Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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Okay so I tried to make an acetate out of it and it literally kicks you in your ass...unlike the citrate I tried to make before xD 

The come up was within maybe one minute. I have no hereditary resistance whatsoever xD. My mind just always tried to grasp it afterwards and couldnt make sense of it. Now I have such a vivid memory of the trip and my boyfriend smiling at me while I was high standing right in front of me, that he gives me Shaktipat every time I look deeply into his eyes or just think of the experience looking at him.

It is like something died that night. The side of my ego that commented almost every thing I did in a bad way. I wasnt afraid at all. I dunno if I had been in such a deep depression before, that everything could just become better but my ego simply just gave up without even a try.

It was 32mg of freebase mixed with concentrated vinegar, so it was about 32mg x 1,167 (the quotient of the molecular weight of HCl/freebase; please correct me if that is wrong), which means 37,4 mg of HCl "equivalent" Acetate and I had like a million insights which were just one. Has anyone of you experienced this "central" duality of everything, kind of embodied in two people? I was like "Yeah of course, everything is about my boyfriend and me". I mean it wasnt about the two characters we usually play. But that smile of him knowing what I felt at that moment, just being like Yin and Yang...the one dividing itself first into two to love each other and then into millions and millions. It felt like I was Yin and Yang which had been orbiting each other for eons and will continue to do so. They will collapse into one and divide into two again and again.

And when I got back from it, it was like a "shadow existence" as I would call it. I was sitting on my bed and I wouldnt have been surprised if I had seen my body still lying there dead. Neither life nor death does exist. It is neither real nor unreal. It is the grey endless space between and all around the black and white we consider the life-death duality to be when we are in our normal "unconscious" state...

The afterglow was and still is astonishing. Everytime I go through the experience in my mind as vividly as possible I feel and see the distortions of reality in direct experience as if I am still tripping. Even imagination and thought is in a deep sense the same as direct experience I would say. Even that duality collapsed. My mind at the moment isnt in total silence as it has once been after I had tried 5-LeO for the first time. But thats fine. Because back then it was like an unstable state where I had to "defend" the void in my head with my awareness and I didnt succeed in this "fight" for a long time. Maybe for two days before I fell back to normal. Now the void reappears not only in my head but everywhere around filling my life with peace and a deep joy. I hope this will last. Otherwise I still have 10 grams of 5-LeO for the rest of this life xD

Had to share this experience and a few of these insights with you. May you be well on your journey! 

P.S: Please always trip in a place where noone but your sitter will hear you. I was shouting so loud during the trip that my neighbors called the police because they thought someone was going to be killed in my house. And then I had to explain to the officers that I had had an "epileptical seizure" with uncontrolled cramps or something... You dont want anyone to call the ambulance and then have to explain yourself I assume ^^

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1 hour ago, Ellenier said:

P.S: Please always trip in a place where noone but your sitter will hear you. I was shouting so loud during the trip that my neighbors called the police because they thought someone was going to be killed in my house. And then I had to explain to the officers that I had had an "epileptical seizure" with uncontrolled cramps or something... You dont want anyone to call the ambulance and then have to explain yourself I assume ^^

That's seriously the number one thing I'm concerned about since I decided I will try 5-Meo soon. But what options are there? A place where you feel safe + no one will hear you? I'm living in a big city, so I really don't know where to do it, at least the first few times.

Do you think doing something like primal scream therapy (just screaming as loud as you can, I can do it in the cinema I work at) might help with this? As in, might it work on the energetic purging so you don't necessarily do it when tripping?

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2 hours ago, Ellenier said:

I was shouting so loud during the trip that my neighbors called the police because they thought someone was going to be killed in my house.

What is it with people yelling? Keep that mouth shut. Don't freak out normies with this stuff.

I've never had to yell. Use your inner voice.

Anyhow... @Ellenier So the conversion from freebase to acetate using vinegar works?? How much vinegar are you using? What does the substance look like after the conversion? Can it be stored as acetate? Or are you only doing the conversion right before administration?

I'm curious which form is best for storage.

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@peanutspathtotruth For your first time you should always have someone with you who wont freak out. He has the responsibility to call the ambulance when the situation gets totally out of control. So basically yeah, you should have no other people around you. So living in a big city, it could be a problem. But if you start with a relatively low dose, you will still have some control

Actually, I dont remember screaming at all. I was told that I "fainted" for about a minute or so. So that dose was definitely the end of my bodys capacity to handle the substance. I wasnt in control of screaming or not. I simply dont remember it. For me that minute doesnt even exist. It is as if I had tripped permanently without any gaps.

 @Leo Gura Unlike concentrated lime juice, concentrated vinegar (~25%) works. I filled the syringe with about 1 ml of vinegar and just tried drop after drop. Then it solves as nicely as if you put water on HCl. The solution becomes very clear and has no colour. So I do it directly before administration. But I assume if you let the rest of the liquid evaporate, you can still store the acetate solid form quite nicely. I think the salt forms are best for storage (in the freezer).


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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What is it with people yelling? Keep that mouth shut. Don't freak out normies with this stuff.

I've never had to yell. Use your inner voice.

Just because you didn't doesn't mean it's wrong. Read Martin Ball's "Entheogenic Liberation" and what Octavio Rettig has to say. Screaming is nothing bad and you should feel free to do it as long as it is an authentic energetic release. These facilitators smell instantly if it's coming from the ego and will tell you to stop. But screaming as an authentic purging is super common. Maybe it's because you never vaped it or don't go as high anymore as other people. Maybe you forgot you screamed when you did the higher dosages in the beginning, how can you know? You can't. Most don't remember it. You let the substance do what it has to do. That means giving control over, otherwise there is insecurity and a sense of having to limit oneself which is detrimental for the proper mind set.

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2 hours ago, Ellenier said:

@peanutspathtotruth For your first time you should always have someone with you who wont freak out. He has the responsibility to call the ambulance when the situation gets totally out of control. So basically yeah, you should have no other people around you. So living in a big city, it could be a problem. But if you start with a relatively low dose, you will still have some control

Actually, I dont remember screaming at all. I was told that I "fainted" for about a minute or so. So that dose was definitely the end of my bodys capacity to handle the substance. I wasnt in control of screaming or not. I simply dont remember it. For me that minute doesnt even exist. It is as if I had tripped permanently without any gaps.

Your dose is too high. There's not much point tripping if you're gonna be passing out.



 @Leo Gura Unlike concentrated lime juice, concentrated vinegar (~25%) works. I filled the syringe with about 1 ml of vinegar and just tried drop after drop. Then it solves as nicely as if you put water on HCl. The solution becomes very clear and has no colour. So I do it directly before administration. But I assume if you let the rest of the liquid evaporate, you can still store the acetate solid form quite nicely. I think the salt forms are best for storage (in the freezer).

So you put 25% vinegar up your butt? Doesn't that burn? You don't dilute it with water?

10 minutes ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

Just because you didn't doesn't mean it's wrong.

It's wrong in the sense that police show up or neighbors disturb you. You need to trip in a responsible manner. If you start running around the street naked, that's no good, even if it feels natural to you while you're high.

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55 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's wrong in the sense that police show up or neighbors disturb you. You need to trip in a responsible manner. If you start running around the street naked, that's no good, even if it feels natural to you while you're high.

Exactly! That's why building up the dose is important. And for the first high dose I will definitely look for a place/situation where this won't happen. Because as I said - screaming is common.

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I smoked 10mgs in a glass pipe. Sandwiched with mullein leaf. I was worried it wouldn't work. But as soon as I took the first rip, I took another hit and everything cherried then proceeded to hold it in for as long as possible. I looked down at my hand and could see tracers kindof tracing into my beds quit pattern at which point I knew it was coming on and I just lied down. I guess I closed my eyes too. My sense of self and reality completely dissolved.

What happened next is difficult to describe. I didn't resist it at all. As @Leo Gura said way back in this thread, I shutter to even imagine anyone resisting THAT.  

I guess you could say I saw fractals. Infinite fractals. Infinite patterns. Infinite colors. Impossible to put into words. It was like a full body cosmic orgasm. Everything was swirling and swooshing. Then there was darkness, which turned into more patterns. Which then turned into a central point, which moved around. Pulsating and swirling in the most beautiful geometric pattern I have ever seen. Nothing was good, nothing was bad. It just was. Again, even this description doesn't do it justice.

When I came out of it , its like reality reappeared, in the opposite fashion of dissolving. I had my eyes fixated on this center point on a wall and it was like that center point was going "ohm" (without any noise) then I looked up at the ceiling and could still see patterns going on. Similar to how you look up at the ceiling and "trip" on other phycs. But this time, more beautiful patterns than I have ever seen. Literally all I said was WOW. Like 7 , 8 or 10 times. With the biggest shit eating grin on my face. Still in pure Ecstasy.

I asked my sitter if I moved around, or grunted and groaned. And he said I didn't do anything. "your eyes were fluttering like crazy tho"

All I could think was nothing mattered anymore. Nothing. (In the best way possible tho) . My ego goals of money, sex, life, image. Nothing mattered. All were/are irrelevant. For a bit I felt like I was on mushrooms visually. But then the "normal" state came back within 10 minutes or so. Apparently the whole experience lasted only three minutes, which blew my mind. 

It's like being back in this body feels so alien. Like, this reality is the dream and that is the true self (without being a self at all) . 

Just a completely mind blowing experience.  I also remember thinking that everyone needs to try that, at least once, at any cost. It will completely change your life. 

I can't imagine what 20mgs would do if that was just 10mgs. I'll probably try the 12mgs and 15mgs that I prepared just to see. cause don't know if I'm more  tolerant to it now or not. Also, gonna try it a few more times before my parents get back, and if I have the same experience in terms of my body not moving or grunting or anything, then I know I can safely do it on my own. I didn't eat anything for 4 hours before had. Didn't eat any processed foods, just a lot of macadamia nuts  , some mushrooms and some celery. Didn't drink any water for 2 hours prior too. 

But yeah. Just wow. 

I picked up "Entheogenic Liberation" by Martin Ball on audible and will be going through it this weekend, to help me integrate.

Might even do mushrooms today. Just because. As I said before, nothing matters anymore ! 


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@davidomni Amazing! I never heard of someone going that deep with only 10mg. Maybe it's your sensitivity. It's also interesting that this deep phase only went on for 3 minutes. Maybe the higher doses just prolong your absorption. Keep us updated, good work :) 

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@davidomni Great work! That's pretty epic for 10mg.

Really, it was too powerful. Blasting into outer space is not ideal.

Try plugging 20mg. It will be a very different experience. Make sure you keep your eyes open. It's important that you don't fly off to some other dimension but realize that the Absolute is ordinary life, not some colorful fractal.

Medium dose, eyes open, and contemplate.

Your sensitivity will only increase as you have breakthroughs.

Watch out with mushrooms. They will become much more powerful and 5-MeO-like. Scale back all your dosages for all substances.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Make sure you keep your eyes open.

Is that a general advice for all 5-Meo dosages?

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Thanks @Leo Gura yeah I just naturally closed my eyes. I really hope that vinegar mix works (25%vin) , cause I do really want to try plugging.  To extend that state would be absolutely mind boggling. It's hard to even think of what it would be like with my eyes open haha. I'll try to keep my eyes open next time I smoke it, and definitely try plugging once we get the vinegar concentrate mixture confirmation for freebase. 

After I got out, I intuited that that fractal is basically the fabric of everything. All life, all objects, all reality. But agree with you with keeping my eyes open. Not even sure if its possible while smoking it tho to be honest. 

And yes I am totally prepared with the mushrooms. Basically will only be microdosing that. 

Edited by davidomni

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26 minutes ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

Is that a general advice for all 5-Meo dosages?

That's general advice for all psychs.

Our goal here is to recognize nonduality in everyday life. You need to realize what perceptions are. You need to experience your room and your body as God. So that when you arr sober still know that form and formlessness are one.

It's SO critical to realize that form and formlessness are identical. Otherwise you're still in duality.

Plugging is gonna be a very different experience. Very gentle yet strong and lasting for 60 mins.

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@Leo Gura I agree. I always try to have both eyes-open exploration sessions and eyes-closed ones. 
To me, the absorption with closed eyes is just easier to get into. Also, the visual field is not the only perception. To me, every perception like hearing, seeing and especially sensing the body are a catalyst to explore perception. But of course, our beliefs about reality are mostly held up through the visual field. 

Edited by peanutspathtotruth

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If you close your eyes, the whole trip will just feel like a dream afterwards. Our #1 goal is to bring the psychedelic state into ordinary life.

Oh, another idea for plugging freebase is to dissolve it in oil. I haven't tried but I've heard it can work.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

So you put 25% vinegar up your butt? Doesn't that burn? You don't dilute it with water?

No didn't burn at all, it felt just like the HCl.
If you drop vinegar on the freebase you can see the tiny particles slowly solving in it forming the salt solution. Since it's 25% I only needed a few droplets to solve all LeO and because 5-MeO is a weak base and acetic acid being a relatively weak acid I'd say it should be a quite neutral solution - if you don't add excess vinegar, just enough to solve everything of course.

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@Ellenier Very interesting. Great discovery!

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@Leo Gura Why do you advocate plugging instead of smoking 5-MEO? When you tried smoking it (full dosage), what was your experience?

Martin Ball, one of the most experienced people with 5-MEO in the world, says that smoking 5-MEO is the most effective way. He talks about it in his books. He mentions that insights are not the primary goal when using 5-MEO DMT for liberation purposes. Basically it contradicts what you say. Would appreciate it if you could address this.

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My first breakthrough was through snorting, but plugging was way more superior for me, the come up is more gentle, the trip is longer and no distractions of any substance dripping down your throat, it does need more than a few tries to get better at it, never tried smoking it though, but heard the come up is like being hit by a train going 500 miles per hour... I did hear many positive experiences with it though. 

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