Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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7 hours ago, bobbyward said:

Anybody ever taken 5meo, by swollowing it? And if so what we're the results.   I was reading some were that HCI is best to be taken by swallowing it.

Are you sure that was in reference to 5-meo and not something else?  I've never seen anybody recommend 5-meo orally.  There seems to be a virtually universal consensus that it is a bad idea for multiple reasons. 

Oral does seem to be the preferred ROA for 4-aco-dmt though.  Best to read up on each substance individually.

Edited by Real Eyes

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Going out on a bit of a limb here but what ever.

Anyone here in Holland or even Europe who is mature and who has ranch or land to safely experience God and make purging sounds without being bothered? PM me and let's make a chat on skype.

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Excellent trip report.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 6/23/2017 at 1:23 PM, outlandish said:


But if you *did* want to do volumetric measurement with 5-MeO-DMT, you could use a solvent that evaporates easily, like ethanol to measure it out and drop it onto a glass surface. Then you evaporate the solvent and scrape the residual material with a razor blade to get an extremely precise dose.

@outlandish  Somewhat on this topic, could this technique also be used to get rid of excess moisture that 5-meo has accumulated during improper storage?  I just read the following: 

"Hydrochlorates like the 5-MeO-dmt HCl above are usually a little bit hygroscopic. DMT HCl is so hygroscopic that it forms a dark gooey mess that will only crystallize in completely dry air. And when exposed to normal air DMT HCl eventually becomes wet by absorbing water from the air" 

(from this link:  https://drugs-forum.com/threads/storing-and-degradation-of-tryptamines.40459/ )

So if this were to happen, seems like one could just place all of the product in the ethanol solution, and once the ethanol evaporates, all that excess moisture will go along with it, upon which you could reseal it and store it again in its powder form?


Edited by Real Eyes

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Some symbolism:

The frog goes from a swimming sperm cell to a frog in a few months, representing rapid transformation

Also, the toad goes into hibernation (representing going inwards)

(And when Bashar was asked about Arizona as to what that place represents he said spiritual growth)


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On 7/15/2017 at 9:13 AM, Real Eyes said:

@outlandish  Somewhat on this topic, could this technique also be used to get rid of excess moisture that 5-meo has accumulated during improper storage?  I just read the following: 

"Hydrochlorates like the 5-MeO-dmt HCl above are usually a little bit hygroscopic. DMT HCl is so hygroscopic that it forms a dark gooey mess that will only crystallize in completely dry air. And when exposed to normal air DMT HCl eventually becomes wet by absorbing water from the air" 

(from this link:  https://drugs-forum.com/threads/storing-and-degradation-of-tryptamines.40459/ )

So if this were to happen, seems like one could just place all of the product in the ethanol solution, and once the ethanol evaporates, all that excess moisture will go along with it, upon which you could reseal it and store it again in its powder form?


That seems like a really roundabout way to do it. If I had gooey moist drugs I would put them in a sealed container with a powerful dessicant (making sure the dessicant doesn't come into physical contact with the substance) and just leave it in there for days until it was crunchy crispy dry. It would probably be super chunky by then so you might need to pulverize it again to break it up.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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Just did 20mg smoked.

In my room (shared housing), everyone was gone. Still surrounded by other rooms that had people in them somewhere.

I still couldn't let go, too much suppressed fear. I thought I would be okay with making sounds but my mind still tricked me into holding back.

So: intense. Frustrating. Scary. Nothing really blissful but it was insightful.

And I am much less afraid to do it again, it's comforting to know that what ever bad experience you have is just your own mind with some childhood residue trauma.

So not much has changed, It's a few hours after the experience now, just went for a run (exercise is so important to stay grounded and to feel somewhat good in the body btw!) and meditated for a bit, I feel somewhat more easy going, not much has changed.

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Hey all! I'm looking for straightforward info on converting 5 meo dmt in it's freebase version back to it's HCL version.

I'm a fairly experienced user of psychedelic tools, and I finally got the chance to pick up some 5 meo dmt. 
There was one catch, it was the freebase version, not HCL. Freebase doesn't interest me so much as getting "pummeled" for 15-20 minutes could be interesting, but more intriguing was the opportunity to actually integrate the experience by insufflating the HCL version for a longer trip. 

I scoured the internet exhaustedly and due to not not being a chemist I was only able to draw out some basic instructions for an average joe DIY, in my case using vinegar.

I added vinegar to a shot glass with the >40mg freebase 5 meo dmt and heated it very slightly over an electric stove to encourage it to dissolve fully. Once this had happened I let a fan blow over it to dry it up. I was under the impression this would form anything but a goo, but when it dried it had turned into goo. I tried again, adding more vinegar, with the same result. I got it barely wet again and added some coconut cream (tip from one page in my research journey) to soften the burn, if it was going to burn. I mixed the two to get several milliliters of liquid, which I picked up with a dropper and snorted into each nostril. It burned but was not unbearable. Hung out upside down for a while to keep it in contact with the mucous membrane but after 15 minutes I gave up, no luck. 

Clearly I'm missing something, as many people say it's "very easy" to convert freebase to HCL.. can anyone inform this seeker of the process? Very much appreciated! :)

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@Dex I´v posted the quick technic on this thread april 19.

Edited by Hsinav

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Some follow up of the two 5-MeO trips (one a few days ago as seen above, one a few weeks ago, 2x10 mg and 1x 20mg, interestingly enough the 10mgs were almost stronger than the 20mg as I let go even less in my little dorm room, but still very strong and insightful).

I have also been meditating or practicing mindfulness diligently for almost the entire day aside from a few hours of internetting a day, am on unemployment welfare, 21 y/o.

- Meditations have gone noticeably deeper just like last time but not as much yet.

-Third eye has opened up more (clearer vision, saw a dancing white light in nature in the corner of my eye the other day, saw some puffs of some white smoke that kept appearing in front of my during meditation even when I looked at it, I could not trace it to any plant or what ever, and just a more dmt-like vision during the day (been seeing stuff slightly for years but it's now actually coming on).

- Had very vivid lucid dreams, one very personal awesome dream with my father, one just weird one, another just weird one that went on for hours, was very vivid very lucid, could experiment with letting out my hurt ego, was nice.

-More very trippy moments in dreams, like 'uh wooooww', for a moment, like experiencing a little bit of ego death or very psychedelic state

- Weed was definitely much stronger and also made some noticeable impact on the acceleration on all of the above.

- Great insights as to my pysche/fears, as how some trauma of my father manifested itself as a deep fear of God and created a neurotic mind towards it and towards other people (needing to be a certain way), I feel like I'm very close to letting go of this deep knot (manifested as deep constant physical tension around my root chakra too).

- Had one dream tonight wherein the 5-MeO was just as strong, if not stronger as the 20mg of last time and I almost let go, it's not leaving me alone, at all! :D 

(I've practiced lucid dreaming for a few years between 16-18, and let it go on automatic ever since, which is why I am a little more aware than most people by default, but sometimes I don't remember dreams at all (which means they were mundane or perhaps too deep), so yeah)

But the third eye/dream stuff is not really important at all compared to emotional healing and Self discovery and it will follow automatically through spiritual practice, though being conscious of it and practicing WILD adds a new nice layer to things, but it's pretty challenging to practice WILD, and aside from that, there's not much to do aside from remembering them when you just wake up.

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Doing 5meo has also made my dreams very vivid. Rupert spira says the more unreal the waking state becomes the more real the sleep and dream state becomes 

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Yeah! The dreams have been wild lately! Sometimes very negative too..

Don't try to become a Buddha. Just be yourself. That is the Buddha.

Bliss out to LeakyBliss ? ➡ https://bit.ly/2Ld2QOC


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Great news for all 5-meo aficionados.....

Dr. Martin W. Ball has released his brand new book "Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling the Enigma of Nonduality with 5-Meo-Dmt Energetic Therapy - The Worlds most Comprehensive work on 5-Meo-DMT and Nonduality"

If you are interested in achieving non-dual liberation then the book is for you. For me personally I find the message of Mr. Ball very fascinating and penetrating with the powerful message of truth with a no-bullshit approach on enlightenment. I have aquired this substance but Im still working up to experiencing it and going deeper with the process of self-discovery and energetic liberation. For me, small amounts of magic fungi have opened my doors of perception and made me humble and dedicated to the path.

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Does 5-meo have any fatal or long lasting psychological side effects even if taken in normal dosage? what is the best way to get its purest form other than on the deep web?

Edited by egoless

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No sourcing.. 

In regards to "normal dose". A friend of mine has done small doses after his 2 breakthrough experiences and they have been very intense. Much more intense than anticipated. So long lasting negative side effects could be traumatic experiences during the trip. After all it is a high intensity experience and with all intense experiences there's a chance of failure or trauma. But that's the case with other more daring ventures too. 

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@egoless Start with 1g of mushrooms or half a tab of LSD. So you get some idea of what psychedelics can do. Then you won't worry so much about "fatal side effects".

It is not like psychedelics are some unknown quantity. They have been empirically tested by tens of millions of people all over the world, for over 5000 years, both in clinical settings and in real life settings. Psychedelic deaths are extremely rare, and almost always trace down to ridiculous levels of improper protocol, like taking mushroom on a rooftop.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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 @Leo Gura had some experience with MDMA but never did heavy psychedelics. Did it to strengthen the perception and expression of feelings - not only for recreational use. And it had some permanent positive effects tbh. I imagine how would psychedelics shift "your world".

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6 minutes ago, egoless said:

I imagine how would psychedelics shift "your world".

That's the thing. It's impossible to imagine. That's the most amazing part of this whole journey. It's infinitely more than you ever expected to get out of life.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Before you tried 5-Meo. How did you prove to yourself that it would not affect your objective assertion of the upcoming trip? How did you make yourself sure that what you would experience will be different than the drug induced illusion? I have underlined the word before because after the trip normal person may become subjective because of utterly positive sensations. I know you well from you content a long time and know your intellectual potential to oppose to that subjectiveness but still...

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