Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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For the newbies, I just want to re-iterate that there is a difference between glass pipe vaping (intense) and vaping with an electronic dry herb vape (much milder). Ime, vaping at 428 degrees F can be range from super mild (barely noticing an effect) to moderately intense, depending on how many inhales I take. One inhale is super mild. I need about 5 deep inhales to reach a breakthrough zone. So the intensity degree can be controlled from 1-5. My understanding is that this is different than glass pipe vaping which would be highly intense with one inhale. As well, plugging has a different experience ime. It’s more of like a wave that comes through and takes over. 

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On 1/26/2017 at 10:06 PM, Leo Gura said:


1 hour ago, OBEler said:

first time 5 meo breakthrough experience is it not better to be in this hell for just some seconds/minutes

@OBEler your batch of 5meo is probably just one of the disphoric confusing batches. Bro. Each batch I have tried has been different each time. 

I got 3 different batches. First batch was extremely weak, confusing. No power at all even though everyone was giving it amazing reviews?? It looked the part. Second batch was wayyyy more powerful, but extremely twisted hellish and disphoric. Third batch was amazing, pure, clear, clean, HEAVEN. I'm currently waiting for my dopamine levels to restabilize to remove any anxiety before I hit up a 27mg trip plugged. Then go for 30, possibly 35/40.

I don't think I could do a breakthrough dose with the disphoric one though. That would be a biggggggg bigger hindrance to my progress

Edited by Aaron p

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26 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

For the newbies, I just want to re-iterate that there is a difference between glass pipe vaping (intense) and vaping with an electronic dry herb vape (much milder). Ime, vaping at 428 degrees F can be range from super mild (barely noticing an effect) to moderately intense, depending on how many inhales I take. One inhale is super mild. I need about 5 deep inhales to reach a breakthrough zone. So the intensity degree can be controlled from 1-5. My understanding is that this is different than glass pipe vaping which would be highly intense with one inhale. 

The difference is solely a function of 1.efficiency of vaporization, and 2. dose delivered per inhalation.

When you reach the breakthrough after 5 inhales, how long are you holding each? How is your mental state and subjective level of ease(or otherwise) at inhale number 3-4? I personally find low doses to be a little dysphoric and I would not enjoy "ramping up" in the way you describe.

15 minutes ago, Aaron p said:


@OBEler your batch of 5meo is probably just one of the disphoric confusing batches. Bro. Each batch I have tried has been different each time. 



5 MeO DMT can cause dysphoria and many other reactions in the user; to attribute such a quality to the batch seems like projection, and a failure to consider whether or not your 5 MeO is as labelled. 

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5 minutes ago, Corpus said:

The difference is solely a function of 1.efficiency of vaporization, and 2. dose delivered per inhalation.

For sure. Vaping at 428F is inefficient vaporization, which allows for slower, extended delivery.

6 minutes ago, Corpus said:

When you reach the breakthrough after 5 inhales, how long are you holding each? How is your mental state and subjective level of ease(or otherwise) at inhale number 3-4? I personally find low doses to be a little dysphoric and I would not enjoy "ramping up" in the way you describe.

I hold each breath for a few seconds. I would describe each breath as increasing lucidity. Sorta like entering a lucid dream, yet also not like a traditional dream. For me, it’s not dysphoric, yet I can see how it could be for others. I also see value in the wave-like effect of plugging. Based on my experience, I think inefficient vaping with an electric vape could be a good way for some to get their feet wet before diving in. Yet this depends on one’s mind-body structure. Each person is different and needs to do their own self-experimentation. 

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46 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

For the newbies, I just want to re-iterate that there is a difference between glass pipe vaping (intense)

If I put a little into an oil pipe and smoke it's going to be mild, just a good body feeling. There are pros and cons to every ROA. I am for Leo's approach, even though I never tried it since completely satisfied with smoking in oil pipe. Just due to the timing of the trip, more time to contemplate, better for this work.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Just now, allislove said:

If I put a little into an oil pipe and smoke it's going to be mild, just a good body feeling. There are pros and cons to every ROA. I am for Leo's approach, even though I never tried it since completely satisfied with smoking in oil pipe. Just due to the timing of the trip, more time to contemplate, better for this work.

Thank you. I should clarify that I only have experience using electronic dry herb vapes. I don't have experience with glass or oil pipes. I don't know the nuances of glass/oil pipes. 

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@Forestluv I am not an expert on smoking 5-MeO, just have some experience. Thanks for sharing dry herb vaporizing technique, may try in the future ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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1 hour ago, Corpus said:

5 MeO DMT can cause dysphoria and many other reactions in the user; to attribute such a quality to the batch seems like projection, and a failure to consider whether or not your 5 MeO is as labelled. 

I did scientific tests bro. Repeated tested and observed. Consistent. With one batch I tried it 5 times in a row and felt disphoric, twisted and confusing. Had to sit down and breath when my head started to seriously spin after. 

With the batch I have now...it's just pure Bliss every time. Noticable difference. I'm not saying all batches will be different...but mate it's just chemistry, each batch will not be 100% the same as each other. I'm just saying that different batches of 5meo have different effects. One easy way to tell if the batch is pure (if purity is indeed what the problem is) is that pure 5meo will cause something like a full body orgasm. Many do not experience this whatsoever

Simply put, there is such a thing as shit 5meo that causes disphoria, as opposed to euphoria consistently


Which is, in my opinion, an extremely important piece if information for someone who seems to be struggling with their 5meo to the point where it's unreasonable. This is very important to note for newbies. There is good 5meo and there is bad 5meo. My stuff was labeled, tested and reviewed. For someone like obeler, he could have shit 5meo. My research shows its extremely possible, and actually likely...if bought...online...

And this one piece if information could be the difference between someone giving you on 5meo or not. And considering 5meo is one of the most powerful tool we have, if not the most important, it makes this one observation quite an important one??

peace and love to you friend @Corpus♥️

Edited by Aaron p

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7 minutes ago, Aaron p said:

I did scientific tests bro. Repeated tested and observed. Consistent. With one batch I tried it 5 times in a row and felt disphoric, twisted and confusing. Had to sit down and breath when my head started to seriously spin after. 

With the batch I have now...it's just pure Bliss every time. Noticable difference. I'm not saying all batches will be different...but mate it's just chemistry, each batch will not be 100% the same as each other. I'm just saying that different batches of 5meo have different effects. One easy way to tell if the batch is pure (if purity is indeed what the problem is) is that pure 5meo will cause something like a full body orgasm. Many do not experience this whatsoever

The molecular structure of 5-meo is the molecular structure of 5-meo. Of course different batches of 5-meo can be impure and have other molecular contaminants that may have effects - yet that is not an effect of 5-meo. For example, a batch of 100% pure 5-meo is different than a batch that is 90% 5-meo and 10% amphetamines. Yet the 5-meo is the same - it is the impurity causing the difference.

As well, each mind-body will have it's own relationship to 5-meo. There will be some similarities and some differences. Even with a 100% pure batch of 5-meo, different people will features of unique experience. Two people could injest the exact same amount of 5-meo from the same batch and have very different experiences. 

And the same person could have different experiences with the same batch due to different conditions. For example, someone could vape 5-meo with a particular mindset and setting have a blissful experience full of insights. The next day with a different mindset and setting, that same batch could lead to a high anxiety experience without any insights.  

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6 hours ago, OBEler said:

@Leo Gura

I would prefer to be shot in the face. More quickly and less struggle to fight against the experience

You're looking at this all wrong.

This is not an experience you want to come in trying to avoid, but fully experience and savor.

The problem with getting shot in the face is that you have no idea how scary and traumatic it can be. You think you are macho enough to handle it, but you probably aren't and will just end up freaking yourself out and never trying again.

Slow and steady wins the race here.

You are never going to out-macho or bull your way through psychedelics. They can always dish out more than you can handle.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I thought was that after shot in the face you experience the other side: total bliss. So I concluded to better get over the nasty part as quickly as possible and the enjoy the bliss part.

But yeah slow and steady wins the race is another approach I try with 5 meo. I am still on low dose 5 meo and 2 mg plugging (with boofing technique) is already challenging. I want to make a break and work on myself and then I want to come back. I am low vibration now because of a breakup. The dose on 5 meo I can master is my spiritualy benchmark. I only will raise if I experience bliss on the dose before.

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

enjoy the bliss part.

It's counter-intuitive: the chasing of bliss is the very thing which prevents it.

Bliss is a consequence of fully facing one's fear and not needing to manipulate your experience.

It's problematic to be doing psychedelics with the expectation of bliss. I would drop that expectation and instead aim for Truth and understanding. Bliss is the fruit off the tree of understanding. Focus on watering the roots of your tree rather than jumping like a thirsty monkey at the unripened green fruits.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 hours ago, Corpus said:

The difference is solely a function of 1.efficiency of vaporization, and 2. dose delivered per inhalation.


This. There's no reason for using an inferior vaping device to get a less intense experience - other than if you don't care it's wasteful. You might as well use an efficient device and then just use smaller doses ( @Forestluv)

@Leo Gura Have you tried vaping? I agree that plugging has many advantages and it's cool that you advocate it - it would just be even more interesting/balanced if you have some experience with vaping as ROA.

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@zikzak I have vaping experience with various substances but not 5-MeO-DMT.

Analogous to what you said above about dosing, you can plug as high a dose as you want until you pass out. It's not like plugging is limited in potency. It's just gonna be a smoother and longer trip rather than a sledgehammer to the head.

To me the biggest downside of vaped DMT is how short and jarring the trip is. If I could plug DMT, I would. I only vape it because plugged doesn't work. And also vaping is bad for your lungs.

I never have a problem with my 5-MeO-DMT trips being too weak. Not once have I come back from a 5-MeO-DMT trip and been like: "Well, that was nice, but I wish it was stronger and hit me 10x faster for 1/5th the time." Even plugged 5-MeO-DMT is too short for the kind of work we're interested in here. We want trips that are 3-4 hours long. Vaping that much DMT wears out my lungs.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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31 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

We want trips that are 3-4 hours long. 

Maybe intravenous drip of 5-MEO? Could potentially be under for as long as you want. 12 hour trip? , no prob. 

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Plugged DPT gives a 3 hr+ trip.

And I've found other chemicals as well.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

And I've found other chemicals as well

Me too

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I am just 15. When is the best age to use psychedelics? 

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Don't remember seeing any recommendations for supplements that would be useful  before/after 5Meo.

In my case, about 6 hours after the experience, I feel an increase in ruminating thoughts, lasting 2-3hours,  which I interpret as 'ego backlash'. Wondering if this can be explained by swings in serotonin etc and if there's supplements that may help?

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