Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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19 hours ago, Rodrigo SIlva said:

@Leo Gura As a preparation for 5-meo-DMT should we explore high doses of LSD and shrooms or just take multiple medium doses and try to go deeper and deeper within that dose until we feel ready for 5-meo?

Try to micro-dose these and you find your sensitivity.

I did just 25ug of acid and I went to work ... all was breathing while I was waiting for green light, really not nice :D ... so it is too much for me as a microdose.


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31 minutes ago, archi said:

I did just 25ug of acid and I went to work ... all was breathing while I was waiting for green light, really not nice :D ... so it is too much for me as a microdose.

Yes, 25ug of LSD is more like a mini-dose than a microdose for all but the most hard-headed. My microdose is around 5ug, but try around 10ug and go from there. 

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On 6/11/2019 at 9:32 PM, Leo Gura said:

The following video is about N,N-DMT, but this guy invented a technique for doing an IV drip of DMT which allows for maintaining a breakthrough plateau for 1-24 hrs!

The IV drip method is mentioned at that last 15 minutes of the video.

I don't recommend you try this at home. But it should be possible to create an IV drip of 5-MeO-DMT which will keep you in a totally nondual state for many hours while contemplating reality. Again, do not try this at home by yourself. This should only be done in a laboratory.

But imagine a future in which you could go down to your local clinic and get a 24 hour infusion of 5-MeO-DMT. That will be the most powerful tool for enlightenment ever.

Liquid Buddha Infusion << trademark Actualized.org 2019 ;)

Saw a very simular thing (different ROA tho) ... Posted it on the nn-dmt thread but since you posted this I'll post it here as well ::


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So I finally started my journey with 5-MeO. My first three trips have been careful experimentations. My questions to explore were: how does my body feel, how comfortable am I with the substance in general, and how is the whole plugging process working for me? 
All three trips have been 100% positive, my body felt amazing and I think I get the hang of the plugging process. My third trip was around 1 1/2 of the microscoops and already quite heavy energetically. I was still there but as a last resort when the fear hit in, I just surrendered. I said to my Self: "Take me. There is nothing to be afraid of. It's okay to die." And yes, so it was quite positive, no fighting. But it was not a breakthrough yet.

I do have a question: Since this last trip which I still consider preparation, I feel that my system already needs time and space to align to this shift in energy and consciousness. I feel quite drawn out (which can have other causes as well by the way) and although I'm sometimes feeling like I could exercise, it also feels like my nervous system needs rest. My question is this: Is it smart to eat less or more? I'm on a very healthy diet right now and I just switched to 'one meal a day'. I don't eat that much, maybe around 1500-2000 calories - out of satiation and also because I want to lose weight. I have no idea what is better energetically - giving the body more time without having to digest or eating more regularly and more calorie-wise. Do you have an idea? 

I know I need rest and I will listen to my body accordingly. Also, is there something else you think is helpful for someone who integrates the healing of this substance? There's also harsh ego backlashs, contracting heavily as a strongly felt resistance knot. I know that there will be much tougher phases of integration, so I want to prepare myself. Thank you :) 

Edited by peanutspathtotruth

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@peanutspathtotruth Sometimes you'll need to take months between trips to fully integrate the insights and shifts. Allowing that time is important.

You can't just do 10 back to back trips unless you are very experienced already.

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If you have experienced 5 Meo only half way through, which means you alnost died, went insane and then came back to normality all due to a lower than breakthrough dosage. 

Then you feared doing it again as too not go through that panick again. 

Would it be advisable to do any other psychedelic first now and work yourself up to it, or is it too late already and you have awoken too much and need to finish the "job"? 

I am asking because I hear after 5 Meo Dmt any other psychedelic will lead you to that same state you had while awoken on 5 Meo. 

Now my dilemma is I awoke and I felt that everything was me, but I awoke still in my body in a panickal manner, as if everything was me as a a human. I need to finish it but kind of want to approach it with other psychedelics first to get rid of fears and then have it easier with the 5 Meo, but am afraid that anything else will bring me back to that horror panick state of almost dying and thinking everything is and was always me (ego me) 

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@peanutspathtotruth Sometimes you'll need to take months between trips to fully integrate the insights and shifts. Allowing that time is important.

Not allowing that would lead to risk of energetically harming the body right - next to not integrating fully what was shown.
Is there any other way but intuition to see when there is still more time needed? When I experimented with N,N-DMT last year, this intuition often turned out to be fear. So clear determination is key. What if one is unclear though? When in doubt, always wait?

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Curious. In the first MEO video @Leo Gura states that you want to do the HCL (snorting) cause of the longer trip peak so, quote "you can understand what's happening to you" - My question here is, how can YOU understand what is happening to YOU if YOU are no longer there? As in, your ego doesn't exist anymore...

Every breakthrough I've had thus far (via smoking) , there has been no "me" , no ego. No sense of self at all. The only way that "I" know that I am back is when my brain starts its internal dialogue in English again. Outside of that, during breakthrough, it's more of a infinite experience . Which, practically speaking,  can't be experienced by the ego.  

I plugged again last night. This time, upping the dose from 17mgs freebase (or about 20mgs HCL equivalent) last time to 22mgs freebase (or about 25mgs HCL equivalent)  this time. And this time it was more of the same. The room would dissapear, then come back into focus. It was a little stronger, but the internal dialogue was still there, thus I knew that the ego was still kicking around. The next time I plug I'll be plugging 25 or 26mgs freebase which should equal about 30mgs HCL. Hopefully that will shut the ego right down nice and good and "I" can finally experience that oh so sweet non duality for 45 mins or longer. 

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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48 minutes ago, nowimhere said:

how can YOU understand what is happening to YOU if YOU are no longer there? As in, your ego doesn't exist anymore...

Understanding and insight goes way deeper than ego or langauge.

Eliminating internal dialogue is not necessary for awakening or insight. You can be going through an awakening and still have access to some internal dialogue which comments on and makes sense of what is happening. An ego self is not required for this.

After an awakening it can be a good practice to sit down and write out what happened to you. This is not ego. This is a good way to clarify things in your mind. It's not enough to just have awakening experience, you also have to then purify the mind. The mind needs to upgrade its logical understanding of itself so it can communicate about these things better. All of this is part of the awakening process.

It is certainly possible to have an awakening but then return to a muddled and confused mind which misunderstands what just happened to it.

You have to grow your mind along with your consciousness.

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32 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You have to grow your mind along with your consciousness.

Amazing, very helpful!

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Shavasana posture is so good for 5meo-dmt at least for me is so much better than sitting. The body is for me A LOT more relax and I can go much much deeper than sitting. You have to listen to your body, it knows so much. Just try Shavasana and sitting guys whatever is better for you. We are all different.  So motivated again! :)

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@john23 Agreed, I definitely find the same about Shavasana and 5-MeO-DMT. Lying down flat on my back on a carpet or something is the just right posture for heavy tripping in my body.

13 hours ago, john23 said:

You have to listen to your body, it knows so much


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Had a horrible 5meo dmt trip today, I just could not let go (dose was 15mg administered rectally)


I'm never doing it again, Was just fighting it for an hour straight. I threw away the rest of my 5meo after the trip.


Although i do feel content strangely after the trip, I feel like I just live for the moment without wanting more or less. It's all perfect.


Edited by khalifa

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5 minutes ago, khalifa said:

I'm never doing it again

That is a mistake.

You quit too early.

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@Leo Gura


dude i don't know how you let go but that shits fucking scary, kudos to you

i don't think i can ever let go it just was my instinct the whole time, i guess it's too early for me, i have like 45g of shrooms in the fridge that i'm thinking of throwing away next, that's how horrible my trip was, i just don't want to trip ever again

i'm glad it lastes only an hour, because i've done ibogaine and my god fucking hell that shit was even worse than 5meo it made me hate myself for 2 whole days

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@khalifa I have done more than 45 trips and never had a bad trip on 5-meo or DPT. Every single one of them great and beautiful experience. Keep doing other spiritual practices and come back later to psychedelics I guess. You have to learn to let go.

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@john23   how long does it take for 5meo effects to go away? i was unable to sleep last night, i tripped at 8:00 it lasted till 9:30


i've been randomly shaking up all night every 20minutes or so, not sure if it has to do with getting cold (it's not a seizure more like the soul is leaving the body kind of)


how long does this last till i feel better? i still can't fall asleep@DrMobius @Leo Gura


edit my 5meo was kinda brownish/yellow probably bad quality, i used white vinegar to mix it before rectal insert

Edited by khalifa

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Sometimes people will give you advice coming from their own limited experiences. If they had only good experiences with 5meo they can be quite biased. "Take a higher dose" and judging that if you're not gonna do it again it's a mistake. This kind of advice could very well work but it doesn't need to be the best for everyone. People react very differently to 5-MeO-DMT and for some it causes a lot of problems and trauma. (Check out "Darkness Shining Wild" or personal reports on the international Bufo group on Facebook). The assumption that if you just "let go" you will be fine seems to prevail in the community a lot (mostly coming from people that didn't have serious after effects). However sometimes people end up places with 5-MeO-DMT where the concept of "letting go" doesn't really exist. I've had one of those experiences. I still come back to 5-MeO-DMT because for me it's worth it and personally for most people I think it's worth the risk because the potential to experience consciousness in its basic non-dual form is just beyond amazing and achieving that through mediation alone is a very rare occurrence. However some people do get some serious problems to deal with after 5-MeO-DMT, panic attacks, sleep problems, alienation etc. So my advice would be to take your reluctance to go further seriously since you already got advice from the other side of the spectrum. Maybe consider to work with other substances for some time. Having a trusted friend you are able to call in the middle of the night if needed can also be a good thing

There's a group on Facebook that deals with after effects if you should be interested.



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i'm still feeling the effects of it after 24hours, how long till i feel back to normal health function? i seem to need to breath deeply when i'm lying down or else i feel off like i'm tripping



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@khalifa Did you end up getting some sleep? Make sure you're eating nicely, get some exercise while you're up, and rest well at night.

Normally, I feel completely back to earth the next day, with maybe a bit of an afterglow. If you're still feeling weird, you've probably had your boat rocked a bit too much from the 5-MeO-DMT and are having psychological echoes from it. It's also vaguely possible that your drug was mislabelled and that you ingested a longer lasting psychedelic. That's unlikely, so I would assume the former.

Wise words from @zikzak 

Rest up and give it time. You'll be fine.

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