Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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On 8/16/2018 at 0:59 AM, peanutspathtotruth said:



One method allies to all: being aware of being aware ;)

Anyone tried 5-MeO-MALT? Supposedly it should be as powerful as some of the already mentioned DMT, DPT...

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@Leo Gura Slightly off-topic but I didn't want to make a separate thread for this. In your 2C-B video you said you plugged it much like you do with 5-MeO. My question is how much water did you use to dissolve ~10mg of 2C-B. There's not much information on stuff like this out there.


Edited by DnoReally



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1 hour ago, DnoReally said:

@Leo Gura Slightly off-topic but I didn't want to make a separate thread for this. In your 2C-B video you said you plugged it much like you do with 5-MeO. My question is how much water did you use to dissolve ~10mg of 2C-B. There's not much information on stuff like this out there.

As little water as you can get away with.

Like 0.5ml

20-30mg of 5-MeO can be dissolved in as little as 0.1-0.2ml. Literally a few drops.

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More isn’t always “better”. I start blacking out over 30mg. 

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It's more about finding the lowest dose needed for complete ego dissolution no? I heard now quite often that the gap between that point and a white-out is quite small.

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6 minutes ago, DrMobius said:

I agree! But I think that coming in and out of a black/white-out while still deeply under the effects is the most unique and dreamlike feeling one could possibly experience, which makes it worth it. 

Yes, a great way to describe it. For me, it also has a liquid / fluid sense to it.

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7 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

Does anyone who are enlightened even recommend psychedelics? I have never heard of anyone.

They don’t recommend it. Why do you need a drug to be who you are? That’s how they see it and I agree with them. 

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None of them have ever taken 5-MeO.

And 5-MeO should not even be in the same category as other psychedelics. It is its own thing.

No one who hasn't taken it has any idea such things are possible. Even if they are enlightened, they still don't understand what 5-MeO can do.

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@Leo Gura Are you claiming that 5-MeO is beyond Nirvana/Brahman/Pure Consciousness Experience that is possible to experience via meditation?

"The Insight experience triggering this last Insight is often a cessation event and, as with the cessation discussed in the Seventh Interlude, takes the form of a “Pure Consciousness Experience,” or “Consciousness without an Object.” Our subjective experience of time stops. Consciousness has no object apart from the simple fact of consciousness itself. There is no sense of Self in this experience, no Witness—nothing. In the words of the Buddha, it is “gone to suchness,” or in the words of Nisargadatta, “I am that.” The more you engage in this practice, the deeper this Insight will go, penetrating bit by bit, ever deeper into the most hidden recesses of your psyche."

It is supposedly the highest state ever confirmed by any religion and it requires top-tier concentration skills. Many so-called enlightened people had never reached that state because all they did was dry insight practices without concentration and so they may have non-dual awareness in daily life but never touched the ultimate state. I'm very curious whether 5-MeO is the same or different.

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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47 minutes ago, DaveB said:

Just found this recently, What you Think?



Read this yesterday, it's a nice sum up. Shortly before that I finished "Entheogenic Liberation" by Martin Ball which I find is exactly what this article is doing just in a much more detailed way. Definitely a must read book for everyone working with 5-MeO or any other entheogen. Moreover, I like Martin's no-bullshit view of non-duality, cuts through a lot of crap.

The article by "The Conclave" is still a good practical guide though.

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On 8/19/2018 at 4:52 PM, Mikael89 said:

Does anyone who are enlightened even recommend psychedelics? I have never heard of anyone.

Nature recommends a few ^_^


You don't need to take 5-MeO externally to experience, just truly being still is just as direct access, but taking it externally is a unique way, a unique blast.

By the way, in some strange way, you can have many many many different experiences of the beyond.

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On 8/19/2018 at 7:55 AM, DrMobius said:

@Ragib Ashraf Heheh, lol. Now imagine 30 or even 40 mg. B|


23 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

More isn’t always “better”. I start blacking out over 30mg. 

Yeah just want to second this - taking more will produce a more intense / higher magnitude experience, but that's not necessarily "better". Often times with psychedelics you get a lot more out of a little bit less. And as Serotoninluv says there's a point where you stop forming memories, and/or black out, which is a waste. 

So far for me, 20mg sniffed was enough for a touchdown with the void. I can see going up to 24mg insuffl, but probably won't go much beyond that.

Edited by outlandish

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Hey @DrMobius yeah I didn't mean to discourage anyone from finding their own personal dose. I meant that message more for someone like @Ragib Ashraf who posted "holy fuck" etc after 17mg - he probably won't need to go up to 30-40mg, and might even get into unproductive or blackout turf if he went up that high. 

Psychedelics do affect everyone differently. It's wise to experiment with it, and work your way up carefully!

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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8 hours ago, Enlightenment said:

@Leo Gura Are you claiming that 5-MeO is beyond Nirvana/Brahman/Pure Consciousness Experience that is possible to experience via meditation?

No, it is not beyond. It is just that.

But there are many facets to that insight and many degrees of depth to it.

I merely said that enlightenment teachers do not understand that 5-MeO can go there as directly as it does.

If there was a pill you could take which would give you the level of consciousness of a Zen master with 40 years of daily practice, 5-MeO would take you there in 15 minutes and possibly even give you a deeper insight into that than that Zen master has had.

Of course, the difference is, after 60 minutes, you'd be back to normal. Whereas the Zen master is stabilized in his insight.

The purpose of 5-MeO is to give you a very deep glimpse of total nonduality. To show you how little you know and how worthwhile it is to pursue.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If there was a pill you could take which would give you the level of consciousness of a Zen master with 40 years of daily practice, 5-MeO would take you there in 15 minutes and possibly even given you a deeper insight into that than that Zen master has had.

but that would eff me up no?

i assume the zen master with the 40 years under his belt has intergrated the teachings/insights slowly over the years


vs me / anyone else getting that all in 15 mins only...


am i, by just asking about this, almost asking for a negative to follow the 5meo trip?

i hope not... but i feel strongly that intergration would be lacking very very much


unless ur talking about the insights during the trip and maybe like few hours after that


and then ur ego will return faster than the speed of light :) @Leo Gura

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5 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

but that would eff me up no?

Yes, it will shock the shit out of you.

That's the point: enlightenment shock treatment ;)

You will integrate afterwards.

After just one 5-MeO breakthrough, you will never look at reality the same way again. Even though you will fall back into duality and ego. You will still have a memory of awakening. And that memory will serve as a roadmap for pursing awakening.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Dinesh Karki said:

I want to try psychedelic. Where I can find 5-Meo DMT in Nepal?

Hi Dinesh. We can discuss our 5-meo experiences on the forum, but sourcing is not allowed.

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My 5-MeO-DMT HCl Solo Trip Retreat:

This is going to be a long post. Feel free to read it, but if you don't have time, please consider answering the questions enlisted at the very end.


  • Over the last 16 months, I have used psychedelics such as AL-LAD, Psilocybin Mushrooms, LSD and 2C-B in doses varying from mild to heavy
  • One common observation with psychedelics (that I have previously also noticed with substances such as alcohol and weed) is that I have a high tolerance to drugs in general, so I conjectured that I wouldn't be able to break through on 5-MeO at 30mg.
  • After a year of cycling between making progress (with my spiritual practices) and backsliding, I decided that it would be a good step to take 5-MeO (I had been putting it off since 4 months)



My house, and my bedroom to be specific

I fasted for about 20 hours before tripping on day 1 and for about 2 hours on day 2



I did 4 trips with varying doses, over two days, during which, I mostly stayed in my room either meditating, contemplating or resting. I took a break of about 1 hour after each trip on day 1.

  • Day1:
    • 12mg
    • 22mg
    • 30mg
  • Day 2:
    • 24mg
    • 30mg (canceled)
  • Day 3:
    •  Relax and integrate, journal


Rectal administration (plugging) using the exact steps that Leo describes on this mega thread.


Day 1:


  • I noticed an increased sense of awareness and my heart was beating faster than normal
  • I was still pretty aware of myself and my surroundings
  • No visual patterns, except for when I continuously stared at a flat surface
  • The trip wasn't that uncomfortable
  • This lasted for about an hour


  • Observations were same as that for 12mg, but more pronounced
  • I had, what can be called a samadhi-like experience; with my eyes closed, my awareness of being aware was deeper than what I had ever experienced
  • After the peek subsided, the awareness was still there, but my monkey mind started chattering: "Holy shit! This is awesome. I better remember this.", "So where is this Absolute Infinity.."
  • The trip was more uncomfortable than the 12mg trip


  • This is it, right? Not quite
  • This was a magnified version of the 22mg trip
  • As the peak approached, I realized that I felt completely detached from my body and my awareness expanded in a way that was completely radical to me.
  • During the peak, all thoughts stopped, however, I found myself constantly opening my eyes and subconsciously confirming that I was still alive and in control (aka not letting go)
  • I then tried letting go by relaxing and breathing deeply, it helped a little, although I was already past the peak and gradually coming down
  • I noticed some involuntary, movement of my arms and legs in a bilateral symmetry, similar to what Martin Ball describes in his books
  • This was the most uncomfortable trip thus far, but not unmanageable by any means
  • Towards the end of the day, I found myself thinking, "Maybe this isn't going to be so challenging and scary after all. I got this". A huge trap, I intuited.

Day 2:


  • I paid for my arrogance, big time!
  • The trip started out similar to the trips from day 1, with my heart beating fast and my awareness increasing and expanding
  • However, as the 5-minute mark hit and the peak approached, I found that my control over my body started fading. Fear and panic took over, as I kept reminding myself: "It's okay, I need to relax. I know what I signed up for", "Ego death is physical death, I knew that", "So this is what it feels like to die, Fuck!"
  • I don't remember much of what I did during the peak, except for that I completely lost it. I came across the 'Insanity threshold' that Leo spoke about. And OMG was I scared to let go.
  • I got in touch with a raw experience of being, so radical and so profound, that when my senses had no way of making sense of it. It was the most interesting and unimaginable thing I have ever imagined. I was beyond mindfucked.
  • I also became aware of not being my human self. I didn't get a glimpse of God, but I know, beyond a doubt that I am not my body.
  • I briefly remember becoming conscious of my surroundings one again every now and then. Thoughts would come into my awareness when that happened. These were sort of like my ego's last defense: As long as I have my thoughts, I am me and not dead.
  • I noticed myself doing the bilateral movements every now and then, involuntarily, except for that they were more rapid this time. My problem was that I was bumping into my door and my walls every now and then and I was partially scared of seriously injuring myself.
  • As the peak subsided, my awareness of my surroundings and my body returned. I remember shouting out things like, "okay, okay..", "I remember my name, I do", "maybe I shouldn't have done that", "This is crazy!", "Fuck, fuck!". I became worried that my neighbors would call the cops or assume that I've been possessed or something (I live in a condo). This didn't allow me to fully let go, yet, I had no choice but to go through the experience.
  • I remember coming out of the experience and staring at a thread on my carpet, for what seemed like an eternity, still scared to let go. This was when my trip returned to the baseline of my day 1 experiences, and I could manage things easier.



  • I got really humbled for thinking that I could go through a 5-MeO-DMT experience without a scratch.
  • Letting go and accepting insanity is a radical step. Normally, it seems that insane people don’t care about others, but true insanity here is when you don't care about yourself, at all!
  • Being is much, much more profound and ineffable than what all of actualized.org videos could describe.
  • Nothing can prepare one for a 5-MeO experience.
  • Death is scary (duh)! And deeply personal.


My mistakes:

  • My weighing scale seemed to be out to destroy my life this weekend. One second, the balance says 25mg, the next second, it jumps to 29mg and dillydallies. By my visual inspection, the 24mg dosage of day 2 seemed to have more substance than the 30mg of day 1. I'm not using that scale again, at least not for 5-MeO
  • I thought that the setting was perfect. Me alone in my room. However, for the first time when tripping, I shouted and involuntarily bumped into the walls. This had me scared for what would happen if someone were to intrude. I think doing this my renting out a secluded place would've been a better idea.


What I'm doing next:

  • No more tripping for a while. I need to embody mindfulness and awareness during my daily life and advance the Yoga practice that I've been slacking off with
  • More contemplation
  • Get on top of my life purpose
  • I'm planning on attending the retreat with Dr. Octavio Rettig in Spain in a few months, where I intend to finish what I started. This would also allow me to avoid the mistakes I made.
  • Enjoy life more. I take a lot of things for granted. This experience cannot be described as an experience of Absolute Infinity, however, this was a profound near-death experience for me.


Questions for other Self-Actualizers:

  • How were you able to let go while tripping? I remember thoughts violently swirling in my mind, as I tried to let go, but failed
  • I see that not many trip reports mention the 'Bilateral Symmetry' and 'Energetic Yoga' that Martin Ball advocates. I understand that he doesn't seem to be completely liberated, but I noticed myself doing those movements involuntarily. Has anyone else noticed this on 5-MeO or any other psychedelic?
  • Has anyone tried smoking the natural form of 5-MeO (toad medicine)? If so, how does it compare with the HCl version, esp. when plugged?
  • If you think there is something else I did wrong, please let me know. I have been planning for these trips for a few months, and have read a few books and have read many trip reports, but one cannot be too cautious with this substance.



We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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