Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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1 hour ago, SoonHei said:

why is it often said that seeing God is terrifying? until it isn't anymore... (upon surrender?)

but yeah, what sort of terror is it? like afraid of the dark/demon/ghost terror or just a whole different plane of terror which is ineffable... but still, what is the terror component to it? 

i guess terror = fear = resistance? is it just a very high degree of resistance previously unfaced. a massive huge almost infinite level of resistance that comes about?

@SoonHei Every time when I remember that terror I can feel it, but I've not thinking to much about the nature of it.

Imagine, that everything what you know and belive, thoughts about yourself (as a person) is just darkness in the room. But darkness is not a state, it's simply lack of light. Than imagine that suddenly there is a light of the sun shines in that dark room and there is no more any partical of shadow.

But it feels like your whole body has been tearing apart! Your mother and your father, earth, friends, emotions, fears, anxiety, depression, negative thinking, problems, love, happiness, sex, enjoyment, how the world look like and how it should or shouldn't be in your perspective - this is your whole entire body and know you facing that it is not you! You are not exist! But you believed in that so deep, so become too attached and now, when you realise that you are not it you're scared as fuck!

I don't know what excatly, but something holds back to reconize it. I guess ME - the one who deniyng to accept the truth, becuase if it will happen - I will DIE. I am, the one who lives in the presence of that consciousness all that time and was thinking that there is nothing more now realized that life can be without it. Life - is I AMNESS by itself. There is no need in poor little Me.

I guess, this is what terryfied me

Edited by Ar_Senses
Emotional written need to edited)

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@SoonHei sorry I misread your question. I can only speak from my experience. I meant prior to trascending your own death. That is what I meant with existential terror. Once transcending that, there is nothing to be afraid of. God/Nirvana/nothingness/absolute infinity/love  is all there is. 

Upon remembering the true nature of what you are, silence is all that is left 

Edited by Greatnestwithin

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10 minutes ago, Ar_Senses said:

But it feels like your whole body has been tearing apart! Your mother and your father, earth, friends, emotions, fears, anxiety, depression, negative thinking, problems, love, happiness, sex, enjoyment, how the world look like and how it should or shouldn't be in your perspective - this is your whole entire body and know you facing that it is not you! You are not exist! But you believed in that so deep, so become too attached and now, when you realise that you are not it you're scared as fuck!

wow. got it @Greatnestwithin


and no you understood my question correctly. i cannot imagine what that might feel like

i suppose that since it is felt, it is still thought/resistance which is surfacing and that is what is witnessed... witnessed to be that existential terror


so once this is accepted, the ego dies and as you said

10 minutes ago, Greatnestwithin said:

Once transcending that, there is nothing to be afraid of. God/Nirvana/nothingness/absolute infinity/love  is all there is. 

<3 wow

thank you



also. side note

somehow, just the "beingness" or what I am seeing thru my eyes and just that without words, sounds, thoughts is becoming more and more clearer to me but i cannot help but to be is utter deep awe when i know that i am not even at the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg's tip since my meditation is not even regular yet and i just half-ass attempt the meditations that I do, do. end up sleeping mostly :(


but wow. thank you.


Love Is The Answer

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2 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

i am not even at the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg's tip since my meditation is not even regular yet and i just half-ass attempt the meditations that I do, do. end up sleeping mostly :(

@SoonHei I'm highly recommending to you to participate in the retreat with 5-meo or do it by yourself (but i think better to start with someone who has an experience). It's little scary but the Truth itslef very very intresting and worth it 100% sure. You will face your True Nature and it's becomes much easier to ace life and set priorities right.

For me Life is nothing but Love Loving Love, the whole body orgasm which happening all the time. You can live with love, enjoyment, excitment and love to everything, but to embody it fully you need to work a lot. Is there anything which worth your energy more that that? I doubt it) 

After I've back from my retreat I'm determined as fuck to live my life fully, feel everything and enjoy this crazy nonsense called life!)

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@SoonHei it is all about the process, there is no where to get to, even intellectually you can grasp this. Question, question and question... from a place of pure curiosity and wonder like a child (that puts you in a state of not knowing ;)) and makes the process more enjoyable to some extent.

Keep it up my fellow human being! 

@Ar_Senses amen brother!

Edited by Greatnestwithin

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4 minutes ago, Ar_Senses said:

For me Life is nothing but Love Loving Love, the whole body orgasm which happening all the time. You can live with love, enjoyment, excitment and love to everything, but to embody it fully you need to work a lot. Is there anything which worth your energy more that that? I doubt it) 

<3 <3 bless up


@Greatnestwithin thank you :) 

Love Is The Answer

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23 hours ago, Enlightenment said:

@outlandish Scales also can be "fooled" by adding a small portion, below the lowest measuring threshold of the scale, slowly bit by bit like if you would've taken a 0,5mg piece weight it, wait 5 seconds, add another one. It's not really a problem if your scale is accurate to a true 0,001g, but many scales aren't.

here is an example of how accurate micro scoops can be https://www.reddit.com/r/5MeODMT/comments/6ctodn/advice_on_precise_measurements_of_5meodmt_dosages/

Well, those results are more consistent than I thought they'd be. The range is fairly narrow per scoop. I can see how using scoops, if done carefully, could be preferable to a shitty $20 scale or whatever. Scoops are certainly cheaper than a decent scale.

*But* there are some problems with this that people need to be aware of:

  • In the experiment they note "It would be wise to ensure the material is finely powdered to ensure even and consistent weighing" - I'm not so confident that people will bother doing that.
  • The "3mg" scoop won't be delivering 3mg of 5-MeO-DMT. In the experiment it delivered around 1.5mg of the drug. If people fail to account for this, they will go on the internet and report that they took say 50mg of 5-Meo-DMT when it was actually just 25mg. This will throw other people off who are trying to figure out their own dosage.
  • If people are clever enough to use that reddit as a calibration, there will still be the problem that their own product will differ in density vs. the experiment, and they will have no idea their own product's density. I'm currently sitting on two different batches of 5-MeO-DMT which have very different densities for example.
  • And very important: If you need to take multiple scoops to hit your desired dose you get compounding inaccuracy.

So let's take an example to illustrate the issues.  So say you want around 18mg of the HCl and you have the 10mg and a 3mg scoop from the experiment. Your best bet is to do 2 of the "10-12mg" scoop and 3 of the "3mg" scoop, which should give you on average 6.8+6.8+1.5+1.5+1.5 = 18.1mg. The error range is 0.8+0.8+0.5+0.5+0.5 = 3.1mg - so +/- 1.5mg.  That means your measured dose is anywhere from 16.6mg to 19.6mg. That's a pretty coarse range! Plus it's a lot of figuring just to make sure the dose is right (I just had to come back in to edit this because of a mistake, and I'm a pretty "numbers" guy), lots can go wrong there. And we haven't even accounted for the fact that your own powder will be of a different density in the experiment.

It's much simpler just to tell people to fork out $100 for a semi-decent scale that can actually measure down to +/-1mg, and if you can't afford that then maybe try a cheaper scale and learn volumetric dosing.




Edited by outlandish
Fix numbers

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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I scoop or eyeball various other psychedelics, but not 5-meo-dmt. I use a laboratory grade 1mg scale.

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On 8/28/2018 at 9:17 AM, outlandish said:

Holy crap @Leo Gura - I can see how if your scale reads 10mg and 20mg as the same you'd say that scoops are more precise. I wouldn't call that a milligram scale, more like a "milligram" scale.

I think you haven't tried a good scale yet, or there is some problem with your scale(s). Have you changed the battery? Mine was a bit wonky until I replaced the shit factory battery, now it measures within 1mg consistently.

Like I said, I've tried those scales and they never gave me consistent results.

Microscoops are better.

Just because a scale is 0.001g does not mean it can actually measure out 10mg precisely. Most of these scales will barely even register a 10mg dose. It will read as zero on the scale many times. These scales assume you're weighting a fairly heavy object to begin with, like 100mg, then it will give you 0.001g accuracy. But not on a 10mg sample.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 8/27/2018 at 10:28 PM, Leo Gura said:

Not so what.


But you don't get this yet because you have no idea yet what "I'm God" really means. To you it's just an idea. Which of course is "so what?"

I guess it is something you have to experience to understand.

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On 8/30/2018 at 4:11 AM, Leo Gura said:

Like I said, I've tried those scales and they never gave me consistent results.

Microscoops are better.

Just because a scale is 0.001g does not mean it can actually measure out 10mg precisely. Most of these scales will barely even register a 10mg dose. It will read as zero on the scale many times. These scales assume you're weighting a fairly heavy object to begin with, like 100mg, then it will give you 0.001g accuracy. But not on a 10mg sample.

Therfore it is best to add the substance on something that already have taken the scale to maybe 100 mg or more. Could be weighing paper, a credit card or whatever. And then just subtract the weight of the credit card (or whatever it is you use)..

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Have you tried DMT? If not you could try that and see if the intensity is something for you.. Then you can step up to 5meo after that if you feel up for it.. It's also good for practicing vaporization technique...

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On 9/2/2018 at 4:24 AM, zikzak said:

 Therefore it is best to add the substance on something that already have taken the scale to maybe 100 mg or more. Could be weighing paper, a credit card or whatever. And then just subtract the weight of the credit card (or whatever it is you use)..

^ this is a good technique many people use to bypass the inaccuracies that the cheaper scales have at the bottom end of their measuring range. 

For anyone looking for a very accurate scale at a decent price, I can't recommend the American Weigh Gemini-PRO (AWS GPR-20) enough. It costs about $100 and it's been reliable to me for years now. It consistently measures my calibration weights (tiny pieces of tinfoil with their masses marked on them) down to the same 1mg every time, doesn't wander, isn't easy to "fool". I've done so many different kinds of tests with it, and it's damn consistent. 5 stars. 

I'm sure there are other very good scales at that price range, this isn't an advertisement, just sharing what's worked for me.


How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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On 27/08/2018 at 10:44 PM, legendary said:

My 5-MeO-DMT HCl Solo Trip Retreat:


I was blown away by the positivity and support everyone on this forum has provided.

Thanks to everyone who read my report and/or gave me feedback and suggestions. It has helped me a lot.


@Leo Gura

Using micro-scoops in conjunction with the milligram weighing scale seems like a wise choice. Will keep that in mind.

I look forward to the Full Monty ;)



Thanks for the feedback!

Your pointer about letting go is absolutely brilliant! I will integrate this into my daily practices for sure and I can already see how it will help me in the future.



Thanks a lot for your analysis!

I think a bigger dose is definitely the solution for me, but I'm planning on doing it under the guided supervision of a shaman (Octavio Rettig) via smoking it.


@Ragib Ashraf

It was really interesting to read about your experience. Kudos on surrendering to the experience!

I agree with your point everyone having different tolerances.

Yes, I'm planning on smoking the toad medicine under the guidance of Dr. Rettig.



Your report is absolutely fantastic. Reading it gave me a lot of encouragement to go ahead with the decision to go to Spain. Yes, I'm planning to go in October. Have you tripped on 5-MeO solo after your experience?

 Great insights from yourself, as well as Dr. Rettig and Dr. Ball.

I have read 'Entheogenic Liberation' and 'Tryptamine Palace'. Haven't read the book from Dr. Rettig, since a lot of people say it is more of an autobiography, but may read it later.

I will certainly hit you up, as I have some questions about the retreat.


I have had some time to contemplate on my experience, observe my behavior and also to carry out a few experiments I was curious about:



  • Nothing more to add than what Leo has already spoken about in his videos
  • Discovering these insights through first-person experience and verifying the truths for oneself is vital; only that will help in making radical paradigm shifts successfully.



  • Definition: Spontaneous recurrence of the altered state of consciousness during sleeping or upon being exposed to conditions similar to those present during the original experience.
  • Leo spoke about his reactivation experience during sleep, so have a few other people.
  • My experience wasn't a full blown experience of God, it was more like being stuck in non-dual limbo during my peak, followed by a mild panic attack.
  • For the first 5 nights when I went to sleep, I got into that non-dual limbo state of expanded consciousness, but as soon as I consciously thought about the possibility to try and let go, the experience would end and I would either go back to ordinary sleep or wake up. This even happened to me once after I fell asleep on a bus. There was no panic or anxiety accompanying the experience.
  • This experience was also triggered upon being exposed to the music that was playing during the trip (OM Chanting @ 528Hz), at least during the first few days.
  • After the 5th day, this stopped for me and hasn't happened since.


Bilateral Symmetry:

  • It was interesting to read the opinions that some of the people have about this. It looks like it really isn't a big deal for a lot of the people.
  • In my case, it seems like this may be important. I remember while I was asleep one night and the reactivation began, my left hand automatically moved around with a jerk- such that it mirrored my right hand's position. My body was still, but symmetric. This may have happened during other instances, but I'm not aware of those



  • I had been experimenting with Microdosing (approx. 20ug LSD using Dr. Fadiman's Guide) since before my trip
  • It certainly seems to have some positive benefits, so I'm going to keep on experimenting with this
  • I haven't noticed any discernible differences from before or after the trip. I feel like I might be able to get away with a lower dose now (15ug), but I need to verify that.


  • When I start self-inquiry now, my sense of self soon goes to my heart. It always used to be behind my eyes earlier, and I start out there even now; however, it doesn't stay there.
  • I also notice a muffled sense of fear while I do this, but I haven't been able to go past this.


The swinging of the Pendulum:

  • I found myself getting lazier in the days immediately following the trip, instead of being motivated to learn and grow from this experience. I think ego backlash is almost guaranteed after some big experiences
  • I haven't been able to resume my Yoga practice since, but I make excuses such as "Being aware is enough", "I'll just watch a video from Leo".
  • I will proactively work towards swinging the pendulum back so that I surpass my previous baseline level of consciousness and productivity.


We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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I will try my second hit of 5 meo today... my last time was horrible as i didn't the substance to go fully through my nostrils, which ended up going down my throat to the point where i had to puke WHILE on the come up of 5 meo leaving my ego struggling while i'm vomiting, guess i need to message the nostrils more and pull my head down a bit more than 10 minutes maybe...

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@zikzak i might consider that in the next trip, but from what i learned snorting is the gentler way and gentle might be best for a first breakthrough maybe?

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6 hours ago, zikzak said:

Insufflation sucks a bit of ass :ph34r: Why not boof or vape?

Can the HCL form be vaped? If so, do you know the optimal temp?

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