
Regressive GREENer

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Hey y'all. 

My brother is 'partially truthful, but very absolutistic' in his worldview at SD stage green values (Cook-Greuter individualist stage); this is often referred to as "regressive Green" by Ken Wilber and Integral life. He is leaning towards Marx a bit exclusively.

There seems to be no getting through to him no matter what advice I try to give him about growing yourself (logic), or even when I offer emotional understanding (empathy). Even when I put an arm around him and tell him how proud I am (he does have some strengths), he will appear uplifted, temporarily. I existentially accept my brother's attitude toward life, but still I'd rather see him not blaming "the corporate class" as a limiting belief to the promised land, but instead simply contributing his gifts. As of now he doesn't hold jobs for long and plays the victim and displays anger (in the Peter Ralston "feeling incapable" and "I will shut y'all out" ways). He's 20.

I'm not in a panic: I think issue could turn around out long-term. However, if he's going to correct this so he can develop cleanly and integrally, I want to take part in giving him a hand.

What do you all think about this? Have you helped regressive green see things differently before? I'm curious about how you can get to someone.

Thank you ^_^

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I don't think it's possible to help much.  Just don't push him, make him feel safe, entertain his ideas, and that's it really.  It takes time for the intellect to mature.  

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