Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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@Leo Gura  have you had many more 5meo trips since that first time? If so, how did they differ?

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33 mg (HCL) plugged: relatively mild. But more pronounced effects than first try, 20 mg. Quite a bit of "sea-sickness" and physical unease. I don't see why one would mess around with smaller doses with this ROA. Of course for safety and to work your way up. I'd say that is mandatory. But lower levels seems to induce physical discomfort, for me at least. As a whole it seems like inviting a beast over for dinner that you know will eat the dinner - and you, but only letting it stay in the hallway.

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Does anybody know where can I check if 5meo is legal in Austria? I did a quick google search but I found nothing about the legal status in Austria.

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@zikzak you are wasting your time and 5meo with them small doses, do 70mg next time. I also get sea sickness and unease, but it goes away after 15mins

I done 70mg today, it was strong, but if I had enough 5meo I'd do a higher dose. I have done high doses of freebase too, but prefor the hcl,  because it lasts longer and I feel I get more insight from it

Edited by bobbyward

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5 hours ago, bobbyward said:

@zikzak you are wasting your time and 5meo with them small doses, do 70mg next time. I also get sea sickness and unease, but it goes away after 15mins

I done 70mg today, it was strong, but if I had enough 5meo I'd do a higher dose. I have done high doses of freebase too, but prefor the hcl,  because it lasts longer and I feel I get more insight from it

Thanks, v@bobbyward

I'm a bit surprised though. I haven't seen these kind of doses mentioned or recommended anywhere. The info on plugging 5meo seems limited anyway but the doses I have seen people experiment with have been nowhere near the 70 mg range. I had the impression that plugging and snorting would be in the same area dose wise but it seems people blow their socks off with 30 mg already with snorting.

You mentioned you did 25 mg freebase smoked/vaporized right? I'm pretty sure that would be a overly insane dose for me since I react intensely from 10 mg. So I might not need 70 mg plugged and I guess it would be rather foolish of me to jump from 33 to 70 just from one recommendation although you may very well be right.



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@zikzak I tried sorting and it didn't agree with me, gave me a sore throat and runny nose. I done 35mg sorted and it was not strong enough. I'm hoping to get my 5meo from a different source next time, maybe that might help.

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I'm doing a lot of research on this psychedelic and an idea popped up that doesn't seem to be addressed nowhere on the internet.

Would a concentration practice of, let's say, 1 hour right before, be useful for entering the experience more smoothly? If one has a more focused and steady mind, there's less space for resistance and over negative-thinking, is there not?

@Leo Gura

Edited by Afonso

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@Afonso Sure - but I guess quite a few people work with 5meo that way or something in that direction.. After all it's not your basic party drug but more geared towards the spiritual crowd - in lack of better words. I think having calm mind entering the experience is very good and also doing some bodywork, dancing, sex or what ever that makes you more loosened up. That being said, for myself I didn't notice that big of importance of how my state was going into the 5meo experience. 5meo ripped everything apart so I could have been doing riverdance or 5 hours of mantra-singing, 5meo doesn't give a fuck. I'd still prepare myself as good as I can anyway.

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6 hours ago, Seed said:


This story gives me infinite chills...

Does anyone know what might have gone wrong for her? 

I think I haven't mentioned it before, but... It's kind of important... :D 

So before you go to the 5meo state it's VERY useful to have the realization and understanding that the space of awareness is infinitely larger than any experience. And YOU are that infinite space of awareness. Meditate on that. You are the infinite space of awareness and every experience (no matter how intense it is) loses significance compared to the infinite space that you are. Even Hell is insignificant compared to the space that is aware of it. 

Realize it. Victimhood is over because you cannot be victimized by any experience. You cannot be harmed by anything. Every experience is insignificant compared to you. You don't have to surrender to anything because the space of awareness is larger and it includes every experience.

And when you know that you cannot be harmed by anything then you cannot be frightened. You're free to love anything because nothing can harm you. You can pull closer everything. You can pull Hell inside your heart and let it melt into the infinite light of the awareness that you are. :) 

I learned all this on the Trinfinity Academy and it was the perfect preparation for the 5meo experience. :) 

Edited by Barna

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That link IMO is a perfect example of someone who should NOT do 5-meo, not worth the risk. If anything start of with lower psychedelics first or spiritual work, break down layers of the ego and connect to your true self at least to some degree before even messing with DMT let alone 5-Meo.

Imagine if she took it at home? Would of scared the hell out of her family, pets, neighbors ect.. and resulting in more media directing and projecting these life changing substances and giving them a bad rep.

Look how bad Molly is on the streets now, when its not even pure MDMA its mostly bathsalts and amphetamines giving amazing substances like MDMA that can change lives and help people with so many problems a bad name.

Edited by pluto


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-That sounds like a good preparation. I'd say for me though, my first 5meo experience. The first 5 minutes was so strong that any preparation seemed irrelevant. Surely my whole life has been some kind of preparation. But even that seemed overruled. I was just thrown into a space with immense fear, disorientation and intensity. It was very overwhelming and my sense of that I could do something about it was completely ripped away too. I hear the saying "relax and just let go into the experience" being thrown around a lot when it comes to 5meo. For my first 3-5 minutes I had absolutely no choice of doing anything. You can say I relaxed into fear and disorientation because there was nothing I could do. But it was not relaxing out of choice rather just being overwhelmed. I think this is something people have to take into account also with 5meo. The speed of how it takes you from your normal self to complete infinity or other landscapes is so freaking fast that I think everybody can end up in dreadful moments and my feeling is that you somehow have to accept that if you wanna work with 5meo. If one is lucky enough to steer around some of the more darker experiences well more power to them. But this is in my experience something that can bring even the toughest or most ready to their knees.


Edited by zikzak

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@zikzak I understand what you're saying, I experience the same when I'm on 5meo. And you're right, nobody can prepare for this experience, every preparation is insignificant compared to Infinity. However, we're not preparing for Infinity, we're preparing to be able to enjoy it. :) 

If one lives their life in resistance, no wonder that they will resist on 5meo as well.

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I have done lots of 5meo and in large amounts and never had a negative experience with it, I enjoy it. 

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On 09/05/2017 at 9:23 PM, Seed said:


Does anyone know what might have gone wrong for her? 



For those who may be contemplating taking 5-MeO for the first time, please have a responsible sitter with you.  Someone who can take your hand and walk with you through the gates of hell, and who also knows how to take care of your body if your heart or lungs stop working.

And please beware of any advice on dosage posted on the net - e.g., a 70mg 5-MeO dose is asking for real trouble.



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@jse thanl you for sharing this... I does worry me, as this tortured soul could become anyone on this forum, if taken at the wrong time... And in the wrong hands... I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. It makes me very sad. :-( 

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@zikzak @Barna Can you vaporize HCI? 

Does the purity of the product affect the experience? If it's 95% for example?

Edited by Be Yourself

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13 hours ago, Be Yourself said:

@zikzak @Barna Can you vaporize HCI? 

As I read it's almost impossible to vaporize HCl with a simple oil burner. You have to build a "machine" or buy a vaporizer and try with that. 

But I think HCl can be converted to freebase, you can try that as well. 

I don't know about the purity. 

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