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The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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3 hours ago, cetus56 said:

But by far it's my fault for allowing those needless programs to continue as they did through most of life. "it becomes totally obvious that you are one with everything that exists and that stems from an Infinite potential of things".  Man I like that! I remember that so well as a child and always wondered where it went as I got older. Now I see it was only hidden behind the programs.

It's even crazier than that. You realize that you chose and choose every program, every situation, every action and reaction that ever occurred for you. You see that you did that in a kind of super-conscious way. When you become conscious of yourself as God you see that this infinite potential is self-aware.

And you just say that you "did certain things" and that other things "happened to you" because you are unaware that BOTH are chosen by you in this super-conscious way. It's hard to put in words. But because of that you instantly begin to trust yourself and everything that happens in your life because even though you might not understand it rationally it is all yourself. And this brings forth a kind of stillness and relaxation in every negative and positive thing that occurs because you know that it stems from you.

Picture it that way: Everything you know (your perceptions, thoughts, your attitude, EVERYTHING) is like a veil that colours a self-aware infinite potential of things that can arise. It can complicate itself, it can and does create all kinds of realities that for example shape a human perspective. Now this human perspective by design has some features like being aware of itself, being able to perceive and so on. On the other hand there are things in this perspective that that seem to be separate from the human being (simply because the centralized feeling and effort of doing something doesn't go as far as feeling the door next to you in egoic consciousness). Because of that design you think that this is not you - because you can't "control it". it's the same thing with the things that happen to you.

Now remember, that what the human being calls himself and what is not in his "direct control" still stems from this infinite potential that just made up this reality for kicks. :P And it decides and shapes whatever is happening and it can't be any other way by design. And you and everybody else is ultimately that potential that makes all these realities. So you chose super-consciously to be miserable or to wake up.

That's why every fear you have, every hope and every struggle is made by yourself and can't be any other way. And if you see this for yourself, it's like waking up out of a nightmare and knowing everything is fine.

You can never die, because you were never born in the first place. What you are experiencing right now is a dual dream state in which you got lost. When your dream state ends, you rest in total infinite self-aware peace until another dream will pop again in which you play your role. I think this is the best way I can put it. It's still a picture and a finite, wrong subset of what really goes on, but it gives you a hint in which direction to look.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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44 minutes ago, Azrael said:

It's even crazier than that. You realize that you chose and choose every program, every situation, every action and reaction that ever occurred for you. You see that you did that in a kind of super-conscious way. When you become conscious of yourself as God you see that this infinite potential is self-aware.

And you just say that you "did certain things" and that other things "happened to you" because you are unaware that BOTH are chosen by you in this super-conscious way. It's hard to put in words. But because of that you instantly begin to trust yourself and everything that happens in your life because even though you might not understand it rationally it is all yourself. And this brings forth a kind of stillness and relaxation in every negative and positive thing that occurs because you know that it stems from you.

Picture it that way: Everything you know (your perceptions, thoughts, your attitude, EVERYTHING) is like a veil that colours a self-aware infinite potential of things that can arise. It can complicate itself, it can and does create all kinds of realities that for example shape a human perspective. Now this human perspective by design has some features like being aware of itself, being able to perceive and so on. On the other hand there are things in this perspective that that seem to be separate from the human being (simply because the centralized feeling and effort of doing something doesn't go as far as feeling the door next to you in egoic consciousness). Because of that design you think that this is not you - because you can't "control it". it's the same thing with the things that happen to you.

Now remember, that what the human being calls himself and what is not in his "direct control" still stems from this infinite potential that just made up this reality for kicks. :P And it decides and shapes whatever is happening and it can't be any other way by design. And you and everybody else is ultimately that potential that makes all these realities. So you chose super-consciously to be miserable or to wake up.

That's why every fear you have, every hope and every struggle is made by yourself and can't be any other way. And if you see this for yourself, it's like waking up out of a nightmare and knowing everything is fine.

You can never die, because you were never born in the first place. What you are experiencing right now is a dual dream state in which you got lost. When your dream state ends, you rest in total infinite self-aware peace until another dream will pop again in which you play your role. I think this is the best way I can put it. It's still a picture and a finite, wrong subset of what really goes on, but it gives you a hint in which direction to look.

Everybody should read this. And by read I don't mean just read the words. I mean really open up and allow the message in. Words can only say so much so it's up to the reader to actually expand into it. Something that only you can do. But it's wonderful!

@Azrael You should write a book dude. Seriously!


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@Azrael I guess the old expression "Shit Happens" is really me happening :o = :) as the potential of everything.

Edited by cetus56

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On 27/01/2017 at 5:54 PM, AlwaysBeNice said:

As for schizophrenia, that stuff is so misunderstood. A longer post for something that might seem a bit off topic but it's worth mentioning because being the victim of becoming insane is one of the biggest fears of the western mind.

@AlwaysBeNice I really appreciate your answers and I read your answers again, and I am very much interested in finding out more info on this topic, but it looks like I have to research my info elsewhere. I am not talking about regular people taking 5meo or other psychedelics. I already know it doesn't cause mental illnesses for a regular user. I have nothing against psychedelics. 

What I'm talking about is whoever is at risk. I have worked with a schizophrenic patient. That's why I'm asking my questions in this manner. I have spoken to family members of the mentally ill. And, I've looked into autism and immune shots. I'm relating my questions to medicine / psychiatry. I'm just clarifying what I was referring to.

On 27/01/2017 at 5:54 PM, AlwaysBeNice said:

'But isn't it genetic'

Again, I'm not talking about a regular person.

I'm currently thinking if I want to find out more info in this manner, the next step would be to actually go to professionals / doctors and get different opinions / outlooks on it.

Edited by Key Elements

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I'm planning some time in the coming years, maybe as early as April.2018 to walk across Norway, live in its beautiful and diverse nature from spring to fall, about 200 days. Is this a good time to bring some psychedelics? Or is this whole idea I have about taking this in beautiful nature, weeks in silence away from people in freedom just some ego fantasy, and taking stuff like 5meo is so heavy that it won't matter where you are? Will weeks in silence, nature and freedom help, worsen or be insignificant?

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1 hour ago, Key Elements said:

@AlwaysBeNice I really appreciate your answers and I read your answers again, and I am very much interested in finding out more info on this topic, but it looks like I have to research my info elsewhere. I am not talking about regular people taking 5meo or other psychedelics. I already know it doesn't cause mental illnesses for a regular user. I have nothing against psychedelics. 

What I'm talking about is whoever is at risk. I have worked with a schizophrenic patient. That's why I'm asking my questions in this manner. I have spoken to family members of the mentally ill. And, I've looked into autism and immune shots. I'm relating my questions to medicine / psychiatry. I'm just clarifying what I was referring to.

Again, I'm not talking about a regular person.

I'm currently thinking if I want to find out more info in this manner, the next step would be to actually go to professionals / doctors and get different opinions / outlooks on it.

Attached egos are at risk, egos that are not ready to open up, not willing to look at themselves. That might create a backlash you don't want to see.

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@carlos flores I had been meditating for about a year. I think a meditation practice is very helpful so you can deal with the things that come up in a useful/healthy way. Having some awakening experiences on other entheogens is also helpful so you can relax easier.

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On 1/28/2017 at 8:06 PM, Azrael said:

Maybe read my trip reports if you want an in-depth description about what the dosages do. There is nothing in the MeO experience that is not intense. It is by far the most intense thing you can do. Simply for the reason because YOU die and you think that you are you and not unity and this will freak you out like shit in the beginning.

How exactly does it feel like your dying? Like does it feel like your physically dying? Heart stopping or anything like that? Or like your just fading off into nothing... Like the experience where this feeling of "you" resides in your body changes? 

How would you describe it?


Memento Mori 

Flow With Life

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7 hours ago, carlos flores said:

@Azrael I have a question, how long should I have of meditation experience before trying 5-Meo-DMT?

I'd say - but I'm probably a little bit conservative and strategic thinking with this one - at least a few months. Simply for the reason that 5-MeO-DMT won't help you much if you have no practice to integrate these experiences. If you just do drugs and then go off doing whatever you are doing, you won't help yourself much with it.

5-MeO-DMT is kinda like this nitro booster you have in these car games (at least when I was little they had this). You can push a button and get intense acceleration and speed. Well, you can only use that if you have a good car. And meditation (or the practice in general) is your car.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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24 minutes ago, Tronds World said:

How exactly does it feel like your dying? Like does it feel like your physically dying? Heart stopping or anything like that? Or like your just fading off into nothing...

The first time you do it you might get extremely frightened. I guess my first 20mg trip was to this day the trip with most terror and fear and purging I have experienced so far. But it was also one of the trips that was the most helpful. Basically for me, it goes like this:

In the beginning you'll feel strange sensations going through your body. You know something is coming on. In that period I'm mostly repeating a mantra like ("I AM, I SURRENDER, I LOVE") and focus on something I really like. Then at some point I am not able to say the mantra any more because my mental apparatus vanishes, and that's when I know it's coming. At that time you might have a big body load, your heart's beating like shit and your breath is going to 0. In the first experiences this feels like physically dying. Because you are going away and you don't know whether this is for real. Now, after doing it for sometime the transition still is a little bit difficult, but not all like it was in the beginning. So over time, you'll learn to handle it. Also, my pulse now doesn't go through the rooftop any more.

When you are on the other side, you are as relaxed, chilled, focused and lost in infinity as you can be. So then, it feels like 1000 hours of holidays per minute.

EDIT: Actually, I think I will experiment a lot in the future with this transition phase. Because I think that is the point where you can get a lot of permanent change in your daily life. When you learn to handle this phase so good and do it so often that it becomes second nature, you'll naturally rest in an infinite state. But it takes some guts to do this.

Edited by Azrael

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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35 minutes ago, Azrael said:

The first time you do it you might get extremely frightened. I guess my first 20mg trip was to this day the trip with most terror and fear and purging I have experienced so far. But it was also one of the trips that was the most helpful. Basically for me, it goes like this:

In the beginning you'll feel strange sensations going through your body. You know something is coming on. In that period I'm mostly repeating a mantra like ("I AM, I SURRENDER, I LOVE") and focus on something I really like. Then at some point I am not able to say the mantra any more because my mental apparatus vanishes, and that's when I know it's coming. At that time you might have a big body load, your heart's beating like shit and your breath is going to 0. In the first experiences this feels like physically dying. Because you are going away and you don't know whether this is for real. Now, after doing it for sometime the transition still is a little bit difficult, but not all like it was in the beginning. So over time, you'll learn to handle it. Also, my pulse now doesn't go through the rooftop any more.

When you are on the other side, you are as relaxed, chilled, focused and lost in infinity as you can be. So then, it feels like 1000 hours of holidays per minute.

EDIT: Actually, I think I will experiment a lot in the future with this transition phase. Because I think that is the point where you can get a lot of permanent change in your daily life. When you learn to handle this phase so good and do it so often that it becomes second nature, you'll naturally rest in an infinite state. But it takes some guts to do this.

Thanks for your in depth reply! :)

That is interesting.

The main reason for asking is because I felt like that on a heavy weed dose a while back. Like literally my heart beating out of my body and like bombs going off in my head. My intention was to meditate and try to experience ego-death. Also to note: I didn't have any tolerance really, and this was strong weed. Obviously I know that weed can't even compare to 5 MeO, but still. So this is what happened:

It came on pretty quickly and as it started to get more intense I repeated to myself; "I surrender", "Fuck it, let me die, its fine" over and over(kinda like you). The beats got slower and heavier for every beat. Every time I said this to myself it felt like a bomb went off in my head, haha. I remember my breath was trembling a bit, but at the same time I found it interesting because I was still there unaffected, if you know what I mean? It felt almost like I could control mentally how terrifying it was. When I didn't "get anywhere" else I turned on some nice music and I came out of the "panic" nicely. 

After this I looked up if people might of had similar experiences on weed and I found some suggesting it was a panic attack. That's what I've been thinking as well for a while, but it seems kinda similar to what you describe. Obviously I didn't have any non-dual breakthrough. The only thing I got from it might be how scared my ego was of surrendering? Which is good, I guess. 

On later highs though it was more pleasurable, still with the heartbeats and the pulse rising, but more like energy flowing through me as well. Haven't smoked weed since that though because I want to experiment with something stronger, haha. :D 

I don't really know if it was a panic attack or a little taste of ego-death(but where I was not completely ready for it)? 

What's your thoughts? 

Memento Mori 

Flow With Life

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19 minutes ago, Tronds World said:

What's your thoughts? 

That was a classical panic attack on weed. Funnily, in my experience I had certain phases in which I felt very bad smoking weed and also would be having those experiences from time to time and in other phases it was the classical feeling good / stoned feeling. However, over the years I kind of lost interest in weed. I only do it when I'm out with friends. Then it's quite fun. But I had my time with this great substance.

In a 5-MeO-DMT experience you will probably also encounter some panic attacks (as I said especially in the first experiences) but they will probably be worse. Because you lose your normal way of thinking (as I wrote before on this thread "your whole way of functioning") and that is pretty scary to the ego. The transition from egoic effort to infinite harmony can be a tough one. So be careful and start slow.

However, right now MeO is my number one substance. Because it's probably like learning to go with a jet plane. In the beginning it's scary and overwhelming, but as soon as you learn how to do it, it's the most crazy thing to do. I also like that it's just 40-60 minutes if you snort it. Very clean, fast and deep experience to the root.

I'm hoping to be on the forefront on exploring full liberation via 5-MeO-DMT and I'd like to bring the people who are ready to this great substance. I'm very much looking forward to the future with this.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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2 minutes ago, Azrael said:

That was a classical panic attack on weed. Funnily, in my experience I had certain phases in which I felt very bad smoking weed and also would be having those experiences from time to time and in other phases it was the classical feeling good / stoned feeling. However, over the years I kind of lost interest in weed. I only do it when I'm out with friends. Then it's quite fun. But I had my time with this great substance.

In a 5-MeO-DMT experience you will probably also encounter some panic attacks (as I said especially in the first experiences) but they will probably be worse. Because you lose your normal way of thinking (as I wrote before on this thread "your whole way of functioning") and that is pretty scary to the ego. The transition from egoic effort to infinite harmony can be a tough one. So be careful and start slow.

However, right now MeO is my number one substance. Because it's probably like learning to go with a jet plane. In the beginning it's scary and overwhelming, but as soon as you learn how to do it, it's the most crazy thing to do. I also like that it's just 40-60 minutes if you snort it. Very clean, fast and deep experience to the root.

I'm hoping to be on the forefront on exploring full liberation via 5-MeO-DMT and I'd like to bring the people who are ready to this great substance. I'm very much looking forward to the future with this.

Yeah, what I thought as well. Thanks again for your reply :)

Yeah, these are interesting times. Looking forward to exploring the realms of the psychedelics in the future myself and eventually 5-Meo. 


Memento Mori 

Flow With Life

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I had an LSD experience a few months back and it helped me remember and understand my deeper DMT experiences much clearer. I remembered moments i had forgotten and i was re-reminded that all is in your creative divine play and you are exactly where you are meant to be. You created this, enjoy it!

I also think i have figured out how to absorb, embrace and remember more of an experience and its really simple. Instead of getting up and trying to write down and remember everything or tell anyone about how it was and what you experienced, Instead just lay there in deep meditation as it already puts you in that state and when you are coming back to reality you can continue your surrendering and lay there for as long as you wish.

My experiences are usually 20-40minutes long but if i continue in meditation i can still reside in a semi-like state for another 30mins - 2hours+ and it just adds more to the experience and you are able to remember and process much more than usual since you are in a completely relaxed state.

Its amazing how when you take off sometimes you start off with a racing heart and pre-flight jitters (as they say) but everytime you come back down, At least for me.. Your body is at its most relaxed, calm, euphoric state like you just got out of an extremely long meditation.

This to me proves wherever i was, was a special place, the closest word to that state of existence for me is "Home"

Beyond House, Beyond Nature, Beyond Spirit, Eternal Home where only Unconditional Infinite Love resides, Just a glimpse can change you forever.




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On 1/30/2017 at 5:37 AM, Azrael said:

That was a classical panic attack on weed. Funnily, in my experience I had certain phases in which I felt very bad smoking weed and also would be having those experiences from time to time and in other phases it was the classical feeling good / stoned feeling. However, over the years I kind of lost interest in weed. I only do it when I'm out with friends. Then it's quite fun. But I had my time with this great substance.

In a 5-MeO-DMT experience you will probably also encounter some panic attacks (as I said especially in the first experiences) but they will probably be worse. Because you lose your normal way of thinking (as I wrote before on this thread "your whole way of functioning") and that is pretty scary to the ego. The transition from egoic effort to infinite harmony can be a tough one. So be careful and start slow.

However, right now MeO is my number one substance. Because it's probably like learning to go with a jet plane. In the beginning it's scary and overwhelming, but as soon as you learn how to do it, it's the most crazy thing to do. I also like that it's just 40-60 minutes if you snort it. Very clean, fast and deep experience to the root.

I'm hoping to be on the forefront on exploring full liberation via 5-MeO-DMT and I'd like to bring the people who are ready to this great substance. I'm very much looking forward to the future with this.

Have you read Being Human by Martin? Seems like vibrating with ayahuasca or nn DMT is necessary, but dunno. Buddha, or rather Siddhartha, supposedly had a full endogenous release of DMT which was the catalyst for his enlightenment, like the man below as well. With a full endogenous release, no other entheogens are of use. The endogenous is 5meo and ayahuasca on steroids. This is what all legit buddhist traditions chase after. So when people say, "Chasing after enlightenment" like its a joke, it's actually factual, and is what the buddhist directly go after! I want to be in a position to where I have 5meo and ayahuasca on speed dial for the whole process, while doing hours of meditation going after the real thing, while doing some ancient hatha and raja yoga. What a combination. Have you tried any other forms of vibration, or ayahuasca/DMT along with 5meo? Do you have a method for getting into the nitty gritty? 

Edited by Hunter Arrington
I was ignorant on a point. Sorry guys!

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That's what i think Enlightenment simply is IMO, Full (Possibly all 3) forms of DMT endogenously released all at once which becomes a direct connection to pure consciousness. Awakenings could be merely small releases from time to time yet we think when it happens we become Enlightened fully.

I'd Assume the more evolved the energetic pattern/soul/spirit whatever you want to call it, the greater/deeper one can go thus more one can release at once. Tibetan monks that tried DMT explain it as the state of "Bardo" The Realm between life and death. The furthest one can go without losing the ability to come back. Which some usually state is the 5th dimension, sometimes 6th and some individuals extremely rare case can hit 7th(so they say)

What arises to the question for me is yeah i been there and all of that but then how do you explain the state of absolute infinity? When you are there you "Know" so to speak you are beyond all dimensions/densities and beyond everything in ultimate nothingness?

The infinite state some 5-Meo users explain, you literally become god itself, creator consciousness, you see, feel, understand through everything and everyone in existence and beyond 100% of the time all at once in infinite infiniteness. - There are no words..

I've awoken in that state with Normal DMT as my intention was just that. To be one with the infinite creator and show me everything i am ready to see.

After all the hypnotic visuals, vibrations, sacred geometry, fractals, entities and so on after i reached complete surrender. I guess this is what is called a breakthrough dose on the Nexus. Some say Abyss/Void ect.. Who know's but i feel this year will be an amazing year of light and discovery on a mass scale. Its only the beginning :) All is well





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@Azrael Thanks for the reply Azrael, if you don't mind I have another question (lol). When you took 5-meo-dmt did you scream or start shaking your body? I have seen a couple of videos of people being given 5-meo-dmt and reacting this way, but others seem calm like if they had just been given weed. Is there anything I could do to be as calm as possible when I first try 5-meo-dmt? last thing I want is to start screaming and shaking my body.

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8 hours ago, Hunter Arrington said:

Have you tried any other forms of vibration, or ayahuasca/DMT along with 5meo? Do you have a method for getting into the nitty gritty?

I do 5-MeO-DMT as a substance by itself. I don't need to mix it with anything, it's crazy enough. I like to do shrooms a week or two after the experience because it seems to integrate a lot of it in another way. I'm experimenting with that. However, if I had to put my path into words I'm mostly concerned with Zen. I have my Zazen practice, and try to use all the ancient principles of living the intuitive, spontaneous, highly disciplined, ritualistic life in the modern times. I really like to bring both together. And on the top of that I add my psychedelic research. That's basically my way of doing it.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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2 hours ago, carlos flores said:

When you took 5-meo-dmt did you scream or start shaking your body?

No, I didn't scream although I can imagine that some people do that. You might be talking to yourself out loud, laughing crying, things like that. I spoke without speaking myself the last time I did it. That was crazy. So my lips just move and formed sentences that talked to me. Your body might move on its own. You'll have a very big body load in the beginning that then will crush your ego, so that you can relax. So shaking of the body can totally happen. It might also just vibrate on itself. You give up most of control over yourself in the experience, all there is left is an intuitive notion of what is right to do. And you as an ego don't control that. God controls that. :P

2 hours ago, carlos flores said:

Is there anything I could do to be as calm as possible when I first try 5-meo-dmt? last thing I want is to start screaming and shaking my body.

You should go into the experience with the expectation to physically die. I'm not kidding. If you are willing to physically and mentally die to experience Truth and God, then you can really surrender. That's why in that instant when it hits you hard, you really see how much you are longing for Truth. xD

Expect to freak out, expect to have panic attacks, expect to vomit, expect to go through the rudest kind of mental shit that you have buried in your psyche. All that might come up when you start with it. I went through all of it (except when I needed to vomit I couldn't - it was just energy blocks releasing themselves).

So yeah, it's pretty crazy and you need some experience until you are at that point where it is only nice. You need t earn that. If you still wanna go for it - xD - start slow with 10mg, then 15mg ... to 30mg and maybe get some Kola Nut for the deeper experiences.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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