditated daily for at least 6 months prior, preferably at least 30+ min a day in one setting so they might have a slight clue with whom they are dealing.

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1 hour ago, Key Elements said:

But, I'm still wondering why do we have to experience another realm, like earth? :) Have you thought of it this way? (General question.) I know that we are infinite already. It's "strange" that we are "separate entities" when we wake up, yet we are also infinite.

Your problem is that you can't see that you're infinite and because of that you argue from the separate ego's perspective. You are not a separate entity when you wake up. Even now, you are not that. You just convince yourself that you are. But you are not. When you don't talk to yourself, there is no separation. When you don't think about it, there is no separation. When you don't mention it, there is no separation.

First when you begin to distinguish that there are things that you think are in your "individual control" (they are not btw - nothing is) you begin to see that there are things you cannot "control" - so a separation happens. This is me (because I'm in control) and this is not me (because I'm not in control).

What you experience first-person in a 5-MeO-DMT experience is that what you really are is the individual AND the world that the individual thinks he is not + all the other shit and nuances I wrote about in the prior posts.

And again, to the "isn't it strange that we wake up on earth" question: Maybe re-read my prior answer to this. You are infinite, there is nothing to do, everything is. Why wouldn't you spend your eternal time doing all kinds of cool shit? Existence is a celebration of itself.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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@Azrael I said "separate entities" in quotes. There is a difference saying it this way. The meaning changes. I also said "strange" in quotes.

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@Leo Gura I’m seeing 5 meo DMT, mushrooms, LSD topics distributed randomly in self- actualization/ Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality/ Alternative healing etc and I thought why we don't have an especifc topic about psychedelics? I bet this had already crossed your mind and I apologize if that's not the main focus of actualized.org but I'm seriously interested about them and I love the interaction in this forum. 

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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@AlwaysBeNice To be clear, I'm talking here about long-term of effects here, not talking about directly combining the two drugs in the same session. I think that's what you're asking too.

In principle, 5-MeO-DMT shouldn't affect your weed highs. The two drugs affect completely different receptors, so they shouldn't affect each other directly. 

However... many people report that weed highs become intensified and sometimes difficult to handle after starting to use psychedelics (psychedelics in general, not just 5-MeO-DMT). This seems true for me, but it's also hard to pinpoint it on having taken psychedelics. The same thing seems to happen naturally as people age as well. In my opinion the jury is out on this.

I barely smoke weed anymore. I still do occasionally, but in really tiny amounts. I don't miss blazing hard like I did as a late teen, at all. 

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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8 hours ago, Key Elements said:

Well, when we die, hopefully, we will become infinite. Like Leo said, "why not go for full Buddhahood?"

But, I'm still wondering why do we have to experience another realm, like earth? :) Have you thought of it this way? (General question.) I know that we are infinite already. It's "strange" that we are "separate entities" when we wake up, yet we are also infinite. 


It's not strange at all when you realize what Absolute Infinity is. It's ABSOLUTE, and it's INFINITE. Which means...


There's nothing left unexplained. EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING! Because there's nothing to stop it.

Your mind cannot comprehend this, because the mind thinks in terms of limits. You still assume reality has limits. It doesn't.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, Laisa said:

@Leo Gura I’m seeing 5 meo DMT, mushrooms, LSD topics distributed randomly in self- actualization/ Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality/ Alternative healing etc and I thought why we don't have an especifc topic about psychedelics? I bet this had already crossed your mind and I apologize if that's not the main focus of actualized.org but I'm seriously interested about them and I love the interaction in this forum. 

I want to keep the forum tight. If we have too many sub-forums, discussions get diluted, critical mass isn't reached, and the whole forum starts to feel like a ghost town.

If we have a lot members discussing psychedelics, we can create a sub-forum for it. But for how, this setup is best.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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