Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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How are you vaping, which device?

"I went into zones with vaping to plugging." What do you mean?


"the inefficiency is not an issue for me." - What do you mean? Vaping is more efficient than plugging..


"Yet I think there are also positives with vaping at low temp. No more worrying about dosage" - I'm perplexed. Vaping at a low temp doesn't make worrying about dosage obsolete? If it vapes it vapes and you can break through.



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@zikzak I’ve read 600 degrees is optimal for vaping 5-meo. So I assumed 428 would be less efficient. 

My understanding is that vaping at the optimal 600 can give a fast and intense effect. I found at 428 it’s very gradual and I can easily manage the intensity. I assumed this was novel since I read a lot of people talking about discomfort, getting dosages wrong, getting techniques wrong, anxiety etc. For me, vaping at 428 had no issues. Smooth sailing. Perhaps this is all common knowledge, yet I can't imagine how people would still be having issues. 

Here, the amt. of 5-meo in the vape doesn’t much matter. Hi can just eyeball and sprinkle some in. It’s the depth and hold time of inhale that determines dosage. Similiar to vaping weed.  I think because 428 vapes so slowly, one has a lot of control over the intensity. It’s high resolution. 

For me, snorting is a different experience than plugging. Plugging is so much cleaner and purer. I can’t really get to the same zones snorting as plugging. Yet I can with vaping at 428. It’s a somewhat different flavor, yet clean and pure. And I had no nausea, body loading or any other physical discomfort. 

I didn’t reach breakthrough levels, yet have had amazing sub breakthrough trips. I wasn’t aiming for breakthrough. I was aiming to develop a method for reaching high sub breakthrough conscious states without the mental and physical havoc. 

And for me it allows so mych more versalitt in developing higher modes of being, awareness/release of blocks/attachments and working in trans-human states of consciousness.

Currently, I’m experimenting with various combinations of 5-meo and weed with good results.



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@Serotoninluv Good work! Keep us updated! 

I have thought very much of vaping 5-MeO. After doing some final experimentations with plugging I will probably go for vaping. Thank you for doing this

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It's the same at whatever temp as long as you don't pyrolyse/combust it. It's quite normal to vaporize it at low temps since people will use same device/technique as with DMT just with a slightly higher temp. So if you put in 10-15mg at your temp setting and vape it in one go it'll definitely take you places..

And people are having issues because everyone reacts very different to it? Even with good vape technique you can get nausea and when you start to climb dosage no one knows the effects...

What device are you using?

Edited by zikzak

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@Serotoninluv (or anyone else really) - have you looked into nebulizing/atomizing it? Basically you make a mist out of a solution of it, and inhale that. It seems like an intriguing ROA.

13 hours ago, GabeN said:

What are the range of prices for 100mg in your areas guys? mine is around 170$ which isn't cheap but i guess it's pretty rare anyway?

Way too high. The legit vendors on the internet sell it for much cheaper than that. A breakthrough dose works out to be less than the cost of a fancy coffee, hilariously.

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I have a few questions. How do you know when you're ready for trying psychedelics? I would say I'm reasonably normal but of course I have bad karma I'm working with: some depression, anxiety and bad thoughts and past trauma, nothing like bipolar or schitzo. I'm not suicidal or ever had to been hospitalized or looked after for anything mental. I am employed, can look after myself and keep a clean flat. Have a great group of friends. Family life is so-so, live far away from them and don't talk too often. Overall have a reasonably positive outlook on life and some framework of spirituality but am currently going through some negative/painful stuff and have a lack of direction. Nothing out of the ordinary though and am activity working on personal development (started 1 year ago) and have made a decent bit of positive change since then. I'm wondering if something like an ayahuasca might help me in some ways, give me a different perspective and help me accept myself and my past more. I have some free time over the summer and am wanting to try which leads to my next question. How do you find a safe place to do an actual ceremony with the right dosage and treatment for me? I'm willing to travel to a different country cause it's legal and not a thing where I am.

Edited by SunnyNewDay

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Try a low/medium dose of shrooms/4-AcO-DMT with a good friend. That's a great way to get into it..

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@SunnyNewDay you sound ready to me. Agreed with zikzak, try a low/medium dose and go from there :D

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On 26/02/2019 at 6:10 PM, outlandish said:

I just wanted to draw attention to the fact that the lower end of the dose spectrum can be very valuable as well.


I'm going to try this out soon

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Anyone try the oxalate version? How does it compare? Same potency as HCl?

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@Leo Gura I use the Oxalate. I have not had any breaktroughs yet to put perspective on the dosage requirements and I have not tried HCI for perspective either, but Oxalate definitely works.

Snorting 12mg's of Oxalate gave about the same results as I would read HCI would give to someone else. Although when using your method of plugging I seemed to need much more (up to 55mg's with that method so far), but recently I tried another plugging method found here which ended up demanding much less of a dosage (30 mg's) to actually be deeper than the 55mg trip, (here is the 30mg's trip report). In my case; as for snorting, I think that the Oxalate has the same potency as the HCI and as for plugging I think that my technique is more responsible for the potency of the trip.

I would confidently predict that the Oxalate stings as much as the HCI (from reading reports). It has a pleasant smell-free sting that feels in the gums when snorting, and when plugging it just causes slight discomfort in the rectum. 

Grounding up the salt and heating it up slightly does not seem to affect potency. I stored some ground up salt for a month exposed to oxygen (not heat or light though) and it seemed to retain its full potency.

The specific version of oxalate I got my hands on is 97% pure but does not dissolve in water too well, I have not tried to mix it in with distilled water, but to mix it in with tap water I have to ground it up and and heat it up using a spoon and a lighter. 50mg's barely does not dissolve in 0.9ml of water even with applied heat, (and as the solution cools down the chrystals will reform) so that seems to be the satiation limit. I had no troubles dilluting 30mg's into 0.7ml of water. 

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Anyone try the oxalate version? How does it compare? Same potency as HCl?

just got some, haven't tried yet. It does not dissolve in water as well as HCL, even after stirring and heating, there are still distinct crystals there. 

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On 3/27/2019 at 8:04 PM, Leo Gura said:

Anyone try the oxalate version? How does it compare? Same potency as HCl?

Just tried <10 mg. I definitely experienced the same effect as on HCL at a similar dosage. But I have a stomach upset 5-10 minutes after. I don't know if the substance was the reason.   

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Hmmm... so it sounds like the main issue is that it doesn't dissolve as well. That's somewhat of a shame. HCl dissolves within seconds very easily, just like table salt or sugar would.

That might affect the plugging method. Although I would think it should still work.

The plugging method requires that your bowls be empty. Very important. And you want to plug it not too deep, but also not too shallow. It takes some practice but I perfected my technique such that it works consistently almost every time.

20mg of HCl is enough for a breakthrough for me. Although that will be too little for most people. I have seen people take 20mg of HCl without anything close to a breakthrough like I get on exactly the same dose and substance. So individual variablity is a real issue.

Anyhow, thanks for sharing.

I wonder if there is an easy method of converting Oxalate to HCl?

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So it seems given a choice one should choose freebase over the oxalate because it will be easier to convert to HCL or smoke.

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@Girzo That is yet to be determined. But that might be a wise move.

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I don't think solubility a big problem anymore. Just need to stir it a bit longer, maybe heat, and let it sit for a while. Mine almost dissolved, even though there are still microscopic particles just barely visible. It feels as potent though  

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3 minutes ago, DrMobius said:

I guess there's a HCl shortage on the market nowadays?

Has been for the last 3 years since China's ban

Oxalate is the new way.

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