Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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@okulele freebase burn like hell, not recommended for plugging 

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Edited by FredFred

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On 08/06/2019 at 2:03 PM, Enlightenment said:

@Leo Gura  Is this scoop the same as yours? Smaller side supposedly is 10 mg and bigger 25 mg. One big scoop of oxalate is almost enough for a breakthrough for me 



Could someone tell me please what is the inside diameters in millimeters of this scoop? And are these two spoons ideal hemisheres?

I ordered that but I have to wait a whole month...

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7 hours ago, okulele said:

It's probably been asked, but is both freebase and HCL ok for plugging?

Freebase plugs just fine, just as easy as HCl.

It does not burn at all.

Freebase is actually slightly more potent per same volume.

I highly recommend plugging freebase.

If you need help dissolving it, just add a few drops of ordinary household vinegar before adding water.

Freebase actually dissolves easier than oxalate.

Freebase is thus the best form of 5-MeO since it both vapes and plugs great.

Although maybe oxalate stores better. Not sure but my guess is that oxalate will store forever. That stuff looks invincible!

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@Leo Gura if you had to distill the proper way to do 5-MeO, what would that be? What would you do and not do? 

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7 minutes ago, kieranperez said:

@Leo Gura if you had to distill the proper way to do 5-MeO, what would that be? What would you do and not do? 

  • Indoors, alone, quiet room
  • Serious yet positive mood
  • Empty stomach
  • Empty bowels, plug 10-30mg
  • Keep eyes open and sit upright as the trip starts to hit full force
  • Sit still, don't walk around
  • Contemplate what you/God/consciousness/reality is

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@Leo Gura why do you want to keep eyes closed?

If you feel you need to go on the floor because its so much once the trip starts, do you want to resist that urge and “take it” or do you go down?

I tend to have a really anxious body even when I meditate I think largely cause of my ADHD (but also unconscious tension and trauma). Do you think the anxious twitchy isn’t something worth sweating? 

Edited by kieranperez

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I go eyes closed, lying flat on my back on the floor (shavasana). That works really well for me. I like lying down because it allows me to completely release any tension in my body, and I like closed eyes because for me, I'm able to go deeper.

Not to contradict Leo, because he's obviously the expert here, just what I've found works for me.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@outlandish I imagine that eyes closed will be helpful in that you’re not looking elsewhere and letting yourself get lost in dualistic distractions.

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I have done a few eyes closed and a few eyes open on 30mg. For me, they are just different. Some on Shavasana, some sited.  One I did completely eyes closed in the middle of the night and on top of that I put the mindfold mask, at the end of this trip I felt like the rotation of planets or something around my face and a few other sensations. Once I plan to do on Shavasana  ON EYES OPEN but I gave in to the sensation of needing to poop and went to the bathroom and I went infinite in the toilet and after the peak I went to the shower and was "vomiting"( nothing physical)  for some time and after that I was 100% on the bliss body that Sadhguru speaks on this video. That state of bliss body is absolutely incredible. I have attained it 2 or 3 times. I will keep doing them with eyes open because I feel them a lot more profound.  



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1 hour ago, kieranperez said:

why do you want to keep eyes closed?

I said eyes open!

Open your eyes when you read ;)

Look, I'm just giving you my way. Your way may not be my way. Do whatever you want.

The fact that you consider the world of form "a dualistic distraction" is precisely why I'm telling you to keep your eyes open. So your visual field can be recontextualized into Nothing.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I said eyes open!

Open your eyes when you read ;)

Look, I'm just giving you my way. Your way may not be my way. Do whatever you want.

It was a typo

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1 minute ago, kieranperez said:

It was a typo

In that case open your eyes when you write :P

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

In that case open your eyes when you write :P

But Leo... you’re talking about writing! There’s no one to write! That’s just more ego!! 

Lol jk just trying to develop the siddhi where I type with my mind. Almost got it down. 

Watchi it little mister or no Rolls Royce’s for you :P 

Edited by kieranperez

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Freebase plugs just fine, just as easy as HCl.

It does not burn at all.

Freebase is actually slightly more potent per same volume.

I highly recommend plugging freebase.

If you need help dissolving it, just add a few drops of ordinary household vinegar before adding water.

Freebase actually dissolves easier than oxalate.

Freebase is thus the best form of 5-MeO since it both vapes and plugs great.

Although maybe oxalate stores better. Not sure but my guess is that oxalate will store forever. That stuff looks invincible!

Great news, thanks.

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From Martin Ball's book "The Entheological Paradigm"

God's prescription.jpg

Edited by Kensho
Put the book reference

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Trip # 9 , smoked. 14 mgs freebase


> What is. 

That was the first english words that came to mind after breaking through to non duality. Even in afterglow, I could close my eyes and connect to the source of it all. As everything is imagined. But holy smokes. Each trip DOES build on the last. Just when you think you've gone beyond infinity, you go farther. It is complete freedom. Complete bliss. 


Lots of fear at even the thought of plugging MEO. Decided I would smoke it again, and fear was still there. Decided to smoke it and face my fear anyways. Brushed my teeth. Showered. Wanted to "be clean" entering gods house. Also last week I bought a $620 laboratory scale on Kijiji (similar site to Craigslist up here in Canada) for $200.  Quite the fine investment knowing my dose (and all future doses of whatever substance) is/will be accurate. 

Meditated before hand and contemplated love. It's day 113 of mediation. (The number 13 and 24 are significant to me) 13 = 6+7 (devil + god) and 24 is a cycle. So the "numbers" lined up. Even tho non of it matters, as per usual :)

Right before the hoot (sandwiched in mullein leaves) contemplated love some more and repeated "whatever happens will happen, I surrender, show me what I need to see"

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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44 minutes ago, nowimhere said:

Also last week I bought a $620 laboratory scale on Kijiji (similar site to Craigslist up here in Canada) for $200.

A $1 dollar microscoop is easier and dare I say even more accurate.

Scales are so overrated. Mircoscoops are the way to go when dosing tiny amounts.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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