
How to get started life-coaching fast?

5 posts in this topic

Hello wonderful person,


I do not have a degree nor certification, but I want to be a life-coach


I was thinking about starting on Fiverr or calling up local life-coaches and asking them about applying. I really have no idea on structuring something together.


Lemme know!


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I would start with dropping the "fast" . A quality business takes years (a decade sometimes) to develop. Any overnight success is either based on exploitation, low-consciousness feeble entertainment (largest audience retention) or an influx of massive capital. Althou nowadays you may get lucky on social media but that sort of rapid hype usually has a very rapid downward curve of interest-over-time. You actually don't want overnight success on social media because it will destroy your ability to pay attention to anything. 

With the number of existing coaches on the market already pretty much for everything,, it is important to start thinking about who is your client and if the answer is "everyone" then you have already lost. What is their problem? What keeps them up at night? What do they believe that you don't believe? 

Profile your niche client to the tiniest amount of detail you can think of. If you can burn the money, I would highly recommend considering this https://akimbo.com/themarketingseminar to understand how to start building a nische busines in 21st century. I'm also undergoing this process as I want to change the direction of my business and niche it much further than it is right now. 

Also do not underestimate the value of degree or at least long term certification. Lot of people assume they can just start becoming experts with no training, preparation and background and then don't understand why they lost motivation and clients and get burned out.  The idea of the training is not just to give you a framework on how to study, how to find the materials but also to start shaping the way you think about this, how you perceive your role as a coach, how you approach your clients and how to have empathy for your clients suffering.  If you haven't done that prep, it will be easy to lose motivation when things go south for some time because you can "always just do something else". With that mindset it becomes difficult to build anything. 

The internet is filled with weekend-course coaches and 2-week course therapists. Don't become one of them. If you're gonna do this, do it right and go all in. If that means taking a 4 years course in in psychotherapy, then it will be worth it. Go all in and don't look back if things stop working for a while. Arm yourself with patience, passion and commitment and do something every day that will get you closer. Don't forget that this is a lifelong process. 

Take Care!

A few book recommendations that may help

  • Don Miller - Building a storybrand 
  • Seth Godin - This is Marketing & Purple Cow 


“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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