Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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Hey guys, and if you do manage to get the dose just right , you could end up on a trip as cool as this one.. 

'The next thing I remember is not being human. I do not remember what was happening, but I know I was increasingly losing control. In the video, I am beginning to kick my legs and run in place, though I have collapsed on the ground. My throat sounds start low and gradually become higher-pitched and more afraid. Things begin to turn inside-out in ways that don’t make sense at all. Every atom in my body is attacking me, and every dimension that ever made sense is imploding and taking me with it. I have no thought of Self or my name or my body or 5-MeO-DMT. I am gone completely. Completely. Lost in ever-evolving agony. And I'm more and more out of control. I don’t even have these thoughts. My essence is twisted into all that is Hell--and it’s only coming on faster and more intensely. If I even attempt to find myself, I am punished with more horror and pain. I do not even know the word “release” or the term “let go.” I am in the grip of Hell itself. Pain and horror that cannot be described here.

In my Hell, the water they pour becomes another part of the madness and propels me into farther, more isolated levels of Hell. I am drowning, I am dying, I am dying everyone’s death, I am all the pain that ever has existed, and that’s a silly understatement. I begin to truly panic.

I see myself clearly suddenly. I have finally done 5-MeO, the ultimate thing I’ve been so foolishly chasing. And I’m trapped. I am worse than insane. I am trapped in a Hell that is compounding upon itself infinitely with each unfolding moment. It cannot get worse…and then it does. Again and again. Shockingly. Disturbingly. Infinitely. Over and over and over until my sheer terror makes me crack wide open and accept it'

Please be careful with this kind of substance, nothing can prepare you and you don't know how you'll react. That is all.  

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7 hours ago, Dodo said:

So what is this cracking and peeling? Is this just for those who have taken the drug to understand for now?

Are you simply talking about ego death?

Cause it sounds like you're talking about some experience people are missing if they haven't taken meo. 

Should one seek for this experience or is it non essential? Why one needs to seek out the experience if all is perfect the way it is and there is no me to seek?


Hi Dodo - Great questions. I'm no master but I'll do my best to help answer them.

Re: The cracking and peeling - I don't necessarily describe it that way, but there is definitely different level/depth that I've gotten to ("peeled") with 5-MeO-DMT than I ever have gotten to endogenously (without using external drugs). Yet, it was familiar turf that I can tell I was already heading towards, that I'd felt whispers of over the years in meditation, and that is surely well trodden by great meditation masters. Come to think of it, cracking and peeling is a pretty good description.

I don't think these experiences are unique to users of 5-MeO-DMT, I sincerely believe that these experiences are fully accessible as part of the spectrum of endogenous human experience. Just look at the descriptions of mystical experiences in all of the worlds great religions, particularly the ones with strong meditation traditions, and compare it to the classic 5-MeO-DMT experience. Obviously the great historic bodhisattvas etc. weren't taking 5-MeO-DMT. It just takes a lot more time and effort to get there without it. Even with using 5-MeO-DMT there's no guarantee of experiencing this unitive experience, but it certainly is a huge helper in getting there. People have also used other psychedelics to get there, but personally I've sampled a great many psychedelics over the years and have never come across one that is such a direct line to god.

Should one seek for this experience? Yes, if you're compelled, and if so, do it with great determination. Paradoxically, try not to be attached to it as a goal - it's not something you can grab on to, it's not an achievement, you don't get to keep it any more than you get to keep any other experience. And you really don't need it. It is essential - in the deep sense of the word, because it's the most essential (fundamental) mystical experience. Note that I'm not saying take 5-MeO-DMT specifically, it's up to you if you do it with or without 5-MeO-DMT. 

Or don't seek it, because like you said, all is perfect and there's no me to seek. This is the paradox.

There are plenty of people out there who've had enlightenment experiences, especially those who got there using psychedelics, and then go back to being arseholes treating the people around them shitty, treating the world shitty, maybe even worse because now they have the huge ego trip of having become "enlightened". What would be the point in that? Does that sound like true enlightement? So don't put this thing on a pedestal too much. While I do believe it to be the essential mystical experience - in the sense of it being the deepest kernel, not in the sense of "thou must have this experience" - it's certainly not the whole picture of spirituality.




How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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3 hours ago, Seed said:

Hey guys, and if you do manage to get the dose just right , you could end up on a trip as cool as this one.. 

'The next thing I remember is not being human. I do not remember what was happening, but I know I was increasingly losing control.

... pain'

Please be careful with this kind of substance, nothing can prepare you and you don't know how you'll react. That is all.  

No that is not all. You're being very disingenuous and completely irresponsible here.

You conveniently left out the part where her experience goes into the light.

Don't try to confuse or scare people on matters like these. What a fucking stupid thing to do.

The good part after that..:


I had to conquer Hell to reach Nirvana. The price was high. But you get what you pay for.


Nirvana blooms into all existence. It is a soft, pastel, fractal of Being. Of oneness. Of Light. More than Love. It is free of suffering and beyond the cycle of death and rebirth. I reach true Nirvana. True Enlightenment. The beauty and reality and pureness of it is compounding equally as infinitely as Hell had before. It is equally intense. Building, yes. But also becoming more and more Real. More true. I slowly realize that this Nirvana is not just within ME or something I’ve reached…all of existence now finds itself here for all eternity. The thought of wars crosses my mind, and I realize they are no more. All suffering has ceased. We are allowed to simply exist here now. Forever.

And in the greatest moment I have ever known, it dawns on me that it has all come from Me. There has been a tiny hidden atom(?) located behind my ribcage that has held the power all along. THIS is my destiny!


Her full story


Also, a (such a) negative experience is really uncommon, she definitely also likes to dramatize things.

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4 hours ago, Seed said:

Please be careful with this kind of substance, nothing can prepare you and you don't know how you'll react. That is all.  

Your message of caution is well warranted, and I too urge people to be very careful and respectful of this substance. Psychedelics are not toys!

However, you are not completely correct in saying that nothing can prepare you, and that you can't know how you'll react. You can prepare for it quite easily if you're smart about it and diligent, and you can learn slowly how you'll react, step by step. Having the right information is key to being able to do this!

For starters, having a solid meditation practice in place is a good foundation for a 5-MeO-DMT experience. 

The next step, once you're prepared to try 5-MeO-DMT, and have acquired some of known purity, is to acquire a milligram scale so that you can measure your doses accurately. Then, over the course of days, weeks, months even, you start working your way up slowly starting with very very small doses, gradually increasing them over time, and observing how you react to them. That's exactly how you prepare, and how to know how you'll react.

Jumping into an unknown dose, thrust on you by a "shaman", in the middle of the blazing heat of the day is a reckless way to approach 5-MeO-DMT, in my opinion.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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15 hours ago, Dodo said:

Should one seek for this experience or is it non essential? Why one needs to seek out the experience if all is perfect the way it is and there is no me to seek?

I thought the same until I actually experienced it. Thinking and conceptualizing that the world is perfect as it is and also that there is no me are UNIVERSES apart from actually experiencing it. It will shit your pants and rip the jaws out of your mouth by it's very true nature.

Everyone should try it at least once it their lives, or not, it's still God...but you see only those that have experienced it can really know that. 


@Seed There's a reason why it's the most powerful psychedelic on the planet because of it's nondual nature. No other molecule can do that. That means there is no self and other, which means death of "I". You have to be willing to die right then and there. If she had done more research before taking it she might've been better off. 


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@Dodo I will put it as simply as I can without using any spiritual language so that everyone who haven't tried it could understand.

If you are breath, then 5meo makes you breathe with your full being, with full capacity.
Right now there are blockages in our breathing, a lot of it. You can use natural ways to slowly clear the blockages. Or you can use menthol (5meo) that clears out all the blockages and let you breathe with your full capacity immediately. It doesn't last forever, it's just menthol. But at least now you had some deep breaths and you got some oxygen in you to keep you going. And now you saw the goal of your healing. :) 

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@AlwaysBeNice I find your language highly offensive, please check the forum rules, and adjust accordingly.

In my defence, I don't view the end bit as 'good'. That is merely your own perception of the events that took place. You will also find, If you want to continue discussing 'the whole story' that she developed PTSD which led to her needing extensive therapy to move on from it all.

Now, whether it was a 'good or bad' trip, she 'should or shouldn't' have done it, is completely judgemental and irrelevant and you have misinterpreted my intentions.

I didn't want to make the post ridiculously long, so I quoted what I felt was most informative in helping people understand the infinite power of this substance and what they may or may not be having to deal with. 

We definitely arnt short of mind blowingly, amazing reports on this drug, so I just thought it may help balance it out, by quoting a not so wonderful report. 

You are entitled to your opinion, as am I, so let's remember that and allow everyone to express themselves, in a non aggressive and informative manner.

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Egos on the sacred thread. Yay! :))

You're welcome here, we love you. :) 

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Yeah, I can love you with all my ego! :))

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2 hours ago, Seed said:

@AlwaysBeNice I find your language highly offensive, please check the forum rules, and adjust accordingly.

In my defence, I don't view the end bit as 'good'. That is merely your own perception of the events that took place. You will also find, If you want to continue discussing 'the whole story' that she developed PTSD which led to her needing extensive therapy to move on from it all.

Now, whether it was a 'good or bad' trip, she 'should or shouldn't' have done it, is completely judgemental and irrelevant and you have misinterpreted my intentions.

I didn't want to make the post ridiculously long, so I quoted what I felt was most informative in helping people understand the infinite power of this substance and what they may or may not be having to deal with. 

We definitely arnt short of mind blowingly, amazing reports on this drug, so I just thought it may help balance it out, by quoting a not so wonderful report. 

You are entitled to your opinion, as am I, so let's remember that and allow everyone to express themselves, in a non aggressive and informative manner.

The fact that you are highly offended by my accusation shows ur not being totally cool with your own actions either, because if someone says something untrue to you, like: 'you having terribly ugly legs', whereas you are actually a legless paraplegic, you wouldn't be offended at all.

And now again you say 'She has developed PTSD causing her to need extensive therapy' whereas we only have is her saying: 'I ended up going up to Vancouver to do some MDMA-assisted PTSD therapy, and that helped a lot.', that doesn't sound like 'extensive' therapy to me.

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51 minutes ago, AlwaysBeNice said:

The fact that you are highly offended by my accusation shows ur not being totally cool with your own actions either, because if someone says something untrue to you, like: 'you having terribly ugly legs', whereas you are actually a legless paraplegic, you wouldn't be offended at all.

And now again you say 'She has developed PTSD causing her to need extensive therapy' whereas we only have is her saying: 'I ended up going up to Vancouver to do some MDMA-assisted PTSD therapy, and that helped a lot.', that doesn't sound like 'extensive' therapy to me.

@AlwaysBeNice @AlwaysBeNiceAlwaysBeNicewAlwaysBeNiceAlwaywaysBeNice 

Maybe I was being too subtle, but my referral to being offended, was actually hypothetical.

It is impossible for you to know which comments would offend me without going inside my mind at the time of insult. The complexity of our own mind is a big enough labarynith for us to comprehend with our limited consciousness, let alone someone elses, so we will leave it at that.

You will find that in her further reports and discussion that she admits to having extensive therapy and being highly traumatised for months after. 

Anyway, I leave your ego to continue making it's judgements, however, I don't care to continue defending myself or views as it contradicts the openness of the forum. 

I am completely open minded to all stances and perspectives which is why I enjoy the forum so much. I love evolving and expanding my mind and this forum has particularly helped me to do that. 

If you don't agree with me, that is OK, we're not meant to always agree, life would be pretty boring if that was the case. :-)


Edited by Seed

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On the vaping/smoking question. Martin says HCL can be smoked, freebase can be smoked but works even better when vaped, toad venom works either ways.


Martin Ball on that trip:

'total life-shattering freak outs do happen. The woman who wrote that actually reached out to me the day after and shared a video of her experience with me, and eventually came up and visited me to talk more about it and how best to move through her difficulty.

So yeah, it happens. 5 is far bigger than anyone can possibly imagine, and it’s an experience that should not be entered into lightly or casually. Even highly positive experiences can shatter someone’s life and identity. These are good things, but not necessarily easy for people to deal with and embrace. Everyone says they want to be free, but at heart, most are actually scared shitless when confronted by the reality of what that truly means.

Most, however, have highly positive and productive experiences.

it all comes down to TRUST :)'


I also messaged her yesterday on reddit and she says she is doing much better and is back to using psychedelics. I asked her how she looks back on her trip, awaiting response.

She also said she wasn't ready at the time (in her old comments), confirming the idea that a truly certain readiness is required for the personal mind to let go, as she also said she did experience nirvana when surrender happened, even though she felt like the couldn't surrender before, this must be because of the X years of conditioning to the survival based human reality even though she forgot she was human at the start, creating the experience of seeming outside hell. 

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5-meo is the nanosecond you experience just before you are born lol


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I just did 20mg of 5-meo HCl and all I felt was some slight unease in my chest, some light energy movement in my chest. I was so disappointed!

Is it possible that I snorted too hard and that the substance didn't get fully absorbed in the nostrils? (Even though it burned pretty good) I was expecting alot more from 20mg.

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@Bombardini It's likely that you snorted too hard, especially if you felt it at the back of your throat and ended up swallowing a bunch of it. You mentioned "nostrils" - not sure if you literally meant that, but you are actually targeting the mucous membranes in your sinuses, not your literal nostril area that you can get your finger into. Some tips:

  • cut the powder up even finer using a razor blade on a mirror or whatever is hard and smooth. I find a lot of the 5-MeO-DMT out there is a bit chunky/grainy and you can't absorb lumps as easily as fine dust
  • make sure your sinuses are clear and breathing smooth. Blow the snot out of your nose if it's runny or anything
  • Put the straw next to the hole at the back of your nostril
  • insufflate *very* gently

It's also possible that you're just a bit of a natural hardhead, and need more than most, or that your product is weak. I'd recommend trying the same dosage using the tips above before increasing your dose though. The energy movement in your chest sounds like 5-MeO-DMT action to me, maybe relax in on that.

It's also possible that you missed the show somehow - 5-MeO-DMT is weird because it kind of seems like nothing's happening, because there are no classic psychedelic visuals, but then it's gets extremely profound, intense and cathartic. 

20mg was a breakthrough dose for me, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be for you.

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@Bombardini i have to do 70mg plugged to get a breakthrough. snorting it doesnt agree with me, gave me runny rose and sore throat. i usually do 30mg when its freebase

Edited by bobbyward

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@outlandish Hey! Yeah I think you're right about me snorting too hard. I did it with full power and felt it in my throat afterwards. I will try to chalk it up some more next time as well.

Another funny thing is that during my "trip" 40 minutes went by in what seemed more like 10. Maybe you're right that I missed it somehow, I don't know.

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3 minutes ago, Bombardini said:

Another funny thing is that during my "trip" 40 minutes went by in what seemed more like 10.

It has the opposite effect on me. I experience so much that it feels like 40 minutes went by while only 10 minutes passed. It's like I'm able to experience more in a shorter amount of time. 

It's like I'm approaching the speed of light therefore the world's time slows down while my experiences are coming to me in a near-light-speed.
I've never thought of it this way...

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