Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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btw. in order to decrease usage of valuable substance use maoi before plugging (decrease dosage below 10mg as a start, ideally 5-6mg xD)

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@archi - pretty sure people have killed themselves when using MAOI and MeO. That sounds like a horrible idea.

@Leo Gura - Noted ! Its crazy how I can have a tolerance for plugging but complete opposite for smoking. 

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Tell me please what is the most efficient tool for vaping 5 MeO freebase for you?

You could PM me.

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38 minutes ago, Goodpeace said:

Tell me please what is the most efficient tool for vaping 5 MeO freebase for you?

You could PM me.

I've said it multiple times on this thread. I believe they call it "sandwiching"

Here is what you will need :

1- a simple glass pipe

2- mullien leaves

3- 5-MeO-DMT

What I do first is pre-weight the MeO . 14mgs continuously gets me to breakthrough. Now, in the pipe you want to pack a little bit of mullien leaves and smoke it. Leaving you with a bed of ash, this ash will act as a screen. . Reason why you want mullien leaves is because it is "neutral" or non-psychoactive. Next, you will pack a small layer of mullien leaves on top of the ash, this will act as a "bed" for the MeO. Next, put your meo on top of that. Next, put another layer of mullien leaves on top of that. Just enough to conver the MeO completely, but not like your packing a whole bowl or anything.

Then, on my bed I like to put a face towl coiled up next to me, so after I take my hit, I can put my pipe on it, without burning the house down.

Nothing is left for you to take your hit.... You should be able to take the whole hit in one go, hold it in for as long as possible, put the pipe on the towl, then blow out. 

At this point , you will literally be blasted off into infinity, and beyond.


Best of luck to you mate. I've broken through 11 times using this method so I know it works.

Do let us know your trip report here when finished :)

Edited by nowimhere

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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@nowimhere Thanks! I'll try this one too but I wanted to get the best vaping method first and then smoking... Thank you for your time.

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2 hours ago, Goodpeace said:

@nowimhere Thanks! I'll try this one too but I wanted to get the best vaping method first and then smoking... Thank you for your time.

It DOES vapourize it.

Just straight up "smoking" 5-MeO doesn't work because you burn the substance. 

That's why you need to sandwhich it. 

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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5 hours ago, Goodpeace said:

Tell me please what is the most efficient tool for vaping 5 MeO freebase for you?

You could PM me.

I have tried maybe 7-8 devices for 5-MeO-DMT (and DMT). My favorite is a Health Stone. It vaporizes fast. It can be pre-loaded. It fits in whatever 18 mm glass pipe or bong you like. It can vaporize a lot of material in one hit (mostly relevant with DMT).

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8 hours ago, zikzak said:

I have tried maybe 7-8 devices for 5-MeO-DMT (and DMT). My favorite is a Health Stone. It vaporizes fast. It can be pre-loaded. It fits in whatever 18 mm glass pipe or bong you like. It can vaporize a lot of material in one hit (mostly relevant with DMT).

Is there a risk of condensation of the vapourized 5-MeO in the water of the bong?

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12 hours ago, nowimhere said:

It DOES vapourize it.

Just straight up "smoking" 5-MeO doesn't work because you burn the substance. 

That's why you need to sandwhich it. 

All right!
How do you hold the flame? Touching the stuff or at what distance? A torch lighter with blue flame?

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Put the substance on the stone. Heat the stone from the side with a torch lighter. The material will melt into the stone. Now load the stone into a glass pipe or bong of your choice. To vaporize it heat up from a distance nearly touching the stone while inhaling. Use a three flame torch lighter or a big one and use it from a distance rather one with a small flame. 5-MeO-DMT can take a bit more heat than DMT so it's quite easy not to burn it. Quite easy with DMT also but you have to take a bit more care.

Just take care for anyone going with this method coming from a meth pipe, sandwich method etc. - it's very efficient and everything gets vaporized so be careful of dose..

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16 hours ago, Goodpeace said:

Tell me please what is the most efficient tool for vaping 5 MeO freebase for you?

I’ve vaped with a standard vape commonly used for dry herb. 428F gives me good results. It probably isn’t the most efficient, yet inly a few mgs are needed. As well, it doesn’t have the wave like effect of plugging

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48 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

I’ve vaped with a standard vape commonly used for dry herb. 428F gives me good results. It probably isn’t the most efficient, yet inly a few mgs are needed. As well, it doesn’t have the wave like effect of plugging

Is 428F enough temperature? What is the melting point? There are different answers in the internet for that. Does anybody know for sure?
I have such a standard vape...

@zikzak thanks! Are you sure it works with bongs concerning the cooling water?

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4 hours ago, Goodpeace said:

Is 428F enough temperature? What is the melting point? There are different answers in the internet for that. Does anybody know for sure?
I have such a standard vape...

I think the vaporization temperature is more important than melting temperature. I think 428F is below the optimal vaping temperature, so it is slow - which I like because it allows me more control over the intensity. If I want to be overwhelmed, I’ll plug. As well, 428F is likely inefficient, yet inly a few mgs are needed so the losses are minimal. I’ll do two rounds on my vape. 

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28 minutes ago, Winter said:

Are you able to vape large doses?

It’s much milder than smoking. There is only a tiny burn. And each breath is a baby step. 3-4 breaths does me good. Yet it’s not like an overwhelming breakthrough wave. For that I would plug. Vaping at 428F is very gentle. 

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Who has any experience with any of these:

- 5-MeO-DiBF

- 5-MeO-DPT

- 5-MeO-AMT

- 5-MeO-MiPT

And can you elaborate on how they are different from (5MeO)DMT ?


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@Dimi the only one of those that I've tried is 5-MeO-MiPT.

5-MeO-MiPT is quite different from 5-MeO-DMT. I've taken it probably 3 times, and then a bunch more times as a microdose. It felt very energetic, like if you could turn cinnamon into a psychedelic.

It was a bit like magic mushrooms, but much less visual/auditory psychedelia, more amped up, a bit more edgy, a bit more fun, humorous and less likely to go down rabbit-holes. It felt a bit jittery on the comeup, like DPT does, but less extreme. 

It didn't strike me as a drug for pursuing mystical states so much, more of a recreational trip you might want to take with a bunch of friends or something - but that could be just bias because of the things I had read about it before taking it. Apparently it achieved some popularity as a rave drug for a while, but seems to have fallen off the radar. People were calling it "Moxy" (as opposed to "Foxy" which was 5-MeO-DiPT, and which people seemed to find inferior to 5-MeO-MiPT).

Something it does have in common with 5-MeO-DMT is this aspect of being psychedelic without the window dressing. It has that funny quality of being really hard to put your finger on exactly what it is that's different, even when it's dosed quite strong.

Conveniently, it's active orally, and I noticed that it stores very well, doesn't degrade easily.

I haven't taken it enough times to have a really good handle on it, and it's been a while too. I'd like to try it again.

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