
Leo, Is there possibility God is hiding others dream which I as God not aware?

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3 hours ago, bambi said:

But what should we imagine the moments before our current physical birth, and after our physical death, my imagination stops at boths these points...

I understand it as follows:

-1 second before your death You (the consciousness) are still imagining your POV, life as bambi
-then you are imagining the death of the bambi
-1 second after death of the bambi you are imagining whatever next comes for Consciousness - maybe Singularity, maybe straight to next "incarnation" so you are "born" in new POV, new human, or whatever

Your "I" is always there NOW. Whatever happens in front of it is whatever happens. The "I" does not die. It is still as a screen.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

How ? Are you saying there won't be a day in which I die?  That there won't be a final moment when I suffocate and my heart stops beating?  

I mean I know that I'm imagining that in the present moment. But that has nothing to do with wether it's gonna actually happen in the future. 

Maybe You will be imagining suffocation and heart beating stopping of Someone here. But then 1 microsecond after that you will be imagining something else.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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3 hours ago, machiavelli said:

Yes, ofcourse God cant die. But what you are not understanding is I am talking about end of this dream which I am dreaming in present moment.

You can be more clear leo. We need answers . I watched your solipsim video. It was your best work. It lead me to realizing I am all alone.

but your wordplay confuses me. You are not giving answer to the question what will happen after imaginery death of this dream.

After You stop dreaming this POV or after you just imagined the end of Machiavelli's life then You will imagine whatever You will imagine then. It is for You (as God) to decide what you will imagine then. 

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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2 hours ago, bambi said:

its not hard to extrapolate to a point this form is old and decrepit, etc etc etc

It's not hard to fantasize, but it isn't True ;)

Maybe, just maybe, reaching immortality requires an epic shift in how you see reality. Don't you think?

You really think you're gonna reach immortality using your current mindset?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not hard to fantasize, but it isn't True ;)

Maybe, just maybe, reaching immortality requires an epic shift in how you see reality. Don't you think?

You really think you're gonna reach immortality using your current mindset?

You don't need to reach something you already posess.

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When entering “omniscience” which is a big picture perspective (the ultimate big picture perspective) you lose the smaller details in the process. Other finite minds would be one such small detail. How bacteria function in this particular plane of the dream would be another. 

The God that experiences itself through this particular finite lens does not need to know that stuff, maintaining some level of mystery is what keeps things interesting, in the same way that pain makes things more real. 

But this is fine because knowing other’s experience 100% or knowing how bacteria functions isn’t really what we truly want in the end (as fine as it is to explore those things) but to experience wholeness and a Truth that lasts eternally which is what the absolute is, or the “bigger picture”. 

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9 hours ago, Arthogaan said:

I understand it as follows:

-1 second before your death You (the consciousness) are still imagining your POV, life as bambi
-then you are imagining the death of the bambi
-1 second after death of the bambi you are imagining whatever next comes for Consciousness - maybe Singularity, maybe straight to next "incarnation" so you are "born" in new POV, new human, or whatever

Your "I" is always there NOW. Whatever happens in front of it is whatever happens. The "I" does not die. It is still as a screen.

@Arthogaan Makes sense. I think leo should help us by giving his view.

Btw, there is choice we make before being born in a dream . After this dream ends we have to select new planet or universe to dream . Before we born on earth . We selected our parents, our nationality, earth, universe etc. There is significant choice we made to dream a particular life .

Leo words sounds like we would straight away jump to new dream with our memory washed each time without even knowing or reflecting on our previous dream.

In his old radical implications of oneness video he said you will live the life of every character pov for eternity. He said you will live as hitler, you will be raped, you will live in africa, you will live life as murderer , you will live in 3rd world country etc etc till eternity. Basically iterations of dreams happening one after other outside time.

idk do leo hold his view on what he said his video.

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10 hours ago, Arthogaan said:

I understand it as follows:

-1 second before your death You (the consciousness) are still imagining your POV, life as bambi
-then you are imagining the death of the bambi
-1 second after death of the bambi you are imagining whatever next comes for Consciousness - maybe Singularity, maybe straight to next "incarnation" so you are "born" in new POV, new human, or whatever

Your "I" is always there NOW. Whatever happens in front of it is whatever happens. The "I" does not die. It is still as a screen.

Sure, but this isn't what he is saying??? What you are saying is simple and straight forward, he is literally being obtuse and cryptic

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12 hours ago, Michael Jackson said:

To fully live without imagination means that literally nothing will happen. Things "dynamically evolving" is an illusion. It is something you are imagining.

if you live without imagination, reality will collapse, as reality is imagination, so this discourse is non sensical

Edited by bambi

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@bambi first of all you even dont understand what he means by imagining.

There are many layers of imagination.

At one level imagination is on thought level.

on other there is imagination we use to perceive our visual field.

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There actually is no herd/mind, but in a sense the underlying truth of the herd/mind is that we’re the imagination of ourselves. Timelessly. So all talk of sequential lives is referring to something within the completely imaginary time-bound context of reality. The you that’s dreaming that you’re not dreaming is an imagined entity, imagined to be separate from what’s immediately recognized as “other.” Other is self. Not-self is really just self. And every single thing is imaginary all the way up and down, to the imagination of what I am.

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