Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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@JustinS That looks downright nasty. Careful. Run it through a few test kits to make sure it's at least an Indole of some kind.

The best 5-MeO looks like powdered coffee creamer. White, with a bit of yellow tint.

Like this:


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@Leo Gura Jesus what a difference. I've looked online for reports on this brown 5meo and people say it may be due to oxidation, but I can't bet on that without a test kit. 



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Does anyone have any experience with yopo seeds?

Yopo seeds have both NN-DMT and 5MEODMT. 

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@herghly The extraction process will require some chemistry.

Snorting unextracted yopo will be lots of pain.

Yopo is mostly Bufotinin, not 5-MeO-DMT. Bufotinin is quite different from 5-MeO. People say it has a high body load, more visual, less consciousness expanding.

Extraction of yopo destroys all the 5-MeO.

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@Leo GuraHave you  tried?


I don't find much information on YOPO. But, i have a friend who had a profound YOPO experience with a shaman

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@herghly I have not.

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I've been searching for what feels like forever only to find 1 person that doesn't send to the US. I try toad venom but didn't hold it enough or burn it wrong and wasted my batch, only got the heart beat rising and a I felt a little difference on my awareness but nothing significant for the amount i used :). I will never stop still i have this experience. I knew of psychedelics and had watch the vice documentary of Octavio since 17. But the exact day that I turn 21 for some reason I re watch the 5meo Vice Documentary with Dr. Octavio Rettig and right there a conviction entered me that, that experience most have been enlightenment and I knew that at least once i needed to experience the absolute. I will keep searching till I get it ship to my location US. I just wanted to put this out there so the universe hears me out. I love reading all of you guys much knowledge. Thanks Leo.

Edited by john23

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@john23 In the meantime, other psychedelics are still quite mindblowing. Particularly LSD. You can easily spend a few years just working with LSD, mining out a ton of profound insights and getting lots of growth.

Those of you looking for 5-MeO, that's great. But don't neglect other psychedelics.

It's like going to the zoo to see the lions. If you can't find the lions, the monkey exhibit is still damn cool ;)

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@john23 In the meantime, other psychedelics are still quite mindblowing. Particularly LSD. You can easily spend a few years just working with LSD, mining out a ton of profound insights and getting lots of growth.

Damn right. Finding the sweet spot dose for extended periods of meditation and concentration on LSD is important. I find that  < 150uq is too little and > 280uq is too much. In between lies a zone where getting into lazer focused concentration is effortless. Breathing becomed deep and easy. The present moment is crystal clear and bright, unfolding spontaniously and naturally. 

Too high dose, things get too distracting and roller coastery. It's interesting for sure but for me too much strictly for personal developement purposes. 

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@john23 In the meantime, other psychedelics are still quite mindblowing. Particularly LSD. You can easily spend a few years just working with LSD, mining out a ton of profound insights and getting lots of growth.

Those of you looking for 5-MeO, that's great. But don't neglect other psychedelics.

It's like going to the zoo to see the lions. If you can't find the lions, the monkey exhibit is still damn cool ;)

I appreciate that response. Will do.

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On ‎27‎.‎06‎.‎2018 at 3:15 AM, Leo Gura said:

I have not.

Why haven't you named the 5-Meo-DMT substitute you found? Could help a lot of people, couldn't it?

@Leo Gura

Edited by SpaceCowboy

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@OBEler  and @AMS  recommended Psilohuasca.com and the guide, who provides 1:1 sessions in another thread.  I wrote to him and  responded to his questions whereby he could determine whether I would be the right subject for a 1:1 session for 5-Meo. I reported on my two recent experiences with psychedelics (purging with one session of Aya and a miserable dark night of the soul on shrooms) and how I had been a seeker of enlightenment for many years BUT he didn't think he could help me. This was his response:

"I am honestly not sure if the path of psychedelics is truly yours.

It all sounds like you have a very powerful mind, in regards to „seeking enlightenment.  Maybe you have heard of Papaji (H.W.L. Poonja). One of his greatest quotes, which I heard of through Arjuna Ardagh is - "What is in the way of finding? (enlightenment) – Seeking of course!“

So this is exactly what I mean with a seekers mind. The mind always thinks it needs to achieve more of anything. It doesn’t matter what kind this more is. Just not what already is there, this moment, now. There is no goal, nothing to achieve, nothing to gain, nothing to improve. It is all already here and now. 

What psychedelics do is increase suffering up to a point where the mind just can‘t take it anymore and then gives up.

BUT NOT FOR EVERYONE! Due to the nature of the mind all these positive only talk about psychedelics everyone thinks it’s the fast path, the easy way. BUT IT IS NOT. 

For some it is the right vehicle, just like for some meditation is. 

The thing is that all the "huffing and puffing“ (like the wolf trying to blow the piggies house down) you’ve been doing throughout your life to become "enlightenment“ kept you running away from the present moment and for the future "enlightened version of yourself“- which you surely will never find THIS WAY.

Only seeking is in the way of finding! 

Reading how you describe your reactions (and it’s not only one try you had!) to psychedelics- it doesn’t seem to me that you should walk this path.

Just like your difficulties with meditation. So why continue? 

........To wrap it up. I am not sure if I would be able to provide a safe session for you. Especially a 5M session.

This stuff is pure suffering for the MIND. If the mind "breaks open“, gives up- yes then it’s a path into non duality. BUT not for everyone.

..... Really, I do not feel you should continue with psychedelic drugs. There are ONE method.

Upon questioning him as to how he would describe the mind that would be right for psychedelics, he responded - 

There's no such sort of general mind. It's more like the state of development one is in. Everyone has a different path to God within. However to see what is there one needs to stop looking for the future first.  It's all about acknowledgement and gratitude for what is. 

So, I am confused. I don't understand how being a seeker disqualifies one. Surely, it is seeking that bring us to the point of trying psychedelics in the first place! Also, if I have an obstructive mind, shouldn't the recommendation be that I need to try other psychedelics first to experience ego-death fully before I venture into 5-Meo?

What do you think of his response? 

Edited by astrokeen

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@SpaceCowboy Why don't you get in the back of the line and wait like rest of us are. He's probably coming up with a video to shoot about it. 


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8 hours ago, JustinS said:

@SpaceCowboy Why don't you get in the back of the line and wait like rest of us are. He's probably coming up with a video to shoot about it. 

Yes, I am sure he is working something out. Certainly it would lower peoples confusion if he'd mention what he is about to do. 

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Don't worry he will make a video soon: "How to be a tease and incorporating it in your spiritual life" ;)

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I tested the 5 with a kit and it confirmed being legit. I proceeded in doing 8mg rectally. This is my first time trying it rectally, and what amazes me is how smooth the ride is. The come up and transition was nearly unnoticeable, maybe because of the small dose. If you don't like getting hit by a train, by all means go with plugging. 


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A beautiful day to all of you ^^

This is my first post on this forum so please feel free to tell me if there is something I am doing wrong.

I am at spiral dynamics stage yellow (I think) and 20 years old. Most likely going to start studying philosophy in 2 months.

My life seems really strange and mysteriouse while at the same time being soulless and dry (most likely because I am afraid to trust in it being as "beautiful" as I think it might be).

I already tried mushrooms which gave me some insights, but not the motivation/certainty to get me moving at the paste I would like to (I can see that I "could").

My hope would be that 5-MeO-DMT can make me switch into a mode where I can strive towards something with energy, motivation, and certainty.

I know this isn't a wonder pill that solves all problems but I hope it can push me a little more into the right direction give me something to aim for I "know" I can reach (even though I think that ultimately I "shouldn't" need that).


Now here is where I would like to ask you for advice or sources you know that might be able to help me.

What would be the best plant to extract 5-MeO-DMT from to use RoA? Or in general what form of the 5-MeO-DMT (powder, fluid, crushed seeds...) as well as which form of intake would you recommend for a beginner (or any sources to learn about the pros and cons of both)?

I am also open to make new friends in general, so if you feel like you want to get to know me better feel free to message me and we can get together on skype, discord etc..


Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this post :)

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@hoherbasti There are no extraction methods for 5-MeO that I know of. You would need to be an organic chemist with tens of thousands of dollars of lab equipment to extract it successfully. It is a very delicate molecule. It seems easier to synthesize than to extract. And you'd need to be a good chemist to synthesize it too, with costly lab equipment.

Also, 5-MeO is not really a motivational tool. It will likely have the exact opposite effect: it will show you that your entire life is a meaningless lie. Although discovering God was very motivating for me. But for many people it would be more terrifying than motivating.

You'd be better off starting with something like LSD and see how you handle that. You could do years of work just with LSD.

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@Leo Gura 

I never know if what I do will have the results I want it to, If it does after 1 hour it might cause a massacre in 500 Jears and save 1 Billion lives in a thousand.

I feel like I'm lost in this meaningless lie already and I was since a young age, even though it was somewhat different back then.

I consumed porn and masturbated in excess for the last ten years and am planning to at least stop with the porn, and probably the masturbation as well, for the next half year.

I am going somewhere but I feel so uncertain and lost while at the same time feeling like I have a clearer sight of "what is" and how to live than most others.

But then again I don't seem to have nearly enough trust in that.

I want to clearly see this all as a meaningless lie, have trust in that, learn to love it and stand firm in nothingness.


Maybe I should try and sort myself out, let life & myself catch up to the believes I have at the moment before I take any psychedelics at all. 

But then again It is said that psychedelics can "clear" your mind / show you how things really are and if that's how it is, shouldn't now be the perfect time for me to check if they can support what I believe with an experience.

If the experience is different from what I expect though it might just set my believes further apart from what I am doing / reality as I act it out.

Or it might help me to come up with an even clearer vision on how to live.


AHHHH this is just so intertwined @.@ <3

It always is

Thank you so much for being part of why I thought about it in this way, it was very interesting and I feel like it might have cleared things up for me to some extent.

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All posts about sourcing drugs here will be deleted.

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