Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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On 31/03/2019 at 4:02 AM, Leo Gura said:

@Socrates Don't be stupid. You need a miligram scale. This is no joke, you could kill yourself or freak yourself totally out or fry your nervous system.

nah get a 0.1 miligram scale

miligram scales, even good ones have a -/+0.005g error esp when you are measuring such small amounts

costs a few hundred bucks more but its worth it.

worth it if you are going to use it often and you can resell it for ~50-60% of its price easy

something like this


should be used ones around if you want to save on postage and general cost in the US

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On 4/26/2019 at 6:55 PM, Leo Gura said:

Most people would not be able to handle days or weeks of 5-MeO. Remember that I only did that after YEARS of prep, and it was not easy. Don't try that at home. You'll have a psychic breakdown.

Yeah, I see what you are saying. But for a serious seeker, a program like 'Take DMT once a week for a year with an enlightened master' could be pretty successful :D 

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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I just got my 24% acetic pickling vinegar!  Probably won't have a opportunity to try out plugging for about two weeks. But will certainly report my experience when I do

"No one can pass the gateless gate. So be no one."

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Do a 5 meo breakthrough change the subconscious mind? Does your self image and other subconscious beliefs change or do you basically feel the same the next day? 

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1 hour ago, sausagehead said:

Do a 5 meo breakthrough change the subconscious mind? Does your self image and other subconscious beliefs change or do you basically feel the same the next day? 

Ime, a 5-meo breakthrough goes waaay beyond that. That question reflects a personal desire to improve one’s self esteem- yet all that stuff gets obliterated  and becomes irrelevant here n breakthrough doses. Things much more profound are revealed - beyond the self construct. Upon “returning”, the illusion of the self is revealed as the self is reconstructed. The desire to improve this delusion kinda dissolves.

However, I understand this is an important question to the personality. Here, I would say “yes”. Yet rather than “changing beliefs” from “bad” beliefs to “good” beliefs, I would say the nature of all beliefs is revealed and attachment/ identification to beliefs begin to dissolve. This can allow observation of personality dynamics playing out in the mind - including dynamics that were previously subconscious. This can improve the health of the mind-body, yet it’s not like trading in a set of beliefs that are bad for the self for a set of beliefs that will allow a self to attain self desires. It’s more like the whole self game is revealed as a sham. The gig is up. Then we can get in there and deconstruct the self, which will allow openness and space for trans-personal expansion and expression.

If you are more interested in entering a trip to pull out some goodies for self image, I would not go to breakthrough levels. I would use low to moderate doses to attain some insights of the self that the self can use to improve it’s self. 

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2 hours ago, sausagehead said:

Do a 5 meo breakthrough change the subconscious mind? Does your self image and other subconscious beliefs change or do you basically feel the same the next day? 

Yes, you are permanently changed. But the ego still returns. It's just more purified.

The change is subtle but significant. Especially after a dozen trips. Those incremental changes add up to more than the sum of their parts.

Basically it's no different than how it works with meditation retreats. One retreat will never totally change you. But the retreats add up over the years to something significant.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I am eternally grateful to Leo and this forum. After so many years I finally had an experience. Low dose (less than 10mg). The first time it was very noticeable I think because I fasted for about 14hrs+, it came gradually and it was wonderful. I didn't have any thoughts and my attention naturally went to my breath for about 45min to 1hr. This was my 1st time without any thoughts and I noticed that my eyes had no desire whatsoever. The second time it was the same (less than 10mg). I think because I only fasted for about 3.5hrs to 4hrs I noticed that I had fewer thoughts but they were very much present but at the same time I was naturally focused on my breathing. Both were fantastic. 

Edited by john23

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55 minutes ago, kieranperez said:

What's the comedown from 5-MeO-DMT like? 

For me, easy, sublime, lucid. With an afterglow. Much shorter than other psychedelics. 

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1 hour ago, kieranperez said:

What's the comedown from 5-MeO-DMT like? 

The ego-mind returns surprisingly soon. Like within 30 minutes you're back into standard ego operating mode. But of course shaken to your core. It's often a relief to return to ordinary life. But there is also a deep regret for losing that full-on God-consciousness because nothing in life will ever top that.

Sometimes the God-consciousness lingers for a few hours or even into the next day.

The saddest part about 5-MeO is that you cannot be that high 24/7/365. Losing touch with God is one of the deepest pains. But as you awaken more, you will start to realize that God is present all the time, even if you're not on a peak. This takes a lot of tripping to start to realize.

Enlightenment is right here, right now, at all times. But only if you're awake enough to see it. It does zero good telling an unawakened newbie that enlightenment is right here, right now, at all times. He just cannot see it. He needs actual breakthroughs and mystical experiences to demonstrate it to himself. That's where the 5-MeO comes in so handy.

After enough tripping, your whole life will start to feel like a trip. The materialist paradigm slowly gets snuffed out forever. I no longer experience myself as in a material world. The world gradually becomes self-luminous.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura that such a good description of what my LSD come down felt like. Though I imagine it’s more radically so with 5-MeOvand more drawn out.

Coming down from a realization from God slowly felt like this drawn out torture as my Self came back in of just how much I taint and ruin my own bliss, truth, love, and General happiness. I think it was necessary for sure and good to see that but man is it painful. 

This was what really hit home on the importance of self-esteem and acceptance. 

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I’m experimenting with daily 5-meo trips (once per day). In the past, I’ve had “breakthroughs” consciousness within the trip. Afterwards, there is plenty time to recover and integrate (2-8 weeks).

Here, there is a new element are with consecutive days. Today there was “breakthrough” consciousness within the series of daily trips. Not like an “ah ha!” realization after a breakthrough trip. This was more like a transcendent breakthrough over a collective series of trips. 

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Super fascinating! I've wondered what daily micrododing 5-MeO would be like. I've microdose acid and mushrooms for like a month each, to great affect. I will have to try this one day. I've yet to do the big breakthrough dose.
May I ask what daily dosage did you use?
And what method of administration? 

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@Jed Vassallo Today is day five. I’ve been vaping freebase thus far - about 1-3mg. I’m not weighing it out. Intensity ranges from light to strong. I’ll be introducing plugging soon. Likely today. Vaping offers higher resolution.

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@Serotoninluv  Yes, very interested in a report on your overall experience. It'd be invaluable first-hand info for my inevitable daily dosing experiment. 

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This above video states they will discuss DMT.

5-meo-dmt is very different than dmt. 

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Hey guys! So after the police visit a couple of weeks ago I have died with just 18mg freebase (= ~21mg HCl) yesterday night for the second time (after last time I needed 37mg). I am pretty sure that you can decrease the amount with every "death" you experience to a point where you stay in that neither-dead-nor-alive state of being. I am pretty sure that you can make it to permanent liberation or enlightenment as Martin Ball would call it. Do you have any experience with that? If you have died enough, you should definitely stay in that state. And I also doubt that many years of meditation can do what one "deathly" dose of 5-MeO will do for you. I dont understand why people think, you cannot become enlightened with psychedelics. Its a pretty clear path I would say. Kill yourself over and over again until you dont need any more of the substance to do it for you. I mean you are already dead...

Edited by Ellenier

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Hello everyone,

I finally decided to try 5-MeO-DMT. As it is difficult to purchase, I went for Yopo seeds and wanted to know if anybody ever tried both, which is pure 5-MeO-DMT in its HCl Version and in Yopo. Is there a huge difference in the experience, especially when it comes to Ego death? 

I know that Yopo contains Bufetinin and DMT aswell and since I am a chemist, I am capable of extracting and seperating all components of Yopo, but this would definetly take a whole day of work and I also don`t really know how much of each component is in this seeds. 

Is there anyone that tried both and could recommend if it would be worth the work to extract 5-MeO-DMT?

Thanks in advance

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the yopo seeds I bought were definitely not worth a try. You should better grow little plants from them for having a nice jungle ambiente. I havent extracted the 5-MeO from them but I think it is less than 5% or even just 2-3%. If you live in Europe, a trip to the Netherlands is more worth it xD 

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