
Shunyamurti and Bentinho Massaro - Cult leaders?

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How the fuck could these two people claim enlightenment and still be responsible for running cults?

Edited by Evoke

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Stop equating awakening with morality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Stop equating awakening with morality.

But Buddhists conflates the two!

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1 hour ago, Evoke said:

But Buddhists conflates the two!

Most Buddhists are morons.

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Is there any actual proof they are running cults? It seems people call any spiritual group they don’t like a cult.

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5 minutes ago, Raze said:

Is there any actual proof they are running cults? It seems people call any spiritual group they don’t like a cult.

There is actually some solid proof, which we have looked at and discussed in the past.

They basically exploit their biggest followers either financially or sexually, or both.

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16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

They basically exploit their biggest followers either financially or sexually, or both.

@Leo Gura So they basically do the same thing you are doing??






Just a joke, relax guys ´xD

Edited by Michael Jackson

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Daniel Ingram, the dude who wrote "Mastering the core teachings of the Buddha", is like, seems like anyways, a pretty advanced teacher, practitioner, and claims enlightenment, and has taught and done many retreats etc..

He says that he has friends with severe mental health issues, lives a mess, and have yet advanced significantly in waking up.

likewise, he says he has a friend who is a legit psychopath with is quiet enlightened as well...

So... seems like awakening is defs like a separate function of the body-mind etc., perception, than how that body-mind operates.  

It's like... awareness = indiscriminate: thus, w/e is in the awareness (including the opereations of the bodymind, biology, morality, etc., can be w/e and indiscriminate as well. 

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@Leo Gura Got that right Leo, all these instagram influencers, tiktokers, and youtubers do is dig sex, fame, power, knowledge, money, houses, and clothes out of their adoring fans. Plotting new ways to emotionally manipulate all the kids into being their dutious follower slaves. They say you're a cult, but it's actually the opposite. You're literally like the only one out here who isn't running a cult. All those instagrammers and tiktok people just milk the crap out of their fans. 

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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wow, really impressed and troubled to know there's controversy around Shunyamurti. I actually enjoyed most of his videos on youtube and bought some os his books.

do some of you understand he is a zen devil? If so, is this because he didn't do shadow work and thus allowed his ego to appropriate all that knowledge in order to create this "enlightened me"?

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24 minutes ago, Michael Jackson said:

@Leo Gura So they basically do the same thing you are doing??

Basically what I hold myself back from doing because I easily could.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Basically what I hold myself back from doing because I easily could.

@Leo Gura Serious question for ya, and no judgement. Are you tempted to do it?

Or is money nothing that you really care about that much anymore, since you have made enough of it for the rest of your life to live a decent life? (sorry my english went pretty bad in the last sentence, lol.)

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3 minutes ago, Michael Jackson said:

Are you tempted to do it?

Sometimes, but not in a very serious way.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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How come someone like Rupert Spira dont fall into these traps. He seems so pure, wheras Benthino & Shunyamurti dosnt.

Is Rupert more evolved, embodied.

Or am i just projecting?

Edited by Evoke

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Stop equating awakening with morality.

But you always suggest that awakening/higher consciousness is the same thing as selflessness, and vice-versa.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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4 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

But you always suggest that awakening/higher consciousness is the same thing as selflessness, and vice-versa.

I have always told you that awakening says nothing about what actions you take or how "good" you are.

I could go murder someone tomorrow. And it would not diminish my realizations of God one bit. Might even enhance it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I actually prefer traditional Buddhism to neo-advaita and other western fads.  It’s a religion which has a few simple ethical rules to calm the mind through correct action and a path of awakening without a lot of words or bullshit philosophy.  I read Shunyamurti’s book with all its speculative theories.  I don’t read this stuff anymore.  I have since learned that intellectual minds weave complex narratives.  The purpose is not to enlighten you, but to establish themselves as an authority to give them power over the gullible.   It’s a trap.  You will learn more about spirituality by being kind to your neighbor.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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The difference between someone who's awake on some level and someone who's enlightened is huge.

Awakening doesn't require much transformation; enlightenment requires the whole system to be transformed and aligned with the highest truth.

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5 hours ago, Evoke said:

But Buddhists conflates the two!

Not really. Buddhism promotes developing morality before samadhi and wisdom because it helps to have a solid moral foundation instilled before you show that such things do not matter in an ultimate sense. It’s a way of keeping the worst outcomes of wisdom realizations down as far as relative issues go. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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