Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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@Serotoninluv I’m looking to try 5 meo (availability is tough so far) and just want to say thanks for posting your experience and info. 

2 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

"omfg!! I am god and created the universe!!

I had that experience for what seemed like a very long time on 8g’s shroom tea. Just sharing that for a reference. I can’t compare tea to 5meo yet, but I thought I’d mention it in case it’s useful to you. Thanks again. 

Thought I’d add, at the risk of sounding like an a-hole, I took about 15 trips. The better half were when I ate a kinda typical American diet, and the last 3 or 4 were on a vegan (95%) diet for a couple years. I have no idea with any certainty, but my best guess on the God view / seeing is diet. And I agree with what @Leo Gura said but for me it was studying religions and debates, neurology & biology, qm’s, and a lot of ‘zoning’ with meditation and guitar/singing. There seems to be something about prepping / expanding the mind. Also uncertain. Could be wrong altogether. It’s hard to see what’s relative to that. 



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@Nahm Oh man... you will LOVE 5-MeO.

I'm not vegan and 5-MeO still works great on me.

But in general, you want to clean up your diet for tripping, especially don't eat junk on the day of the trip.


I've been hearing that some labs in Canada (where 5-MeO is legal) are getting close to finalizing their synthesis process. They were having problems on the final step of the synthesis, which they have now figured out. Once some of these Canadian labs start making it, that should increase availability since China shut down production in 2015. At least that would be the best case scenario.

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Had some weed edibles yesterday, got me closer to that space but didn't let go fully

I think weed now, after having gone pretty deep with 5-MeO, really offers a nice gentle psychedelic push.

It's funny, still every time it happens I just can't belief how real, and just divine that space is.

Also it left me with a good imprint as to what it is we're looking for just 'feeling-awareness' and that only, ignoring sound/image arising

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Hello 5-meonauts!

Inspired by Leo, as a Leo myself, the sign not the name, I decided to experiment with some anal administration of the formidable five methoxy.

Due to my lack of chemical experience I ran into some questions which Im looking for some answers. I followed Leos rectal guide to the T but my medicine didnt dissolve in 0,3ml of hot water. First time I loaded 10mg into a soup spoon and poured the water on top from the syrige and I stirred for over 20 mins but the substance didnt dissolve properly. My meo (AB acquired and headlined as HCl) has a orange hue... Anyway I loaded the half dissolved liquid to the syringe and then I sent it to the dark place and lied down...but no reaction...only some butt action

Second time I weighed 15migs and poured 0,5ml to the spoon and heated it with a lighter. The salt dissolved but some oily orange layer remained on the spoon...suspicious I pondered...But to Uranus it went. I on the other hand stayed on Earth and experienced some brain sensations, no visuals and a slightly enhanced consciousness.

All in all, can I deduce that the substance isnt pure Meo HCl? Should I try nasal administration next or enhance my plugging skills? Feedback is advised and encouraged.

Peace in!





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@ZeN Snorting was very uncomfortable for me. I dislike lying with my head upside down, the nasty nasal drip and the loss of 5-meo substance. Plugging works much better for me.

Relevant to your post: 1) I crush the 5-meo-dmt into a fine powder to help it dissolve. 2) I dissolve it into 3/4 water and 1/4 astroglide gel (to prevent powder sticking to sides of syringe). It is an orange color. 3) I suck up the liquid into the syringe.

Also, people have different sensitivities to 5-meo-dmt and it is very different than other psychedelics. 5-meo-dmt is not visual. For me, 15mg feels like what I imagine heroine to be like. The experience is very different at 25 or 30mg. As well, if you had some losses that 15mg may have been closer to 12mg. Under 15mg is a low dose. If was comfortable at 15mg and was like "What's all the fuss about". I then moved up to 20mg without problem.


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15 hours ago, ZeN said:

Hello 5-meonauts!

Inspired by Leo, as a Leo myself, the sign not the name, I decided to experiment with some anal administration of the formidable five methoxy.

Due to my lack of chemical experience I ran into some questions which Im looking for some answers. I followed Leos rectal guide to the T but my medicine didnt dissolve in 0,3ml of hot water. First time I loaded 10mg into a soup spoon and poured the water on top from the syrige and I stirred for over 20 mins but the substance didnt dissolve properly. My meo (AB acquired and headlined as HCl) has a orange hue... Anyway I loaded the half dissolved liquid to the syringe and then I sent it to the dark place and lied down...but no reaction...only some butt action

Second time I weighed 15migs and poured 0,5ml to the spoon and heated it with a lighter. The salt dissolved but some oily orange layer remained on the spoon...suspicious I pondered...But to Uranus it went. I on the other hand stayed on Earth and experienced some brain sensations, no visuals and a slightly enhanced consciousness.

All in all, can I deduce that the substance isnt pure Meo HCl? Should I try nasal administration next or enhance my plugging skills? Feedback is advised and encouraged.

Peace in!

You should be able to dissolve even 30mg of 5-MeO in 0.3ml of water within 10 seconds without even stirring it. 5-MeO dissolves instantly, like table salt.

It sounds like you got some bullshit 5-MeO, or perhaps it's freebase, not HCl? Freebase doesn't dissolve in water, it needs to be dissolved in oil or something. I dunno, never tried it with freebase.

Or maybe the powder you have is not 5-MeO at all. You could try snorting a tiny bit (5mg) just to see what it feels like. Snorting freebase should be very painful. But even 5-10mg snorted should produce some funky effects. Not enough for a trip, but you will definitely feel the 5-MeO "flavor" and some mild intoxication.

If your 5-MeO is orange-colored (assuming it is 5-MeO at all) it might be a low purity, requiring a larger dose. Pure 5-MeO should be white.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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...but no reaction

sold a bag of dandruff. :(

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If your 5-MeO is orange-colored (assuming it is 5-MeO at all) it might be a low purity, requiring a larger dose. Pure 5-MeO should be white.

My meo is most certainly 5-Meo-DMT because a similar batch from the same vendor was tested in a forensics lab and was confirmed 5-Meo. The purity was not specified though... As an interesting twist of events I managed to get two batches of 5-Meo (2 for 1), one was advertised as HCl (orange coloured) and the other one was supposedly freebase (off-white colour). 

I have been sitting on them for over a year as when I began testing with the freebase, I didnt manage to successfully administer it through vaporizing. I bought a meth pipe but obviously as a beginner I burnt the substance and now the pipe has burnt 5-Meo in it. So I presume I cant use that pipe anymore... Anyway I took that as a sign from the Universe and my higher self that I wasnt ready for this behemoth of a psychedelic and continued with less powerful hallucinogens. I got my ass handed to me without meo anyway :D By shrooms of course...

So I have built up my psychedelic confidence for over 1.5 years and now I feel ready to continue with 5. I have read and bought two of the leading expert on the God Molecule, Martin Ball's, books of which the best is by far "Unraveling the enigma of nonduality with 5-Meo-DMT energetic therapy". I have also introduced psychedelics to my family and my mother has even tried shrooms now. Thats openmindedness for you folks! I also recommended the aforementioned book to her and she was inspired and convinced she will try 5 one day :D But before that I will work with it and share my experiences. On a side note, she has psychic abilities, also walks the path and helped me get to the root cause of my melanoma (which is the mechanism to keep me on the path and not stray away and lose focus).

So I know there is no way back for me, I will go for enlightment hardcore and the method of 5-Meo-DMT and psychedelics has really resonated with me. @Serotoninluv You said you also had orange HCl, is it sticky too? I will try to consume my orange batch nasally first and maybe try to smoke/vape the freebase later if at all. Do you have any idea what is that orange residue? Will it dissolve in the nose...When I heated the spoon the orange liquid sticked to the spoon...

To conclude, maybe I will get my ass handed to me during the first high dose trip and I'll retreat but I have to experience it and learn from it. Death is an illusion anyway as they say...I want to prove and embody that myself though. To infinity and beyond!

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@ZeN Do not start with any high dose trips. Figure out how to hit a threshold dose first using your odd orange substance. Then, GRADUALLY up the dose in 5mg increments.

Your dosing should look like this:

5mg >> 10mg >> 15mg >> 20mg >> 25mg >> 30mg

Only move to the next dose if you were able to handle the previous one.

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9 hours ago, ZeN said:

and the other one was supposedly freebase (off-white colour). 

I have been sitting on them for over a year as when I began testing with the freebase, I didnt manage to successfully administer it through vaporizing.

The colour of 5 meo in freebase version is very pure-white, not off-white.

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@Leo Gura I would like to experiment 5-meo in the way that you are suggesting, the problem is that both of my parents have Schizophrenia. 

Would you think that in my responsability I should give it a try with a really small dose or it is too dangerous for me? I'm 26 and I just smoked weed one time in my life. 

Edited by Achilles

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@Achilles Start with small doses of LSD or mushrooms. See how you handle that.

There is no reason to guess or speculate with psychedelics. You can dose very small and see exactly what your tolerance level is. You just have to be patient and responsible, unlike what most people do: just eyeball a big dose, damn the consequences.

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On 18/03/2018 at 6:37 AM, Leo Gura said:

@Achilles Start with small doses of LSD or mushrooms. See how you handle that.

There is no reason to guess or speculate with psychedelics. You can dose very small and see exactly what your tolerance level is. You just have to be patient and responsible, unlike what most people do: just eyeball a big dose, damn the consequences.

Ok Mentor, when I feel prepared I'll take that step. Your words helped me with my fear and know how. 

Now I've to continue my 1 hour and a half of different habits that I'm doing for an year without missing a day. And that's your fault! :)

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Earlier today I had the deepest experience with 5meo (bufo alvarius) with a shaman here in Ecuador. I started to fall through the realms of conventional reality before I could finish inhaling the substance primarily because I did bufo 2 days before and was sensitive. 

Swirling and spiraling in absolute Infinity and it’s all me. There is no escape and no where to hide from God. It’s complete and perfect in the most absolute way. 

I am the only one stuck in my own ignorance not others. This seems to be a profound shock while at the peak of the ego death. The thought that others are ignorant is only your reflection and projection. You are absolutely alone. 

It’s all just God. There’s really nothing much more to say.


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@JustinS Hehe... amen :)


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I have a question for the ones more experienced with this substance.

I have been experimenting with 5-MeO for a short while now with mild results only. My last try was the most I have done - 27mcg 5-MeO-DMT HCl plugged. I experienced some purging via energy shifting, but it did not feel too spectacular (very comparable to a short time of the shamanic breathing). I expected something more dramatic or powerful at this amount of 5-MeO.

Should I proceed with 30 and go up?

Or should I try 30  and just stick with 30 until something clicks?

What could be the optimal dosing in my case?

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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10 hours ago, okulele said:

I have a question for the ones more experienced with this substance.

I have been experimenting with 5-MeO for a short while now with mild results only. My last try was the most I have done - 27mcg 5-MeO-DMT HCl plugged. I experienced some purging via energy shifting, but it did not feel too spectacular (very comparable to a short time of the shamanic breathing). I expected something more dramatic or powerful at this amount of 5-MeO.

Should I proceed with 30 and go up?

Or should I try 30  and just stick with 30 until something clicks?

What could be the optimal dosing in my case?

I'm not sure why 5-MeO seems to not work on certain people. Or it works much less effectively. Probably has something to do with differences in brain physiology and also innate spiritual attunement. My guess is, not all human brains are equally susceptible to 5-MeO-DMT. I'm guessing you need to have the right structures already present in the brain which can utilize the 5-MeO, otherwise not much happens. Either you require large dosages or maybe this chemical is just not the right one for you. Do you have a high tolerance to other psychedelics like LSD or mushrooms?

20mg of 5-MeO should produce radical shifts in consciousness.

You may want to experiment with smoking/vaporizing it. Just be careful with dosage. Smoked dosages need to be MUCH smaller. Start with something like 5mg smoked, then work up to 10mg, then 15mg.

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Hey Leo,

During last blog video when you took 5-meo multiple days in a row, I was wondering, what dosage did you use? did you do multiple high dosages, multiple low dosages, or slowly progress from low to high? 

Btw, that blog video was awesome! One of your best videos. 

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