Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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21 minutes ago, Yoshy said:

Can i give my cat DMT ? ( no troll ) 

If you are a woman and by cat you mean pussy, then yes.

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My friend wants to do 5 MEO. He has Depression and PTSD. And I think I am going to start him with smoking it. Cause I find the trip just comes SO fast when smoking it (5-10 seconds to breakthrough) that the ego doesn't even have time to cling on to anything. I wouldn't suggest plugging for him, as the few minutes of ego death can be quite tramatic. It is his choice after all... I am hoping that he gets a breakthrough. (He's very good with phycedellics, so he has that working for him)

Although I know its a lil risky (and told him so, and sent him the 5 MEO video Leo did) ... I am confident he can get there.

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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@nowimhere I would suggest plugging it.

Smoking too much can overwhelm him in a negative way. Someone with PTSD & depression you gotta be extra careful with.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura - He smoked it and.... Breakthrough successful ! He said it was the most profound experience of his life. I knew since he had a LOT of experience with phycedellics that he should be good. Although, at first he kicked and yelled and screamed, which he doesn't remember at all lol. 

Tomorrow, I am going to up my dose of 27mgs to 28mgs for plugging. Since 27 got me to face my death, but not quite breakthrough... I am sure 28, 29 or 30 will get me there. But I'm only going to up the dose one mg at a time.... As I was truly shocked at the difference between 26mgs and 27mgs. Wish me luck :)

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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Good luck! Please do a detailed report.

Curious how you are able to measure by one milligram? Seems most all scales are not that accurate. 

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Got the 28mg syringe all ready to go and I pussed out yesterday. Resolved to do it today and so far have pussed out again (a few times) :( 

Haven't done any other phycedellics since 5, but do have some mush (micro dose amount) and acid (one tab) on hand. 

Parents come back from Camping on Friday, so I really do want to plug sometime before then, but that damn fear keeps getting me. 

Might just do mush today, then smoke some 5 tmr, then plug the next day. It's been a couple weeks since doing it, and I always notice its "easier" to do it after you've done it recently (for me personally) . The longer I sit on it, the bigger the fear grows. 

Help? Advise?

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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@nowimhere Fear is bullshit.

Go to God.

Once the water droplets touch the 5-MeO, there's no backing out. That is your point of no return.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Or sit with the fear, that's a good practice in and of it self, a sign a that the pressure is high enough now don't you think? 

You need time to integrate psychedelics, you can call them forced openings.

If you had a big opening on psychedelics, you're done for this life, you've committed to going deep and it will come back and you will have to integrate it in every aspect of your life (and that's no small task, all the potential of self-delusion and self-sabotage, etc.), so that just takes time, and being young  especially, and having no stable self-sustained life or community, doesn't necessarily make things easier..

And if you think you can get away with sensitive topics, like lying to your parents for instance, whilst wanting to become truth, think again

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18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@nowimhere Fear is bullshit.

Go to God.

Well, used this as a mantra on the come up along with some deep pranayama breathing and didn't experience any fear at all :) Felt on the cusp of a breakthrough a couple of times, but alas, no breakthrough. It's like almost as if I saw the gates, but then the gates kept on dissapearing. (If that makes any sense) 

Extremely clear god levels of thought tho. Kind of a oxymoron, I know lol.

Next plugging session gonna say fuck it and go to 30mgs (freebase) which will = 35mgs HCL. Hopefully that will tip the scales.

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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Can someone help me? Out of four tries, only two of them I could dissolve the 5-MeO freebase in a water-vinegar solution easily. Right now I'm preparing for a trip, I'm stirring since 20 minutes but it just won't dissolve. I think I didn't do anything different than the other times. I had this problem before. I think a lot of the substance will be wasted because it will stay in the syringe. Anyone any ideas? Is it the water temperature? The vinegar strength? I do it as in the video but I add a little vinegar essence to the water I'm dissolvig the freebase in. 

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@peanutspathtotruth It simply doesn't matter if it dissolves. Just get it in your ass and your ass will do the rest.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam": they bowed down except Iblīs. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of His Lord. Will you then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me?(actual God) . And they(Iblīs) are enemies to you. Ugly would be the exchange (from God, to Iblīs - as your guides/protector) for the wrong-doers. 


Iblīs is one type of a being from the Jinns community. Both are unseen. It has no power except through you. 

Edited by Angelite

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1 hour ago, Angelite said:



We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam": they bowed down except Iblīs. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of His Lord. Will you then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me?(actual God) . And they(Iblīs) are enemies to you. Ugly would be the exchange (from God, to Iblīs - as your guides/protector) for the wrong-doers. 


Iblīs is one type of a being from the Jinns community. Both are unseen. It has no power except through you. 

……… what? 

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Well~ Everything is interconnected~

If your intelligence is that of God, you'd get it's exact interconnections the way my mind do. 

Any psychics? 

But no, it doesn't work that way. 


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