Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

He hasn't tried plugging though.

Yes, I will vape at some point. It's just unnecessary once you got plugging down. Which is why I haven't done it.

Especially for ordinary people, plugging is ideal because it is so smooth and gentle. Vaping will traumatize many of you because you will end up accidentally vaping too much. Plugging is the more responsible method.

Fair enough. I personally have been vaping it and I found that it works very well for me. For vaping, it helps if you have done it once with a sitter or if you first start with lower doses. I have a sense that vaping would be even more powerful for you, so looking forward to your report.

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6 minutes ago, Greatnestwithin said:

How do you deal with the coming up and dissolving of your ego when is slow?  Isn't that more painful somehow? 

I have died so many times by now that there is no fear or pain at all. It is a pure joy. I just relax and look forward to it. It's really the easiest thing in the world. But not if your ego isn't purified. Each trip purifies you more and more and more until very little resistance remains.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

I have died so many times by now that there is no fear or pain at all. It is a pure joy. I just relax and look forward to it.

Including the fear of not coming back, has that fear ever come up for you. 

The fear of going so deep you fully dissolve with source 

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9 minutes ago, whoareyou said:

Fair enough. I personally have been vaping it and I found that it works very well for me. For vaping, it helps if you have done it once with a sitter or if you first start with lower doses. I have a sense that vaping would be even more powerful for you, so looking forward to your report.

If I wanted more powerful I could just double my plugged dose.

One of the beauties of plugging is that it gives you perfect dose control. There is no guesswork. The full dose gets delivered every time.

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5 minutes ago, Greatnestwithin said:

Including the fear of not coming back, has that fear ever come up for you. 

The fear of going so deep you fully dissolve with source 

That's not a fear. That's what I want! But you always come down.

That used to be fear long time ago, when I first started tripping. But not any more because I always come back. And if I didn't, that would be fine too. There is no death.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

That's not a fear. That's what I want! But you always come down.

So by now you know you would always come down?, that said possibilty doesn’t exist or that if it does it would be a conscious choice from what I have heard

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If I wanted more powerful I could just double my plugged dose.

One of the beauties of plugging is that it gives you perfect dose control. There is no guesswork. The full dose gets delivered every time.

Once you vape a few times, you can also find the perfect dose. The process is similar.

What is your regular dose for freebase in mg?

Edited by whoareyou

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2 minutes ago, Greatnestwithin said:

So by now you know you would always come down?, that said possibilty doesn’t exist or that if it does it would be a conscious choice from what I have heard

You probably can kill the body if you take a lethal dose. But we're nowhere near that kind of dose so it's not a problem.

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3 minutes ago, whoareyou said:

Once you vape a few times, you can also find the perfect dose. The process is similar.

What is your regular dose for freebase?

About a 10mg scoop.

You must keep in mind, I'm extremely sensitive to all psychedelics. So my doses are low, but they hit me hard. This will not be true for most people. Most of you will need double or triple the dose I take.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

About a 10mg scoop.

You must keep in mind, I've extremely sensitive to all psychedelics. So my doses are low, but they hit me hard.

I also do 10mg, but I vape. It is a VERY strong dose for me.

For vaping, 5mg is considered to be moderate, and 10mg is already considered to be strong.

Which is why I think that with vaping, you might get more out of 5-MEO.

Edited by whoareyou

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@Leo Gura Since I haven't done it yet, I would be curious to try plugging it. Could you provide a link to a complete guide on how to plug it? I am sure you posted it somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.

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43 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I have died so many times by now that there is no fear or pain at all. It is a pure joy. I just relax and look forward to it. It's really the easiest thing in the world. But not if your ego isn't purified. Each trip purifies you more and more and more until very little resistance remains.

Yes! For me, the last one is always the most profound and beautiful. And for me, I have to have more than 6hours. Experimenting with fasting (24hr) and for me is so much better (no body load, and basically it becomes a minimum of 10 times better experience). Basically is easier to die on a fasted body for me.

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@Anton_Pierre I've heard all that before. I just don't see it being an issue with 5-MeO since there are no reports of such happening. But if you're so paranoid you're welcome to chain yourself to the coffee table when you trip ;)

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@Leo Gura Idk Leo, when I got intense with my breathwork, I felt the ring was needed.

To go jumping into that kind of dimension full faith and leaving my body with no guarantee of comimg back seems very irresponsible.

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24 minutes ago, Anton_Pierre said:

@Leo Gura Idk Leo, when I got intense with my breathwork, I felt the ring was needed.

To go jumping into that kind of dimension full faith and leaving my body with no guarantee of comimg back seems very irresponsible.

Show me one example of a person who left the body from doing 5-MeO-DMT. When you find such an example, then maybe I'll worry.

Tens of thousands of people do 5-MeO-DMT. So if people were leaving their bodies, we'd be hearing about it. You can broaden this out to all psychedelics. Millions of people do psychedelics each year and I don't see them leaving their bodies.

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Some great testing you've done @Leo Gura  ! I prepared a syringe with 17 mg's freebase , dissolved in 2 drops of 24% acetic vinegar. Was all ready to go, then got a negative email from a coaching client. So didn't want to take that negativity into the trip. Also, before I recall you suggested I try 20mg's plugging. Now it looks like you've scaled back your doses. I guess everyone gets more sensitive the more they do I guess. My current number is 8 (trips). With a lot more to go. I'll probably still do the 17 mgs plugged that was prepared , as I seem to hit breakthrough pretty consistently smoking 14 mgs.  After that I'll test 20 mgs (plugged) if the 17 only achieves borderline. 

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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1 hour ago, nowimhere said:

Now it looks like you've scaled back your doses.

The way it worked is like this:

I started testing oxalate and freebase. When testing new substances I always start very conservative and low. So I told myself, "Okay, 1 scoop should be half the usual dose and will probably be disappointing and weak, but I should err on the side of caution." So that's what I did, but I had two of the most powerful trips of my life. So I'm very glad I started out conservative because otherwise it would have been way too much.

The lesson is this: When doing psychedelics always err on the conservative side. If you dose is too low, nothing bad will happen. At worst you'll just lose some time. But if you overshoot, the risks are very high. So it's worth being very, very careful and conservative. Which is exactly the opposite of what most psychonauts do. They often sloppily eyeball a 50mg dose without even bothering to buy a scale and shoot it with 2 beers, nachos, and a joint at a crowded movie theater.

And that's when shit hits the fan. Don't be that guy! Be clinical with your dosing.

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