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Recontectulization, Overthinking, and Regaining a State of Peace

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I basically don't have to worry about negative consequences for my notebook but I don't have to throw it out either. I don't have to chose, I can be at peace. Even if I can't retrieve the notebook from the garbage, my notes are safe digitally and don't need to be attached. If you want to know more about what I am talking about you can look at "Letting Go of Fear and Sentimental Value" (an error with adding the link). Teal Swan's video about letting go of worry may seem to contradict choosing consequences and fear being a good thing but this solution is what allows me to be free. It may seem like I am overthinking this right now but that's because I was worrying in the first place and can let that go. 

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Also, not wearing a seat belt in the video would be taking her idea to the extreme don't you think? 

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