
How do you feel about your life?

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How do you feel about your life?


Dont be afraid to ramble. Its all good here.


Much love


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I feel like I'm in the "sorting myself out" stage of my life. I'm curious where my direction leads me. I have learned enough that I can move on in a fixed direction. I have stuff figured out. It's like I'm on the last leg of my journey socially and emotionally. I don't think I got much more to learn. I munched on enough stuff. I have gathered all my thistles. It's time for me to kinda move on and start with new plans. I have reached a calmer state intellectually. The curiosity isn't killing me anymore. But I'm still in a bit of a limbo. Because all directions still are in the process of planning. I have figured out at least half of my journey so there's that that I'm happy about. The other half will gradually fix itself as time moves on. But I'm still putting a lot of effort into fixing a few bolts here and there. It's getting there, it's getting there.



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@KoryKat feeling good really. Out here in Toronto for a while taking a break from Calgary. Toronto is the river to many other cities rather than say the Niagara Falls. It’s not as interesting then though it connects u to land so if u want a peaceful, stable and consistent place. Toronto’s ur ticket!


Love and Life


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I have no idea what I'm doing or what I'm going to do LOL but I kind of like it that way

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2 hours ago, hoodrow trillson said:

I have no idea what I'm doing or what I'm going to do LOL but I kind of like it that way

me as well but idk if i like it

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I'm working very hard to make it so I can finally move out from where I live and back into the city I want to be. Every day I'm learning and working on a skill that will give me financial freedom, but I've been at it for 7 years and I still haven't reached the tipping point.

I don't feel happy where I live, I am trapped. I don't have anything to do, no one to socialize with, so I stay at home all day every day, and just practice.

There is so much waiting for me in life and it's been long overdue for me to get it.

I'm close, but it's still a long fucking way. I wanted for it to have been happened yesterday. I don't want to live here anymore, but I have to.


Other than that I love that I have figured out what life is and why I am here.

But I have a lot of fears, I want to overcome myself, socially wise.

Other than that, pretty ok. But it's time to finish this chapter of my life. I want to explode and reap what is waiting for me.

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I have a 10 year masterplan and a few lists. But I feel like I'm sinking deeper and deeper everyday, almost like I'll never be good enough, but I realized yesterday that I just have to keep going. That's how I feel, feel like I'm deep in the dark but I'll keep going. I know that it'll get better as long as I stick to my plan. 

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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@KoryKat I feel a level of contentment that I haven’t felt for since like, forever land. I feel strong, confident, assertive and all at the same time in love with life and it’s possibilities in ways that I never have before. I have been through A LOT of trauma and I feel like I am REALLY now at the tail end of it like I never have before. I am now really getting the hang of my new promotion at work, my therapist that I see two to three times a week is wonderful, my love life is unfolding well now when before I was a complete wreck and I’m now more and more finding myself in a position where I just want to help others again. I used to have very very weak boundaries around this area and I still have codependent issues to work through however I feel like I’m at the beginning of my life again in so many ways and I just don’t have much else to ask for at this stage.


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Having focused so much on mystic wisdom, I can't help but to usually feel good about my circumstances.
I am grateful for what I have, but like many, I desire far more.

If this desire ever becomes expecting or demanding, I can easily fall into anger or sadness— commensurate to how long I continue focusing on those thoughts. By all accounts my past has been absolutely abysmal, and the reverberations of it linger as my current situation. It is good that now I have finally found how to more easily balance the extreme swings of the pendulum from the right to the left, often needing to compensate one extreme by using willpower to gain willpower (known as will to will) and focusing solely on my "energy field".  I continue my endeavors, playing around/working out how to better my material situation and my relationship with self/other. There is nothing more I can do until I know how to do it. Knowing this has been a key to more balance in my life.

You can't know until you know. So use what you believe is necessary in the moment, and you are not ever at fault.

For sure, greater states of being await us all as we continue to explore the self.


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