Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

3,088 posts in this topic

Hello everyone!


First, a big thanks to Leo for all you do! I have come across your helpful forum a bunch of times and am grateful for the content you share with the world. 


I have a psychedelic-related question and I tried to use the search function to see if it has already been discussed but I couldn't get any results for 5-meo-dmt (see attached screenshot). Am I doing something wrong? I tried with spaces and no spaces in place of the dashes (5-meo-dmt/5meodmt/5 meo dmt).


My question is: has anyone tried using 5-meo-dmt while on lsd? As a related question, what have you experienced regarding any cross-tolerance?




Actualized Search.PNG

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@Username Bro, just snort it srs

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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On 7/2/2020 at 4:37 PM, Username said:

One hour later I went to toilet again (I stayed there for quite a long time). So I didn't really have as empty bowels as I thought. The problem is that until I eat something it's hard to get rid of everything. Usually I go to toilet after a meal. The problem is that now my stomach is full -_-

I have no Idea what to do. Maybe next time I will eat coconut flour flatbread an hour before tripping.

Every time i vape nicotine i go to toilet, so maybe this helps for You too

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Some people recommend taking 2 g kola nut powder 15 minutes before a 5 Meo dmt session so the trip will be a lot smoother. I also read  kola nut may speed up the heart rate. When I take 5 meo dmt (7 mg rectal) my heart always jumps up for 1 to 2 minutes then it is ok.

Is kola nut powder still recommended even when you get this heart raising issue on the come up? Or could it even be that kola nut powder decreases the heart beating in the come up because it is fear based and kola nut will relax you so the heart rate will not jump up?

Are there some people here who take these substances in combination and can share their experience?


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Hello, my question is this: I'm familiar with what HCl 5meo is and freebase 5meo. The first one is a salt, the second one is if you want to smoke it. But I'm not familiar with something called: SKU 5-MeO-DMT. I did some research, but haven't found anything. Does anyone know what "SKU" means? Thanks.

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16 minutes ago, Matteo said:

Hello, my question is this: I'm familiar with what HCl 5meo is and freebase 5meo. The first one is a salt, the second one is if you want to smoke it. But I'm not familiar with something called: SKU 5-MeO-DMT. I did some research, but haven't found anything. Does anyone know what "SKU" means? Thanks.



You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:



Oh god. Gotta study some retail terms :D that was enlightening.

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Did 24mg yesterday (after 20 last time), saw the thousands of layers of the ego, self-referencing itself, go away. Don't "remember" much after (no white light), apparently my Higher Self does remember it.  Oh, this Universal Unconditional Love everyone is talking about, didn't necessarily feel it, is it an 'infinitely' more intense version of egoic love? Or something totally different.

Also read Martin Ball's book Entheogenic Liberation yesterday (after 5 MeO), he's dismissing all religions and spiritual teachings... I kinda like it, but is he missing something?

I'm glad my ego just dissolved without putting up much of a fight. I could tell when coming back, the ego was thinking about "wait until I post this on the forum, it's hilarious"

It also solved my breakup suffering, at least for a day.

I'm kinda digging the new found Presence and strong mental energy straight after.


I guess this is it, breakthrough n stuff? Any point going to 26mg next, or milk 24mg more? Maybe I should go back to 22 to see.


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1 hour ago, Chris365 said:

Oh, this Universal Unconditional Love everyone is talking about, didn't necessarily feel it, is it an 'infinitely' more intense version of egoic love? Or something totally different.

You'll know it when you reach it.

Keep going deeper.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Chris365 said:

Also read Martin Ball's book Entheogenic Liberation yesterday (after 5 MeO), he's dismissing all religions and spiritual teachings... I kinda like it, but is he missing something?

Yes. Just because something isn’t Absolute Truth doesn’t make it useless.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

You'll know it when you reach it.

Keep going deeper.

26mg next, got it

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31 minutes ago, Chris365 said:

26mg next, got it

It's not just a matter of dose.

You must fucking contemplate and desire to know what Love/Reality is.

Without a profound desire to understand, you will never understand.

Why are you doing any of this? What is it you want to know?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not just a matter of dose.

You must fucking contemplate and desire to know what Love/Reality is.

Without a profound desire to understand, you will never understand.

Why are you doing any of this? What is it you want to know?

Primarily an end to suffering caused by the ego (100%).

Second, awaken to love (if the tales are true) and start creating consciously.

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@Chris365 I dont think that Buddhas motivation for awakening was to escape suffering.

Leo always says that a desire for truth is fundamental for awakening.

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is strong desire for truth something you can cultivate over time or is it your something innately born with?

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14 minutes ago, Abhishaik said:

is strong desire for truth something you can cultivate over time or is it your something innately born with?

Of course you can cultivate it.. The first step for me was to realize I don't know anything and from that on I became very curious about things.

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