
Someone stole my life purpose?

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I had made it my life's purpose to develop technology that would help the paralyzed walk again, only to find out other people have already gotten in on the action.

What should I do? I feel as if my life purpose is going to get done with our without me and that I've been made completely irrelevant.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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Was the life purpose helping paralyzed people or getting recognition for helping paralyzed people?

The people are gonna get help now, just like you wanted, why are you upset?  Your dream has come true, and you didn't even need to do anything!?

Edited by thisintegrated

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Almost everything has already been done. The life purpose of most people is to improve on what's already been created. In this area there's definitely still room for innovation.

This is like Elon getting disheartened and deciding to not make SpaceX because NASA already existed. Or Bezos not making Blue Origin because SpaceX already existed. Or Moderna dropping their whole vaccine program because Pfizer got theirs out first.

There is always room in pretty much any market for more than one competitor.

Get out of the mindset that they "stole" the idea. These people have never heard that you exist, you arent the first person to have the idea, and if they're at this stage they've probably been working on it before you thought of it for the first time.

Edited by Yarco

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Your life purpose is not about what you do, rather about what you choose to think/do/become as a response of what happens around you. 

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Experts in that field are still wanted. You are not going to do any significant in that field without becoming an expert anyway. Neural technology is not something hobbyists do in their basements lol

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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@Husseinisdoingfine  It's a sick feeling to deal with, like knowing that somebody plagiarized your work. Keep working on that vision and find another angle if you're still into this field,  or prepare for another career change. 

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They didn't really steal it. They just got there before you lol.

Next time be quick ok:P

There are always plenty of ways you can give to society, who does it really doesn't matter, whether it's you or someone else.

It's not so much about credit (credit seeking is an ego thing beware), it's about service. 

Be glad that people still want to serve humanity 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On 10/04/2022 at 5:52 AM, Husseinisdoingfine said:

I had made it my life's purpose to develop technology that would help the paralyzed walk again, only to find out other people have already gotten in on the action.


What should I do? I feel as if my life purpose is going to get done with our without me and that I've been made completely irrelevant.

@Husseinisdoingfine I've felt like this more times than I can count. There's been a lot of moments where I saw something being done, which I already came up with, but was not in the right position to execute on. I felt angry and powerless.

These days, I just take it as a sign that I'm in tune with what is supposed to be created, and able to come up with good ideas.

The attachment to one specific idea, and the discouragement when someone else already does it, comes from placing too much importance on a specific idea, and undervaluing my ability to come up with the right stuff at the right time.

I noticed that whenever I came up with something good, I had an underlying fear that it was my one and only chance, and I'd never come up with a good one after that.

Reality is quite different.

It's not a race to "get there first" or else all is lost. It is only that if you make it so.

Inventors and entrepreneurs pivot lots of times, more often than not, the thing that ends up making them successful at helping lots of people is completely different from what they started with.

Your drive to help people, and your ability to come up with solutions, is where your value is. That's what matters.

And no one can do it like you can. No one can think exactly like you, sense what you sense, come up with what you come up with, view things the way you do, perceive what you perceive, experience what you experience, learn what you learn, and give your own unique version of the value you give. And there's room for much more than one. If you look at any invention that has been successful, you will see that there's a handfull of companies producing different versions for different people, and many of them are successful. Because customers are different, they have different needs and preferences. One product can not serve them all.

If you still want to help paralyzed people, then nothing much is different.

As long as there are still paralyzed people who can not walk, you still have a purpose.

Spinal cord stimulation will not work for everyone, and for the ones it does work for, it may cause other problems, have deficiencies, or there will be a need for other additional solutions to different pains and problems that arise when this one idea has been invented.

The possibilities to help are endless, when you trust your creativity.

Edited by flowboy

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Lol, nobody stole anything from you. You had a naive idea of how the world works and now that bubble got burst. 

Businesses have beenn investing trillions of dollars into advanced medical technologies for the past 20 years, tech that will advance the human body, cure blindness, cure paralysis, and deafness. This is the newest boom. I hope this won't sound harsh but with limited capital you will find it hard to compete with companies who can spend 100 billions on R&D and PR with a wave of a hand. 

But don't let that discourage you. You can still become part of that movement. Figure out what education you need and what specialisation to become a leading expert so that you can get hired by these businesses and chip in. Or become a specialist in development of more advanced technologies so that you can get hired as an R&D consultant. It certainly is easier than having to create that entire industry, entire supply chain and basically reinvent the wheel. Ideas can sell as much as anything else these days. Unless you can obtain a starting capital of 100 billion dollars an convince bunch of investors that your idea will be a return of their investiment withn 20 years and has enough of a competitive power, starting a medical technology company like that in the Northern America is going to be tough. Follow your dreams but at the same time keep your feet on the ground :)

The ways you can become part of this movement are literally limitless even without becoming Elon Musk 2.0. There is an infinite amount of space for more people to come in within all those markets. It's now about changing the world. If you can help a 1000 people in any any way, throughout your lifespan and get paid for it....that's enough. 

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You likely won’t be the first or original guy at whatever you do 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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That’s great news! Find someone doing that already and work under them to build up your skills. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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Maybe there are other technologies you can develop to help paralyzed people. Or to help people suffering from some other illnesses at that. What is the reason that your life purpose is this specific? Why did you want to help paralyzed people walk specifically? Use that reason as a seed to find other things worth pursuing.

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On 4/10/2022 at 4:52 AM, Husseinisdoingfine said:

I had made it my life's purpose to develop technology that would help the paralyzed walk again, only to find out other people have already gotten in on the action.

What should I do? I feel as if my life purpose is going to get done with our without me and that I've been made completely irrelevant.

   Would you mind sharing your mission statement?

   What is your general purpose?

   What is your specialized purpose?

   What is your ten year mastery plan?

   What is your top ten values?

   What are your top 5 feelings you want to feel everyday?

   What are your top 5 strengths and weaknesses?

   What is your zone of genius?

   What are your year end resolution goals?

   What does your wheel of life look like?

   If you answer these questions to the full with detail, then we can help you much more in giving specific answers. 

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On 10.4.2022 at 5:52 AM, Husseinisdoingfine said:

I had made it my life's purpose to develop technology that would help the paralyzed walk again, only to find out other people have already gotten in on the action.

That's great! Now you don't have to walk it alone :D 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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It isn't stealing, they had the same idea and actualized it faster than you did.

You could possibly look at their product and service and find a way to improve it as an alternative.

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