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How to be a strong motherfucker (and nofap )

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@thisintegrated That's a cool study! On a side note, some replications would be nice. 

I was thinking you were going to link studies that suggest that abstaining from orgasms would shrink dick size and lower T?

12 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:

Yeah.  Lower sex drive, less interest in sex/porn, no more post-nut confidence/clarity/energy/motivation.

I don't really see this as a problem in the short term. I actually prefer this. To each their own though.

Edited by SgtPepper

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14 minutes ago, SgtPepper said:

@thisintegrated That's a cool study! On a side note, some replications would be nice.

It's nothing new.  I've seen similar studies many times before.  Pretty sure it's been replicated more than once.


14 minutes ago, SgtPepper said:

I was thinking you were going to link studies that suggest that abstaining from masturbation would shrink dick size and lower T?

It should go without explaining how not using a part of your body will lead to it its atrophy.  If you dislocated your arm and didn't use it at all for years, what do you expect would happen?  Flood flow would reduce, muscles would atrophy, mental connection to the arm would weaken, etc.

As for lower T, you saw yourself the article talking about T peaking 7 days post-nut.  No fap = no peak.

Edited by thisintegrated

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On 17/4/2022 at 10:13 PM, Someone here said:

1-don't give a flying shit about other's opinions on you.
2-always speak your heart .
3-never explain yourself .
4-be clear and straightforward in your talk. Don't beat around the bush. Don't half-ass stuff.
5-don't say fapping is ok in moderation kinda shit.
6-never follw a rules given to you by a random guy on the internet..unless you are convinced about them. Be a critical thinker mtfuckr

Good bro. Respect ?

Number 2 & 3 is gold. 

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On 17/04/2022 at 4:13 PM, Someone here said:

Not having a good diet consisting of meat is gonna turn you into a limp dick pussy. 

About 80-90% of the nutrition-related advice in this post is pure bro-science based on zero evidential basis. It's fine that t works for you but I don't think you've researched the nutritional epidemiology deeply enough to have as broad an understanding of the topic as you assume to have. 

The issue of low testosterone, infertility, libido and erectile dysfunction is infinitely more complex and way way more multifactorial yet you've chosen to numb it down to eating meat or not eating meat and fapping frequency. If it only were that simple. Ofcourse excessive masturbation will naturally cause decreased interest in sexual intercourse in a short period after (although not necessarily in all men) but the most common causes of erectile dysfunction in men are diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic stress, injuries to the penis as well as certain therapies such as chemo. You'd look hard to find evidence of plant-based diets actually causing infertility and loss of erectile function in men (where controlled for calories). In fact, plant-based diets would be the number one preferred diet for men who suffer from ED induced by clogging arteries (or Viagra)

In terms of hormones, transient shifts in free testosterone, SHBG and DHT might be observed with lower meat diets (maybe, haven't looked into this) but those would not necessarily be associated with loss of erectile function. You actually don't want to keep your testosterone levels above the healthy baseline as it may overstimulate androgen receptor expression and increase DHT conversion and thus potentially lead to an increased risk of prostate cancer in older age (this is a speculation at this point but not a risk I'd take). The best strategy for testosterone optimisation should be based on prevention of unnecessary decline rather than forcing testosterone levels to be higher than they need to be. 

The last sentence however takes it one step further into a pure alpha-macho stage orange bs. I've seen decent quality posts from you can do better. Have some tofu, allow yourself to cry during a movie and embrace the feminine side a little bit to find a healthier masculine balance within ;) It's ok not to be the alpha all the time. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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48 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Have some tofu

Aren't soy products a major factor in lowering testosterone?

I'm staying away from anything soyish.

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16 hours ago, mojsterr said:

Aren't soy products a major factor in lowering testosterone?

It is a little bit complex to explain why that isn't so but basically testosterone levels (free testosterone) go up and down all the time in most males in relation to many factors including circadian rhythm, diet, sleep, physical activity, sexual activity etc. But the baseline level is usually pretty stable. Your body works hard to homeostatically balance testosterone and keep it at certain levels, especially the testosterone that is bound to SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) which is like a bus for sex hormones because you don't want a lot of unbound androgens flying around the body unchecked. 

And so it is hard for a dietary component to enter that cycle between the hypothalamus-pituitary and gonads (HPG Axis) and disrupt it. Chronically low testosterone is usually caused by hypogonadism or other testicular deficiency or injury. Other causes may include pituitary tumours or a defect at the level of the hypothalamus. Other inborn errors of healthy development may play a role as well. In some cases, diabetes and obesity may potentially disrupt this mechanism due to increased aromatisation (at least mechanistically speaking) and so can medication which effect the HPG axis. and even chronic stress and starvation to a degree as shown in the Dutch Famine Study (I think this is what it was named). In normal healthy males, there is very little that impacts this delicate balance regardless of what you read on crappy bodybuilding forums and in marketing leaflets. SHort term deviations can happen but it is the long term balance that matters the most, same as with anything else. 

Now in terms of soy products, they do contain phytoestrogens that resemble  the molecule of oestrogen, the primal female sex hormone but they do not act the same way biological hormones do. The affinity of phytoestrogens (such as daidzein and genistein and equol their product) on oestrogen receptors is extremely weak and they do not have sufficient holding power to really exert any profound effects there. If anything tho, soy products are protective from most homrone-driven cancers in men (especially prostate cancer) exactly because of this phenomenon because they also seem to downregulate attaching of DHT to androgen receptors and reduce testosterone to DHT conversion. 

I did a deep dive into the research and basically there is no evidence of regular consumption of soy products having negative effects on testosterone other than actually reducing DHT and increasing SHBG both of which are favourable effects and protective mechanisms. Whenever you read about cancer causing effects of soy products and their feminising effect, this is just mechanistic speculation that has not been proven in humans yet (and we have A LOT of human data on this topic, we are talking 100,000s of people) 

I did a whole 2 part blog series on this topic if you're interested to go deeper. PArt 1 is more mechanistical and part 2 goes deep into the research on cancer

Hope that helps clear it out. In all honesty, where hormones and cancer risk comes in play you're actually at increased risk through regular consumption of processed meat, beef and dairy. Soy products are protective from those although I'd go for organic where possible due to possible pesticide and glyphosate use in the United States. But you want to apply that thinking with any animal products anyway, so that does not make any difference. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@Michael569 I appreciate your information and trying to show me my errors.   You have a deep and wide biological knowledge and I respect that .

But come on..isn't it true that a meat-based diet better for your sex drive than a vegan diet?..aren't there certain amino acids in the meat which cannot be replaced by any vegetables?..what about zinc..?..zinc is essential for creating semen and it exists in meat more than any other food ?

Again I'm not trying to split hairs here .I think you know better than me and I learn from you and thanks again for the information. :)

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

But come on..isn't it true that a meat-based diet better for your sex drive than a vegan diet?..aren't there certain amino acids in the meat which cannot be replaced by any vegetables?..what about zinc..?..zinc is essential for creating semen and it exists in meat more than any other food ?

Again I'm not trying to split hairs here .I think you know better than me and I learn from you and thanks again for the information

It does make sense from a high-altitude perspective but it is not something I have been able to verify either through my own experience or through my client experience or through any studies although most dietary-comparative studies usually focus on outcomes such as cardiovascular health and inflammatory markers rather than libido. 

But were you to design a study where you would put 100 vegans against 100 omnivores and feed both diets that are clinically controlled for calories (means they eat same amount of calories and roughly similar split of carbs/protein/fat) I don't think you would see a major difference in sexual health and sexual performance, libido, erectile function etc.

Usually people who lose libido and sex drive on vegan diets are undereating.... and so their body can go into a bit of maintenance mode. That can totally happen. But it is not the problem of the diet, it's a problem of caloric deficiency. Also, some people on vegan diets may experience depression, it has actually been found,I believe that vegans can be more predisposed to depression but frankly I think this is caused by simply becoming too empathetic and seeing other people not give a flying fuck about animal welfare makes people depressed. And so if that happened, I think you'd naturally lose libido too but it would be more psychosomatic than diet-induced. 

In terms of those amino acids. So you have a pool of 21 amino acids out of which 9 are called Essential Amino Acids. These 9 our body can't make. You are right that all 9 are found in all animal products and not in all plants. But once you combined foods (which most people do, nobody easts just one food) this issue disappears and as long as people are eating enough, they will get enough protein and enough essential aminos (hence why I earlier said "controlled for calories") Does that make sense? 

7 hours ago, Someone here said:

what about zinc..?..zinc is essential for creating semen and it exists in meat more than any other food ?

Zinc can be problematic in some people. But also in many omnivores. Typical chicken & egg diets isn't the best source of zinc. Most people actually don't eat the foods that are rich in zinc like seafood and legumes. Vegans can indeed be at increased risk of zinc deficiency but with a little bit attention, they would be fine. It all comes down to eating enough vs not eating enough. Properly planned wholefod vegan diet can sustain nearly all micronutrient needs except of the ones people need to supplement such as B12 & Vitamin D. 

I'm not defending particular diet here, I just think we need to be fair and objective in our criticism. Pretty large number of fit and jacked vegans out there to counter your point :D Just put "vegan bodybuilding " in youtube. People like Derek Simnet, Nimai Delgado, Brian Turner and Richard Burgees (Vegan Gains) have managed to get pretty jacked without eating animals. 

7 hours ago, Someone here said:

Again I'm not trying to split hairs here .I think you know better than me and I learn from you and thanks again for the information

I know :) I apologise if my first response was a bit harsh. I might have got triggered but I don't think you were giving both parties equal validity so I felt like being a vegan diet advocate :D It is easy to wan things to be certain ways and then to find arguments online to support our hypothesis without giving the other side chance to present their arguments either. I definitely get sucked into this kinda of thinking all the time and it is not easy to be objective where we don't want to be. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@Michael569 thank you for the information. 

im glad that we have people like  you here with so much knowledge in Health and nutrition. :)

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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On 4/17/2022 at 11:13 AM, Someone here said:

2-eat the fucking meat!!. I don't care what vegans have to say..meat is the shit. High in protein which is the essential nutrition to growing muscle..without it..your muscles will simply not grow no matter how much time you spend working your ass out. You can get high quality natural protein only from the following resources :meat..eggs..milk..cheese. 


On 4/17/2022 at 11:13 AM, Someone here said:

As a side note..if you don't eat these foods mentioned above..get ready for erectile dysfunction and loss of libido. Don't forget that masturbation is not the only cause of ED..your lifestyle playes a huge role. Not having a good diet consisting of meat is gonna turn you into a limp dick pussy. 

Where are you getting this

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1 hour ago, Adodd said:


Where are you getting this

I just know it from my own direct experience. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here You know from direct experience that without eating meat that a man's testosterone and libido will drop leading to erectile dysfunction? You know from direct experience that "You can get high quality natural protein only from the following resources :meat..eggs..milk..cheese. "?

Do you not see the issue with saying that you know those things from direct experience? To begin with, those are objectively false statements but also how could you possibly know these things "from direct experience? Do you mean that there was a period of your life when you experienced libido and muscle gain issues while also not consuming as much meat as you do now? IF so, those are vastly different statements.

Edited by Adodd

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On 4/17/2022 at 1:07 PM, Someone here said:

I wasn't exaggerating.  Meat is essential to both men and women for optimal health .it contains essential amino acids that are necessary for the muscle tissue.  It also boosts your libido and sexual energy  .for both women and men .

From your direct experience, specifically which essential amino acids are only available in meat?

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Great post. I should add that nofap works because it helps to cultivate self mastery. It's not because of any minerals lost in the semen or anything, it's because like Leo's episode on addiction talks about.. if you are able to sit there with a craving and just observe it mindfully, and not let it control you and not give into the craving, it's a very powerful habit when cultivated.

Sex is the strongest drive humans have besides hard drugs when it comes to the dopamine response in the brain, so it's going to be one of the strongest cravings to practice this with. For men it's imperative to cultivate self mastery to be the top of the food chain in desirability and personal growth. A weak man who goes through life giving into hedonistic cravings (fapping, pot, video games day in day out)  is not something that personally I find appealing. I've gone through my hedonistic phase. I'm done with that.

Learning, growing, eudimonic activities, are what really drive me now going forward. It's one reason I took up musical theory. It's good to have a new habit to replace the old habit to prevent falling back into the old habit.

Edited by sholomar

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