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Semen retention can have spiritual benefits

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This topic of masturbation is bothering me these days as I'm trying to figure out the perfect lifestyle that resonates with me .

Not all the information I will be giving here is confirmed by modern science. .but modern science is not perfect in my opinion and is limited to the material pradagim..and completely igoners spirituality and reilgions and metaphysics. According to eastern religions..especialy Hinduism(the oldest religion to ever exist ) there exist energy centers in your body called "chakras". 7 chakras .the root chakra(The sex centre).the sacral chakra .the solar plexus chakra .the heart chakra .the throat chakra. And the third eye chacrka. When your chakras are closed. You are asleep. Which means you are stuck in "maya" or illusion . The dream world of endless attachments and aversions .how you wake up to the truth?! opening your chakras. And this happens through sexual transmutaion .by rising your sexual energy (which Is life energy itself) up your chakras until the third eye. And when the third eye is open discover the ultimate truth. Which is that the self is an illusion .The world is a dream. Your true nature is infinite unconditional and immortal awarness. You are god himself! .
Now ..its impossible to achieve enlightenment if you waste your"virya " -semen.which is the sacred life giving energy inside of have to preserve it and transumate it by mediation and yoga so you can achieve "nirvana"- the ultimate bliss.
Semen retention is the first step towards achieving the goal of life itself .

Either you use your semen to connect with your soul mate and create new life. Or you retain it to grow on every aspect.

I want to know once and for masturbation actually healthy and good for you or not ?

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8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

is masturbation actually healthy and good for you or not ?

I think it's good as long as one manage to keep the fluid in the system and not waste it through masturbation so it can be reabsorbed in the body. Wasting this energy a few times per week is definitely not healthy physically and spiritually.

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11 minutes ago, m0hsen said:

I think it's good as long as one manage to keep the fluid in the system and not waste it through masturbation so it can be reabsorbed in the body. Wasting this energy a few times per week is definitely not healthy physically and spiritually.

What about this whole "life force " thing ? Is semen really that important and vital to your body and gives you huge benefits when you retain it ? Or is this some exaggeration from the nofap community? 

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What you wrote is only somewhat true for the yogic path.

Complete abstinence can cause problems too if you're not transmuting that energy through yogic practices.

There are many paths that don't require you to be celibate.

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21 minutes ago, Someone here said:

is masturbation actually healthy and good for you or not ?

yes and no

For me, no fap has seriously fucked with my libido, but it was also the catalyst for further sexual exploration. I experienced what they call a "flatline" in the no-fap community. I'm not sure if I have fully recovered from it or not, I really can't tell tbh.

Whatever the case, sexuality seems to be an unexplored territory, so be careful with how you practice abstinence. Don't force it too much. Depending on whether you edge or not, it might make porn addiction even worse.

1 minute ago, Someone here said:

What about this whole "life force " thing ? Is semen really that important and vital to your body and gives you huge benefits when you retain it ? Or is this some exaggeration from the nofap community? 

Sexual energy is a sensation you can feel. You can get better at noticing it through meditation practices and such things. Its a warm sensation. I was able to notice it through doing some tantric meditation about imagining a fire under the perineum. I imagined myself feeling into the heat of the fire, and then noticed the sensation, which is sexual energy, at the sexual organ. You're probably unconsciously keeping that energy trapped. When you don't notice that energetic sensation, it's hard to use it. When you learn to feel and notice it, you can feel into it more, and get better at manipulating it. It also accumulates the longer you abstain and reduce physical stimulation, so it will probably be easier to notice if you do that. I haven't explored it much further than that though, I'm sure some Brahmacharya literature goes more in depth.

7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Or is this some exaggeration from the nofap community? 

There is a lot of this. The no-fap community can be really dogmatic and cult-like, especially on its forums, so tread carefully.

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@Osaid but I feel the opposite. When I ejaculate too much I end up having temporary erectile dysfunction. Also loss of energy and brain fog and loss of motivation.  But the more I abstain, shit just keeps getting magical, do you know what I mean? 

Edited by Someone here

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

but I feel the opposite. When I ejaculate top much I end up having temporary erectile dysfunction. Also loss of energy and brain fog and loss of motivation.  But the more I abstain, shit just keeps getting magical, do you know what I mean?

Yeah this is exactly what I felt at the beginning of my flatline. I didn't have brain fog though, the flatline symptoms can vary like that. Whenever I abstained, my libido and erections slowly came back, but when I masturbated it's like it all went back down to 0. I had 0 sexual interest and couldn't even get erect, my penis was completely dead. It slowly stabilized itself over time, but I'm not sure if it's back to normal yet. It felt like I didn't have enough sexual energy left to cover the cost of masturbating, if that makes sense. It felt like the more I abstained, the more sexual energy it was adding to my body for later use. I think I can function decently now, but I feel like it's not as good as before. It also feels like my penis is less sensitive overall. I'm gonna try and go for 90 days and see wtf happens, that's all I can really think of. People say the flatline is your brain rewiring itself or something, but really it's just a hypothesis. Anyways, it seems that with abstinence the libido gets stronger, so I'm just gonna put my faith in that principle and go for the 90 days.


Edited by Osaid

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40 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Yeah this is exactly what I felt at the beginning of my flatline. I didn't have brain fog though, the flatline symptoms can vary like that. Whenever I abstained, my libido and erections slowly came back, but when I masturbated it's like it all went back down to 0. I had 0 sexual interest and couldn't even get erect, my penis was completely dead. It slowly stabilized itself over time, but I'm not sure if it's back to normal yet. It felt like I didn't have enough sexual energy left to cover the cost of masturbating, if that makes sense. It felt like the more I abstained, the more sexual energy it was adding to my body for later use. I think I can function decently now, but I feel like it's not as good as before. It also feels like my penis is less sensitive overall. I'm gonna try and go for 90 days and see wtf happens, that's all I can really think of. People say the flatline is your brain rewiring yourself or something, but really it's just a hypothesis. Anyways, it seems that with abstinence the libido gets stronger, so I'm just gonna put my faith in that principle and go for the 90 days.


Yup .excellent. exactly my experience. 

I'm also doing 90 days nofap .and will see how it goes .

14 minutes ago, Roy said:

Honestly, you are overinvested and overthinking the shit out of this.

Simply listen to yourself before you choose to masturbate or not. Are you doing this because you authentically want to release and express yourself? Or are you doing it as a distraction and to feed a physical addiction.

Get used to listening to and understanding that voice (it's not the one in your head speaking English, by the way).

The problem is I can't make up my mind . Sometimes I feel like it's natural to do it since I don't have a wife or gf so what else am I supposed to do ?..but then I get easily addicted especially to porn and i end up doing it too often which zaps me of energy and motivation. So I decide that its not okay .and I stop .and the cycle repeats itself over and over again.

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9 minutes ago, Roy said:

Consider you can't make up your mind because you're confused. You have layers of guilt and shame from your culture, subscriptions to science and spirituality telling you what's good or bad, and then all the rationalizations and reasoning your ego mind is giving for it's own pleasure and gratification.

All these things pile on top of each other over and over trying to play king of the hill, and all the while you are suffering and in conflict because you keep cycling between them all like a hamster on the wheel.

What you need to do is get to the bottom of things in order to build a healthy relationship with yourself and your body from the ground up. You do this by deconstructing all those different things you've learned, breaking the hamster wheel so to speak.

I agree. I'm really confused. But why is that ?

Let's discuss it one thing at a time . Let's start with porn . Do you think porn is healthy ? I find it extremely difficult to say that. It completely rewire your brain and gives you toxic filthy expectations about sex and screw with your views of women. It's like it objectifies women. And it just doesn't resonate with my moral compass. 

About masturbation in itself without porn.yes it feels good .but I feel drained and regretful afterwards for some unknown reasons .so that also doesnt resonate with the lifestyle that I wish to have for myself. Which should be a healthy one. 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I agree. I'm really confused. But why is that ?

Let's discuss it one thing at a time . Let's start with porn . Do you think porn is healthy ? I find it extremely difficult to say that. It completely rewire your brain and gives you toxic filthy expectations about sex and screw with your views of women. It's like it objectifies women. And it just doesn't resonate with my moral compass. 

About masturbation in itself without porn.yes it feels good .but I feel drained and regretful afterwards for some unknown reasons .so that also doesnt resonate with the lifestyle that I wish to have for myself. Which should be a healthy one. 

Porn is subjective. Its largely based on your own interpretation of it, however me personally, I have also noticed all of which you have mentioned here, regret, drained, objectification. Curious about no fap, I tried semen retention by laying off porn and masturbation and sex for over 100 days. Around 80 days I was in a new state of consciousness. Radiant, abundant energy. The sexual energy becomes quite intense, You will naturally attract woman as if they can sense the increased sexual energy. Its pretty awesome. It takes a great deal of self discipline to attain, It was unsustainable however and lasted only 2 days. After I seen that state doesn't remain with me after retaining that long and doesn't seem to come online until that long, I chose to have sex and let go of the idea of semen retention because waiting 80 days for a 2 day boost in consciousness is not worth it.

Getting back to porn, if you would ask Leo, he interprets it in an opposite manner. He claimed in a post, it improves his mood and focus. I then adopted that perspective and tried to see if I could interpret feeling that way instead, and I had  similar results when I reframed it for my own mind. To comment about how you feel, to feeling drained then Its best right before bed because then feeling "drained" can be reinterpreted to be viewed as a "sleep aid" where being drained is suitable. As for feeling regretful, that's only because your trying to hold 2 perspectives that contradict one another. One wants to watch porn or masturbate the other does not. One perspective is an uncontrolled sexual urge looking for instant release, the other is a judgment on the method of satisfying the urge. You don't have to judge it but view it as a biological function. Reinterpret a new way to view watching porn, or if there is less regret when having actual sex then go do that instead. First Learning to control and manage your sexual urges will play an important role, and is a sign of self control. If you just react to urges all the time and need to watch porn your not having self control. 

You can put a positive or productive perspective on any action. As everything is largely based upon how your personally choosing to relate to the actions. You have to consciously choose a new way to how you interpret it. This new way must be unique to you and you should be able to observe the effects and results of your view and determine if it works for you or not. The default seems the be how your currently experiencing it. Remember your the creator of your own perspective, so something that personal, you can choose to frame it how ever you like. It mainly effects your own feeling states, this in turn can also sometimes effect how people respond to you.

 For me, It seems to be best framed as" a tool for release after extended periods of time where sex is not available" you don't have to demonize it. However, Its something you don't want to become reliant upon for all your natural sexual urges. If you cant go a least 10 days with out needing to watch porn or masturbate then you might have an addiction. Masturbation in general is a natural mammal action and as a male it can become uncomfortable to not release semen once in awhile.. The human need must be met at some point though so hook up with woman or get a gf. Less is better as too much porn can have negative effects. 2 or 3 times a day, more than 2 days a week I would consider too much because you can become overstimulated which can impact your social skills and not bother to even go out and talk to girls. Id say no more than 3 times a week for healthy porn use. But if you can wait 2 weeks straight it becomes more rewarding and your more likely to attract woman and it builds self control. Sex multiple times a week though is ideal to completely satisfies regular urges. The more you raise your consciousness there seems to be less desire for porn and more desire for connection with females, However that may be my subjective opinion.

Mastering the biological reproductive drive is a task and a half. lol.  Experiment with what works best for you with making new interpretations.

Focus on the solution, not the problem

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do you feel like you overdo masturbation? if yes, why do you think this is happening? sometimes it can be a way to make up for an unmet need (e.g., having intimacy with a romantic partner).

one day this will all be memories

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10 hours ago, Someone here said:

According to eastern religions..especialy Hinduism(the oldest religion to ever exist ) there exist energy centers in your body called "chakras". 7 chakras .the root chakra(The sex centre).the sacral chakra .the solar plexus chakra .the heart chakra .the throat chakra. And the third eye chacrka. When your chakras are closed. You are asleep. Which means you are stuck in "maya" or illusion . The dream world of endless attachments and aversions .how you wake up to the truth?! opening your chakras. And this happens through sexual transmutaion .by rising your sexual energy (which Is life energy itself) up your chakras until the third eye. And when the third eye is open discover the ultimate truth. Which is that the self is an illusion .The world is a dream. Your true nature is infinite unconditional and immortal awarness. You are god himself! .
Now ..its impossible to achieve enlightenment if you waste your"virya " -semen.which is the sacred life giving energy inside of have to preserve it and transumate it by mediation and yoga so you can achieve "nirvana"- the ultimate bliss.
Semen retention is the first step towards achieving the goal of life itself .

You've really oversimplified this. If you had really given yourself the time to study the energy centres, you would have been enabled to learn the answers to your sexual queries (and more) by yourself. 

But anyway.. yes, it's true that semen retention raises your energy, particularly your psychic and emotional energy. However, the danger lies in the unbalancing of the energy centres/chakras, learn that their function is always in relation to each other - it's a cooperation. If one particular chakra is functioning at an extremely high level than the others, it will be forced into severe reduction by the process of equilibrium thus resulting in what your friend @Osaid calls “flatline”.

There must be balance. If you can get yourself to properly learn of the energy centres, just what they are and why they are there would be sufficient, you could most certainly apply that knowledge in the management of yourself. There won't be any more confusion in conducting yourself in a way that is healthy, it will all simply boil down to the matter of self discipline, which is another aspect of life on its own, of course.

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8 hours ago, Someone here said:

I agree. I'm really confused. But why is that ?

Let's discuss it one thing at a time . Let's start with porn . Do you think porn is healthy ? I find it extremely difficult to say that. It completely rewire your brain and gives you toxic filthy expectations about sex and screw with your views of women. It's like it objectifies women. And it just doesn't resonate with my moral compass. 

About masturbation in itself without porn.yes it feels good .but I feel drained and regretful afterwards for some unknown reasons .so that also doesnt resonate with the lifestyle that I wish to have for myself. Which should be a healthy one. 

Read what you wrote here. You identified specific things you don't like about the activity. Even if I told you that porn is healthy, your personal truth is telling you something else.

So why do you keep coming back to it? 

and if why you keep coming back is not what you want or is not how you want to get that feeling

then what do you want to do instead? or how do you want to get that feeling?

Edited by SgtPepper

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I just fapped 10 minutes ago & it fucking sucks!! 

 no shame or guilt towards it, I just feel a dip in energy.  fapped 8 times in the last 7 days, for me this way too much & 100% takes more than it gives. 

Leo lost e is so black & white about masturbation & thinks it's some harmless thing but I think he's stubborn & closed minded about it & completely wrong. 

sometimes it's better to masturbate than hold it in, because I used to try and force month long streaks & this had problems. If the energy becomes too much, then just fap & get it out the way. 

I want to revert to once a week maximum.

I litterally wanted to clean up my room, start listing items to selling stuff online, do visualization exercizes 

Right now I just want to watch a film & do nothing else. 

Now I need a motivation video & pushups just to have a chance at being how I was before. No fap makes me a different human. 

Anyway back to positives. Long streak starts again. No fap is always the catalyst for change in other areas too, whenever I start fapping, I half ass other shit. 

Edited by Striving for more

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The only time I've experienced something negative after fapping was during my flatline, when I would basically get ED everytime I fapped. But that was mostly temporary. And ironically, it was caused by no fap.

Otherwise, I feel amazingly euphoric and clear-headed when I'm done masturbating. I think the feeling of post-nut clarity is great. It's kind of like stepping out of a shower. 

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On 11/04/2022 at 0:42 AM, Someone here said:

The problem is I can't make up my mind . Sometimes I feel like it's natural to do it since I don't have a wife or gf so what else am I supposed to do ?..but then I get easily addicted especially to porn and i end up doing it too often which zaps me of energy and motivation. So I decide that its not okay .and I stop .and the cycle repeats itself over and over again.

I think you confused the two. You came to the conclusion that masturbation is not ok, but in reality, as I see it, your addiction to masturbation is not ok, not the masturbation itself.

Masturbating is normal. It's biological. We are built for this, too. It wouldn't feel THAT FUCKING GOOD if we weren't allowed to do it.

But what happens to you is that you get addicted to it. So don't demonize masturbation when it's something else you should be fixing - your relation to masturbation.


But I stil support you not doing it for a while. Everything has its benefits.


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5 hours ago, mojsterr said:

Masturbating is normal. It's biological. We are built for this, too. It wouldn't feel THAT FUCKING GOOD if we weren't allowed to do it.

  1. Morhpine feels extemely good ... 
  2. Sugar feels really good in the moment
  3. It really doesn't feel that good? Highly overrated, I always feel shit after masturbating unless it has been a long streak & then I need to release tension, I always feel like shit when it's regularly, physically & mentally 
  4. This is not the same as sex for me, sex with someone you're genuinely attracted to 1000x better, don't listen to Leo when he says it's better to jerk off, That's the most psychotic & stupid thing I've heard & he should lay off the DMT looolz
  5. I think you're justifying your inner weakness here. Regular masturbation makes me feel like a childish little B**** & nofap helps me a man, & actual masculine virile man. I'm done with these stupid threads man. 
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This topic is becoming redundant. If you want to keep on masturbating but want the immense benefits, start practicing taoist techniques. Give up the petty genital orgasms which drain your energy for rejuvenating full-body orgasms.

Stop feeding the victim. Take responsibility for your life. You have the power ;)

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