Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Sounds like you need a much high dose because for whatever reason you are very tolerant to plugging.

It's crucial your bowels are totally empty otherwise it won't work.


@Leo Gura bowls were emptier than the Buddha's mind bro. I was starving, didn't have breakfast and took the dose around 1pm. Even tried to take a shit right beforehand and couldn't. I'm hoping it's because of the age of my product. Having a high tolerance isint handy for my wallet fs ?? gonna hit a 20mg dose. If I still don't feel anything I'm gonna try 35. I will succeed!!!!

Here Leo I have a quick question. See that 10mg scoop you had in your plugging tutorial video...does it measure 10mg when you have the product flush with the top of the scoop (I.e the product being level with the top of the scoop)?

Edited by Aaron p

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@Aaron p

1) Empty stomach != empty ass

2) That microscoop needs to be calibrated to each substance. It can vary quite a bit. For some substances it will be 10mg and for others up to 20mg because density varies. You need a miligram scale to calibrate it.

It's not unusual for some people to need 35mg+ when plugging.

For me personally 15mg is an epic trip. But I'm Leo and you're not.

You could always try snorting it. The dose for snorting vs plugging should be very similar. Just make sure it doesn't all drip down your throat. It must get absorbed in the nose. This requires a very gentle snort and flipping your head upside down for 10 mins so it doesn't drip out.

Snorting is gross and will burn, but still worth it.

Careful, snorting can be powerful.

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I know if one does have a breakthrough with 5-MeO it is wise to give yourself some time to integrate, but if one is planning a schedule of session where you up the dose slightly each time (starting with low doses) till a breakthrough is achieved, is it ok to do sessions every day or every other day till breakthrough is reached? 

Edited by Jed Vassallo

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4 minutes ago, Jed Vassallo said:

Could one do 5-MeO sessions ever other day for a say a month? 

Yes. I have done 13 days in a row. Works every time, and they will get stronger and stronger. Your ego will cry uncle long before you reach a month. Your mind will be shattered from all the mindfuckery. Don't be surprised if you feel like you're going insane and having a mental breakdown from which there is no return.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Aaron p

1) Empty stomach != empty ass

2) That microscoop needs to be calibrated to each substance. It can vary quite a bit. For some substances it will be 10mg and for others up to 20mg because density varies. You need a miligram scale to calibrate it.

It's not unusual for some people to need 35mg+ when plugging.

For me personally 15mg is an epic trip. But I'm Leo and you're not.

You could always try snorting it. The dose for snorting vs plugging should be very similar. Just make sure it doesn't all drip down your throat. It must get absorbed in the nose. This requires a very gentle snort and flipping your head upside down for 10 mins so it doesn't drip out.

Snorting is gross and will burn, but still worth it.

Careful, snorting can be powerful.

@Leo Gura I really wanna nail plugging! Its only my first attempt. I'll get it

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I had a really interesting experience with 5-MeO the other day which I feel is worth sharing. 

I plugged around 28mg. Had an extremely smooth and somewhat pleasant ego death. After I had taken the substance I lay on my bed and realised that there was no going back. A wave of relaxation washed over me and melted all of the usual pre-trip anxiety. The body and mind just completely surrendered in a way that I've never experienced before. There was no nausea or resistance whatsoever which was really pleasant. 

However the main aspect of the trip that I wanted to share was around 10 minutes in. I started to violently vibrate and shake uncontrollably. My whole body was moving in bi-lateral symmetry. Sweeping waves of vibrations ran from the top of my head down to my feet repeatedly up and down. It felt deeply healing, like some energy had taken over and was going into each and every corner of the body, scraping out all the crap and shit that had been stored there. It felt like I was vibrating off layers and layers of crap from the body. It was extremely pleasurable and I just let it play out for as long as possible, which turned out to be a solid 30 minutes. The more I let go of any control, the more powerful the vibrations became. It was quite amazing.

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@Space im super excited to nail a suitable dose for myself. That sounds incredible. Smoked psycs are so hard to handle for me. DMT just viilently slaps me about for 10 minutes and sends me back in pieces lol. Not complaining tho haha

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Freebase to acetate salt using vinegar. Did anyone try this and evaporated all liquid and got a powder decent enough for snorting?

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2 hours ago, Arzack said:

Can I convert freebase to acetate salt using vinegar and plug the vinegar solution directly? 

Yes, I have done that. I used just enough vinegar to dissolve the freebase and then lukewarm water for the rest. Still don't need a lot of fluid. I think I did 0.5 ml but you can definitely be under 1 ml for a 1ml needless syringe.

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12 minutes ago, Johnny5 said:

@Arzack @zikzak How do you recognize/distinguish 5MeO freebase vs. salt?

Take a few grains of substance if it dissolves in water it's a salt if it doesn't it's freebase..

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6 hours ago, Arzack said:

Can I convert freebase to acetate salt using vinegar and plug the vinegar solution directly? 

Huh? I thought plugging freebase is no problem?

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Huh? I thought plugging freebase is no problem?

Maybe it's no problem, but it's so simple converting it to the salt by using vinegar, and in principle it should be more absorbable and less caustic that way, so you might as well.

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Huh? I thought plugging freebase is no problem?

It is no problem

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@outlandish @Leo Gura Okay, cool. Just out of curiosity, would I have to use some special sort of vinegar for the conversion or just regular kitchen vinegar? (Also, would such converted freebase be "sniffable"?)

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@Bazooka Jesus I've never bothered with converting anything. Never found it necessary.

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1 minute ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

@outlandish @Leo Gura Okay, cool. Just out of curiosity, would I have to use some special sort of vinegar for the conversion or just regular kitchen vinegar? (Also, would such converted freebase be "sniffable"?)

Find yourself 5% acetic acid- this will be the clear liquid, not the brown malt vinegar.

Another option is to use citric acid crystals dissolved in a minimal amount of warm water and add your freebase to the solution, stir till its dissolved and let your rectum take you to Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Heh, fair enough. Thing is, I could get my hands on some freebase soon and try out plugging, but I would also be interested in trying to sniff it (I know that you always recommend the former, but it might be interesting to experiment with methods and see which one works best for me, y' know?)

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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@Corpus Right on, thanks a lot for the valuable tips, Heisenberg. ;)

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The point of adding a few drops of vinegar is to help the freebase dissolve. It often refuses to dissolve into water.

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