
Is there never going to be a way to stop all of media from driving political divide?

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So far, the conflict between the left and right keeps getting increasingly worse. I know that big tech platforms have already done a little bit more moderating of political content since the Jan 6th capitol riot incident, Trump and some of his supporters have been banned from all social media platforms, and the USA hasn't had a divisive president anymore for well over a year now. However, it still hasn't been anywhere near enough to stop the left and the right continuing to radicalize each other.

How long will this continue to erode the trust in our democratic values, elections, core institutions, and scientific facts? How long will this keep causing more and more gridlock to the point of where nothing positive gets done anymore for our country? Will there never be a way to quiet down all of politics in the media? What exactly needs to change in order eliminate all of the toxic political info. coming from both the left wing media outlets and right wing media outlets?

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Nope, never.

Edited by mojsterr

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4 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Will there never be a way to quiet down all of politics in the media?

No. Politics in one of the juiciest things you can talk about on any platform, it will get a lot of traction and it is important for everyone. 

4 hours ago, Hardkill said:

What exactly needs to change in order eliminate all of the toxic political info. coming from both the left wing media outlets and right wing media outlets?

Who has any incentive to stop the toxicity, when 

  1. Toxicity is the main thing that getting the most traction - so the most money can be generated this way
  2. Facebook algorithm optimises for toxicity, if you are not toxic in your articles or in your advertisements then your posts won't pop up
  3. Neither the radical left nor the radical right wants to find any bridge between the two side, so they want to make the opposite side look ridiculous - Such way they can get more people to their side
  4. Most people don't want to find solutions, most people care about maintaining their ideology and ideas
  5. Almost no person wants to get their ideas challenged - everyone want to stay in their bubble and in their comfort zone
  6. Most people only focusing on their values, and not giving any shit what others want
  7. This is correlated with the 6. one , Most people look at problems only from a very narrow perspective and anything that challenges their narrow perspective will be demonized
  8. Because how the media environment is, and how social media algorithms work, if you are not toxic - you basically can't win any election 
  9. Eliminating all the toxic info in any field is impossible right now, because  of the power dynamics. As long as you can get ahead by being toxic and trying to deliberately strawmanning and downplaying the opposite side's arguments you will do it. 
  10. Basically as long as there is a dynamic ,where one side's survival is hinges upon beating all the other sides, this dynamic will never end, because no one is incentivised to do so. ( But of course it is not black and white and it can improve, or it can be eliminated, but elimination will require a lot of change and that change won't come any time soon)

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In America the divide is extreme. Here in west Europe liberal and conservative parties form coalitions all the time, which is pretty much unthinkable in the US.

I think it comes forth from the fact that there’s a strong divide in politics and culture between the south and the north. The civil war is just a testament to that. In a way that civil war is still going on today, it just turned into a Cold War.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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There's several ways to stop the media doing this right now. But they have too much money and power to be easily stopped. Normally they're helping out the people in charge so it'd be career suicide to turn on them. It will take a real heroic "for the people" politician to finally put their foot down.

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Media is set up by people. It's not who is running the media but who is using the media. People on media have opinions. Unfortunately, some of the opinions are toxic. But you cannot really do much about it since there is freedom of thought. You can't change people's thoughts. The change has to be from within and cannot be enforced. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Media drives political divide like a weapons manufacturer drives war, or pharmaceutical companies drive illness.

You will notice that more people are focusing on independent media over corporate media now though. The main reason is because they don't enjoy being lied to so often, and that it does have a lot more integration of views.  This is a good start to begin the creation of a new system. Though, I imagine we still have many more election cycles to go before we even start talking about that.

Edited by Rokazulu

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What happens when both sides of the media incite so much devastating violence and chaos in our country. Then what?

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8 minutes ago, Roy said:

Pick the winning side xD

But really what do you mean, blatantly inciting violence? Or subtle implications? Even in the United States you don't have the free speech to call for violence.

I agree with that, however what if increasing amount of needed censorship causes a lot of Americans to get upset with that because of how many stupid, ignorant, and selfish people there are in America say who no matter what you say to them will fiercely hold on to the traditional belief that there  freedom of speech always of paramount importance and it is the number 1 core right protected by the very first constitutional amendment?


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1 minute ago, Roy said:

The people who are causing the biggest issues don't actually support the constitution or amendments out of some genuine desire to uphold it as a principle for everything, they only care how it serves them and their agenda.

Besides you have to look where power IS, rather than where you think it ought to be. Right now it's not with the constitution lol, it's with media companies and other monopolies. I guess we have to find ways to take that power back, the irony is we need to use them as a platform to reach more people. Twisted isn't it.

Yeah, I agree with those points too. 

Do you think that one day there will enough of a mandate from the people to have the government intervene in this situation in some way?

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21 minutes ago, Roy said:

Yes it's called regulation which I've already brought up.

Okay. Then let’s keep hoping for that.

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When y'all move to Tier 2, basically.


The solutions are there.  Americans could've voted for Andrew Yang, but they didn't.  Would've been the start of something good.  But the american people have to change first, and for that they have to want change.

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I think western society is collapsing as populism rises thanks to social media. Strict censorship in what the masses share with each other is what's going to propel certain countries like China as the world leaders. The west doesn't have a clue, as they bicker amongst each other and crime, mental health issues increase and population decreases.

Edited by Frylock

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