Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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I would do it if I could find it, at a reliable source. And if I could vape it preferably. I no longer have a vape system but I am sure I could precure something.

But there's problems, some of the UK darkweb sellers are compromised and it's just not worth risking jail time to me. Especially given all my time of natural work on the path, all I am really doing is speeding up the process.

Almost every night in my laying meditations before bed I am having "ego deaths" now which are so powerful they scare me.

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So I went through 200mg of 5-MeO-DMT in the last ~5 months with 6 trips in total ranging from 5mg to 60mg. I seem to respond to it quite differently than what I see Leo and you guys talk about.

In terms of RoA I snorted it 5 times and plugged it once. Plugging was by far the most uncomfortable but I don't think it was more profound, just much more energetically intense on the body. I think the energetic ass-kicking is the hallmark of 5-MeO tripping.

Majority of the trips I spent just feeling extremely uncomfortable in my body. It was like the subtle aches that I have in my body constantly but just don't pay attention to get magnified x1000 and I just struggle to understand why am I in pain. Because of not being able to understand the pain I then experienced deep suffering that forced me to surrender and then I felt my body dissolve into... I don't know what to call it, just existence buzzing with no concept of space and time.

The first profound insight I actually had was that physical space doesn't exist and that was an extreme mind fuck that I didn't see coming. That insight didn't stick with me although I can get a vague feeling of it if I try. I mostly contribute that to the way psychedelics influenced my energy body or whatever. Also it had to do with noticing that the visual field was comprised out of just a bunch of visual static (similar to what you would see on a dead TV channel) which made objects look way less physical and more mental.

I guess there was no second profound insight, but I think there was something significant about all that energetic torture I went through which opened me up in some ways I just don't understand right now. I guess it has something to do with blockages (physical? energetic?? emotional??), but speaking from my direct experience I don't know what the fuck are they, why they exist and what to do about them.

Also I have to point out that I actually experience decent amount of visuals on 30mg+ doses that are pretty blurry but obviously colorful and fractal similar to LSD. Even on small doses things are blurry, slow-mo and fucky though.

So my conclusion #1 is 5-MeO didn't give me the peak experiences I expected, instead I think it just shook me up on levels I don't understand which are affecting me in a more long-term way... permanently.

I think it definitely enabled my other psychedelic trips be much more profound. This gets me to conclusion #2 that I seem to respond to more classical psychedelics like LSD and 2C-B much better. They had a massive impact on my levels mindfulness, anxiety, depression, psychology, emotions, relationships etc. I had much more profound trips on them with very real experiences of God and Infinity and now I without a doubt 100% know God exists although I'm far from being enlightened. I feel like LSD can give me all the understanding and growth I will ever need (in terms of using psychedelics, I'm not disregarding "regular" spiritual practice... but as the saying goes "Life is a trip").

Probably most important conclusion #3 it made me extremely more grounded in direct experience to the point I was able do disregard my whole life of materialist conditioning and now I'm more and more starting to experience life as a product of imagination, purely mental, dreamlike.

“Man’s faith in God is measured by his confidence in himself... Your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself, because your true self is God.”  - Neville Goddard

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4 hours ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

You once advised against doing Kriya Yoga during a trip, which makes sense. 
Is there any reason one should not trip on a day when already practiced Kriya Yoga?

Also, I'm 8 weeks into semen retention. My energy levels are going through the roof, especially through the combination with Kriya Yoga. 
I'm a little scared of 5-Meo (planning to try it out for the first time very soon). Do you think it's still safe to try? I don't want to fry my system and getting chronic issues.

I think you should be fine. Just start with small doses and work up. Frying would only be a thing at very high doses.

Plugging is by far the smoothest and safest method.

@Antonius Sounds like 1) you have blockages in your body that need to be worked out, 2) you need more experience with 5-MeO and various administration routes, and/or 3) your brain type might be different enough that 5-MeO works differently on you.

I get very little body load on 5-MeO. LSD and 2-CB have much worse body load for me.

Oh, also make sure your 5-MeO is pure. It should be white-colored. Any other coloration is impurities.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Is it recommendable to use 5-MeO as your first psychedelic experience?

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@Scholar No

It will be too radical for you to properly integrate. You risk freaking out and abandoning psychedelics altogether from one overwhelming experience.

Start small. Don't rush. There is no rush. The field of psychedelic is so wide and deep it will take you many years and hundreds of trips to explore it all.

Slow and steady is better than hard and fast when it comes to transforming yourself. Hard and fast changes tend not to stick and produce lots of ego backlash and frustration.

Do not dismiss the power of psychedelics like mushrooms or LSD. They are fantastic, magical tools. 5-MeO is just so good that it is in a class all by itself. If God existed in powdered from, it would be 5-MeO-DMT. And luckily it does exist in such a form.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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What practices have you guys found to be most useful for integrating 5meo (or any psychedelic) experience? 

I’ve got a lot of value from



spsnding time in nature 

talking to friends about the experience 


I still feel there must be better ways I can go about my integration

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@herghly I like going for a long late-night drive around town and just letting my mind wander and contemplate whatever it feels like contemplating. Play some chill tunes while you drive and enjoy the lights.

That's probably my fave way to integrate. Driving puts me in a great mellow meditative mood. A sort of integrative flow state. Road trips out in nature in the wild are also amazing for this. Do a 3 hour road trip through a mountain, forest, or desert. Those are some of my fondest times.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@herghly I usually take 5-meo in bed. Quite often, I continue laying there gazing out the window at a latge tree. 

Also taking leisurely strolls, especially in nature.

I often feel very loving afterwards and want to connect with someone I care about. I don’t necessarily want to discuss the experience, more to connect at a meaningful human level. We often have open and deep talks about life.

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Great suggestions, thanks. 


I’ve had this idea to be more ceremonial with the things I do. After my next psychedelic experience I will have a “integration ceremony”. For this I will keep my phone at home and go 3-5 walk. Allowing my mind to wonder, but at the same time bringing it back to contemplate the trip I had the day before 

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1 minute ago, herghly said:

Allowing my mind to wonder, but at the same time bringing it back to contemplate the trip I had the day before 

I like allowing some flow for wander. Insights often arise for me in that space.

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I neee to make deliberate time for integration. Otherwise it’s just something I never get around to

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@herghly Making time is the whole key of integration. We are so busy that we don't gives ourselves time to just hang out and do nothing. Even when we meditate we tend to be busy doing meditation.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@herghlyEven when you we meditate we tend to be busy doing meditation.

That’s exactly how I feel during meditation retreats. 

Most people assume during retreats you have plenty time, but you are still busy meditating 

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@herghly "I'm too busy meditating to have time for awakening." ;)

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Well, took me over 12 hours but I just read this entire thread. 

I got my hands on some 5 MEO DMT freebase up here in Canada where its legal.

First issue (my ego playing games) was after I ordered , I went back to Leos first 5 MEO video and some Martin Ball stuff and both say not to do this with a heart condition. I remember my parents told me when I was young that I had a heard murmor. (I've seen no talks about heart issues on this entire thread so figured I'd bring it up) So after some research I found out that heart murmors could be temporary. Just to be safe, and sure, I made a appointment to see my doctor to find out if I had one. Went today in fact. Anyways, I am very happy to announce that he didn't detect one at all, so I feel comfortable moving forward with this whole things. 

From what I've read (beyond this forum as well)  its very easy to burn in a freebase pipe. Bought some mullein leafs today. And a buddy came over yesterday and we weighed out a bunch. I have 3 @ 10mgs, 3 @ 12 mgs, 3 @ 15 mgs, 3 @ 17mgs and 3 @ 20mgs . Still have over half of the baggie left too. Haven't seen to much here about smoking it in a regular (weed) pipe. But have seen a good method is to "sandwich it"  if your doing the normal (weed) pipe method. So I think I'll do that. Bought some screens today too. Have a sitter coming over tmr and will be giving it my first try at 10mgs. Depending on the results, I may immediately move to 12mgs and then 15mgs tomorrow as well, being Martin Ball does three sessions in one sitting. Also the that my parents come back in less than two weeks (so I'll only have the house to myself for that time, and a sitter for tmr and next friday)

I also quit smoking cigs recently, about two months in, and bought a ejuice vape mod. Saw this cool (dry herb) tank for the mod that is for dry herb, https://www.migvapor.com/vaporizers/dry-herb-wax-atomizers/black-sub-herb-the-dry-herb-and-dabs-tank so I might pick that up and give it a go if the sandwhich method doesn't work out too well.

I plan on sharing my results here in the next few days/weeks.

Been meditating one hour everyday for over a month now, and pretty much always go over a hour. The last three days have been over 1 hour 20mins. (Also, about 6 days ago did 1 hour 57mins) So I am happy to have at least SOMEWHAT of a meditation base for this. 

I also have experience with ego death from Salvia (maybe not 100% ego death, but pretty dang close) and have done mushrooms , LSD , MDMA and a few other psychedelics as well. 

Found out about 5 MEO on Joe Rogans podcast and looked it up on youtube and was happy to see Leo pop up as the first result (I've been following the channel for years) Needless to say, ever since hearing about it, it has been calling to me. Didn't have a meditation practice when I first found out about it tho, so glad I have one now. Anyways, I am really really excited to finally posses it and see how my personal tolerance is.

Any feedback would be great, and again I'll be updating my trips here in the future :)


Edited by davidomni

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@davidomni Sounds like you're over-prepared for some breakthroughs into godliness.

Make sure you only do it on an empty stomach.

May the force be with you ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Serotoninluv thank you and will do

@Leo Gura Well, I know nothing can prepare you fully but I wanted to take this seriously. I am super excited but am also a bit nervous (which I know is just my ego) Hopefully the sandwich method works. Appreciate the encouragement and all the work you've done by the way :)

@peanutspathtotruth  - that I will ! 

Edited by davidomni

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