Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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4 hours ago, KrackJack said:

What Sadhguru or any genuine teacher is talking about is enlightenment, and what you are talking about is "enlightening experience" by using 5-MeO-DMT  which is not permanent.

5-MeO breakthrough is far more powerful and radical than a state in which any teacher or guru is in. Give 30mg of 5-MeO to Eckhart Tolle and he will be astounded by how much beyond his state of enlightenment it goes, I would bet a lot of money on it. That's not to say 5-MeO non-dual state is not accessible in extreme concentration states. 5-MeO will not make you permanently enlightened, but it is better for answering metaphysical questions than a classic functional state of enlightenment.

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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Would anyone mind shedding some light on how to obtain such a thing? I’m surprised how popular this thread is... perhaps I am missing something O.o .

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@Leo Gura please listen and stop calling nirvana and 5meo enlightenment the same thing. 

I'm not questioning that 5meo gives you extreme nondual infinity consciousness.

What I'm saying and what every master says and what @Arhattobe and @KrackJack says that nirvana is about dissolving karma. It seems to me you are not clear about what it means to dissolve karma.

Karma is lifetimes of memories that are created by impressions and are distorting your reality every moment of your life. Even your nondual experience is being distorted by karma.

Sadhguru says. When you see the world without any distortions. Then you'll see everything upside down. Because if you know physics that's how eye captures a sight. Then the brains turn it upside down to make it sense to you.

So there's a 10000lifetimes of karma which is distorting your experience. 

The ultimate goal is Mukti, nirvana is far beyond nondual state of consciousness. Because in nondual state of consciousness there's still emormous amounts of karma there which will make you reincarnate again and again. All the actions and reactions that you have. All the likes and dislikes that you have during your 5meo experience. It's all karma that needs to be dissolved in oder to get to nirvana.

And nirvana means dissolving all karma. Cease to exist. perfect equanimity. Uninfluened ultimate persepction. and leaving your body unless you know how to stay a bit longer.

After you reach a state of no karma. You can't remain in the body. Because karma is the only thing that keeps you here. 

Saying that only kriya yogis know how to stay in the body when they dissolve all karma makes 100% sense to me. Because their knowledge about how human system works is far beyond all the other paths like devotion people. Kriya yogis know all the tricks of the body and know how to remain there even if there's no karma left. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Karma is a concept. There are no concepts at the level of source. Our true nature is empty, devoid of anything as it's the capacity for everything. The only "thing" that's there other than no-thing is cognizance. I'll suggest checking out some Dzogchen, Urgyen Tulku is particularly clear. Sadhguru is nice and all but is a bit all over the place at times.

And as Leo eloquently put it. It doesn't matter how your nature recognizes itself, 5-MeO-DMT, anal sex, deep meditation. Source doesn't give a fuck. Only petty ideas coming out of that source seems to care.

How long this recognition lasts and how it can get momentum is of course very interesting - from a dualistic perspective.



Edited by zikzak

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Gravity is a concept. Try jumping off a building see how that works for you.

What you are saying is like a video game character saying it’s all code so there are no levels to this game, no knives, and no people, before a person attacks “him” in the face with a knife, and game over. 

“But it’s all code. What I am is the computer screen. Not the character”

That’s cool mr.computer screen but within the game regardless whether you see it as code or not there are certain dynamics.

Karma is one of them. Your lack of understanding or awareness of this dynamic doesn’t make it less true. 

A normal person dismisses non dual experience as mere psychosis due to a biased worldview and limited knowledge, you are guilty of the same thing.


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@Salvijus I'm not really interested in such pedantic nondual debating.

Get enlightened, realize God, and go about your life or leave this plane. I don't care. There's no need to debate it with me.

If your intention is to leave this plane, then get on with it. No need to convince us of anything, no need to talk about nirvana on an online forum.

If you really want to lessen your karma, begin by letting go of debating differences between Buddhism and Hinduism.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura sorry. Don't start crying about a simple argument which I thought would bring lots of clarity and an interesting new perspectives that nobody thought of. I was just sharing something very valuable here. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus This is a thread about using 5-MeO-DMT to realize God, not ending all karma. You can discuss ending all karma elsewhere.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Salvijus Why would karma appear the first time?

create a thread for me pls

Edited by Vingger

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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Maybe to bring more clarity into this, it is good to find out how reincarnation works anyway.

According to the Tibetan Monks it takes 49 death after the death and one can either escape into the light (probably Nirvana) given three chances or being dragged down by ones Karma and then ultimately ending up in another womb by the 49th day.

Ironically these 49 day coincide exactly with the time a fetus needs to determine its gender, which probably could not have been know by the old monks centuries ago.

On the other hand there are many accounts of near death experiences, in which the people dying receive messages from angels or guides that it is not time for them yet, and many times they also get predictions of things happening in the future, for example the death of a loved one. So this sounds as if the whole live with certain missions to accomplish or better said to experience, is not only planned but also necessary to experience. But in this case its not possible for yourself to dissolve your karma as everything that will happen is preplanned anyway, many also say there is no future and no past, everything is happening now,which in the near death accounts sometimes seems to be the case, when people get predictions for their future.

Reincarnation is also important as to know which ego is going to have a suffering or a nightmare life and which is going to have an amazing life.

Also astrology has some factors in this.

I have personally not had the 5 Meo DMT/ Bufo Alvarius Toad experience but from many others have had it I heard so many different versions.

One experienced Bufo medicine smoker told me that a suffering life is due to the decision of the ultimate infinite consciousness after having had millions of amazing lives, as kind of a hard lesson to experience for "personal" development or soul development. He also believes that everybody has its special guides or angels.

Also when after death did the decision happen? After eternity? After 49 days? What factors where at play? What happens after death, do we become nothing and everything and remain in that for a while and what happens next? Why did the buddhist monks talk about the chance to escape to Nirvana if Nirvana is the same as 5 Meo DMT, according to them death will be just a chance to get there which probably means that our ego keeps going. Also they come up with all the noble truths in order to reach Nirvana.

Another person that told me about his experience said that he has not gotten any insight regarding reincarnation or why some people need to suffer tremendously in life and others not.

Maybe whoever here had a 5 Meo DMT experience could bring up his idea about reincarnation and if all are the same thats good but, if there are differing versions, then even having experienced absolute truth, there still seems to be some mistery around.

Also @Leo Gura I heard you say somewhere, that this life is just a meaningless dream and once you had a super high dosage of 5 Meo DMT you even forgot how you could come up with the idea of living a human life anyway. If thats it then also those old Tibetan Monks or anyone/anything from past history, which we have not seen, did probably not exist and is only made up from this dream?

Because if they existed, then this dream has been going on for millions of years continously having experienced so many different lifeforms since the first cell, and that would not be meaningless then and also if it has been going on for millions of years then probably we experience this dream againn in another ego and that is there comes up the question in what ego and where on this planet are we going to experience it again?

And if there are infinite amount of other dreams, then what determines in which one our special feeling ego is going to appear again, which factors? There is no ego? But there must be because I am experiencing one, what happens after death is mysterious, hopefully I'll find out having a beautiful 5 Meo DMT experience too, but for now I am curious and hope this sparks a healthy conversation here :)

Edited by Schahin

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I'm guilty myself of derailing but maybe we could get back to the subject - boofing or otherwise consuming 5meo ¥

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Would anyone object to me going through this thread and pruning out the off-topic stuff? This could be a lot more useful to newcomers without all the banter.

I'll move all the junk (including this post) into a separate thread for safe-keeping.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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I thought the 5 Meo DMT Mega thread would also includereporting and comparing insights of the experience and opinions on the misteries we ask ourselves that could be answered through the substance :) 

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1 hour ago, outlandish said:

Would anyone object to me going through this thread and pruning out the off-topic stuff? This could be a lot more useful to newcomers without all the banter.

I'll move all the junk (including this post) into a separate thread for safe-keeping.

I vote yes for pruning. This thread is about asking and sharing about preparations, technique and direct experience with 5-meo. Not pontificating about what 5-meo might be like, how it isn’t real awakening and how it is inferior to other methods (generally by users who haven’t even tried it). 

I’d also recommend pruning all the posts trying to get the thread back on topic (such as this one).

Someone trying to use this thread as a 5-meo guide would have to work through a lot of weeds to find relevant info.

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, it's not permanent. But that does not make it any less true.

It is precisely what it promises: total enlightenment for 60 minutes.

To say that it is somehow not "real" enlightenment because it only lasts 60 minutes is a mistake. That's a judgment your ego is making. It is simply a fact that you can have an enlightenment which lasts 60 minutes. Careful with how you judge that.

Sadhguru holds a week-long retreat which is specifically designed to give participants a short glimpse of enlightenment using yogic techniques. This is a peak experience of God which passes. Yet it is still valid and valuable, otherwise why would he hold such a retreat?

5-MeO-DMT is just a more efficient way of doing exactly that. It doesn't require a week, and it will take you deeper than a week-long retreat ever could.

If you want to define the word "enlightenment" to only apply to permanent awakening, you can do that. But then you still have to allow that God can be fully realized non-permanently for 60 minutes. Realizing the Truth is independent of time or permanence. Whether it lasts for 10 seconds or 100 years, Truth is Truth.

Confusion is created when people insist that there is only one right way to access Truth (their way). In fact, there are hundreds of ways to access Truth. Each come with their own pros and cons. The chief con of yoga is that it takes YEARS to deliver God realization. It takes so long that 95% of practitioners will quit before they get there. 5-MeO-DMT addresses this problem beautifully.

@Leo Gura

In no way I am saying that there is only one way.

There can be a million ways that we couldn't even imagine.

All I am saying is that, having a glimpse of truth gives one the real or complete perspective of where one wants to go (here and now), and they can start working for much stable platform.

M not even against 5-MEO-DMT as long as its just needed for the glimse.

BUT, on existential plane which has absolutely finer aspects, using some chemical is a crude way to go all the way. 

Using blacksmiths tools may work with gold also for certain purposes but not for finer work.


One will not want to watch the trailers again and again if it excited him a few times! We do not even know the movie yet!


Trailer may appear exciting just because most haven't watched it yet..


Having established stability in one's experience can help delve deeper to know the mechanics.

Once Again m not saying that glimse is giving any less Truth - it is the absolute truth, but post that, the mechanics of creation can be understood and played with !



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1 hour ago, KrackJack said:

@Leo Gura

In no way I am saying that there is only one way.

There can be a million ways that we couldn't even imagine.

All I am saying is that, having a glimpse of truth gives one the real or complete perspective of where one wants to go (here and now), and they can start working for much stable platform.

M not even against 5-MEO-DMT as long as its just needed for the glimse.

BUT, on existential plane which has absolutely finer aspects, using some chemical is a crude way to go all the way. 

Using blacksmiths tools may work with gold also for certain purposes but not for finer work.


One will not want to watch the trailers again and again if it excited him a few times! We do not even know the movie yet!


Trailer may appear exciting just because most haven't watched it yet..


Having established stability in one's experience can help delve deeper to know the mechanics.

Once Again m not saying that glimse is giving any less Truth - it is the absolute truth, but post that, the mechanics of creation can be understood and played with !



22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, it's not permanent. But that does not make it any less true.

It is precisely what it promises: total enlightenment for 60 minutes.

To say that it is somehow not "real" enlightenment because it only lasts 60 minutes is a mistake. That's a judgment your ego is making. It is simply a fact that you can have an enlightenment which lasts 60 minutes. Careful with how you judge that.

Sadhguru holds a week-long retreat which is specifically designed to give participants a short glimpse of enlightenment using yogic techniques. This is a peak experience of God which passes. Yet it is still valid and valuable, otherwise why would he hold such a retreat?

5-MeO-DMT is just a more efficient way of doing exactly that. It doesn't require a week, and it will take you deeper than a week-long retreat ever could.

If you want to define the word "enlightenment" to only apply to permanent awakening, you can do that. But then you still have to allow that God can be fully realized non-permanently for 60 minutes. Realizing the Truth is independent of time or permanence. Whether it lasts for 10 seconds or 100 years, Truth is Truth.

Confusion is created when people insist that there is only one right way to access Truth (their way). In fact, there are hundreds of ways to access Truth. Each come with their own pros and cons. The chief con of yoga is that it takes YEARS to deliver God realization. It takes so long that 95% of practitioners will quit before they get there. 5-MeO-DMT addresses this problem beautifully.

@Leo Gura

In no way I am saying that there is only one way.

There can be a million ways that we couldn't even imagine.

All I am saying is that, having a glimpse of truth gives one the real or complete perspective of where one wants to go (here and now), and they can start working for much stable platform.

M not even against 5-MEO-DMT as long as its just needed for the glimse.

BUT, on existential plane which has absolutely finer aspects, using some chemical is a crude way to go all the way. 

Using blacksmiths tools may work with gold also for certain purposes but not for finer work.


One will not want to watch the trailers again and again if it excited him a few times! We do not even know the movie yet!


Trailer may appear exciting just because most haven't watched it yet..


Having established stability in one's experience can help delve deeper to know the mechanics.

Once Again m not saying that glimse is giving any less Truth - it is the absolute truth, but post that, the mechanics of creation can be understood and played with !


Infact, as per the Patanjali's Yogsutra, which is the legitimate but misunderstood basis of all the yoga practiced today:

Enlightenment is the "First Step", and not the final step!



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Do not prune this thread as doing so will likely break stuff in horrible ways. Just stay on topic here.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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