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Simple, powerful advice for deep visioning

2 posts in this topic

It's a wonderful thing to wake up in the early hours of the day, in the moments before the sun has made it's ascension.

For millennia, yogis, sages, and mystics have recognized the unique quality of the pre-dawn hours and have called it bhrama muhurtaBhrama's time, or the Creator's time. Because of social conditioning, it can be easy to buy into the distinction that there are morning people and night owls; that some people are just not cut out to be early risers. This does not have to be true for you.

Amongst other things, highly intuitive beings have observed the patterns of each daily cycle on the human mind and consciousness, with both willpower and purity finding its peak during dawn, before slowly waning come nightfall. If we look back at our own lives, we can recognize having done reckless, wild, or silly things late at night that we later regret come morning. To the degree that you are sensitive, you can become conscious of the clarity the early morning brings. Wisdom tells us to make use of this time, for meditation, contemplation, and of course, visioning.

You may not yet be a sage, nor a mystic. You may simply want to find a better job. It'll work for you. If you want to have powerful visioning sessions, consistent blocks of your time where you are using your mind, body, and spirit for the sole purpose of discovering, redefining, or refining your dreams, values, purpose, or any deep yearning, look no further than making use of this time. From my own experience, I can tell you that chanting mantras during this time has been highly effective for me, sometimes even taking me to states of abrupt and stunning lucidity.

Wake up, say thanks, stretch, do cardio, shower, sit, meditate, journal, dream, and the sun is just peeking out, like a newborn baby.

Sure, the clarity may not be comparable to the instant blast of a powerful psychedelic, but over time, after years and decades of these sessions, who will you become? How much more weight will be behind those visions then? Don't underestimate the power of cultivating quality states of consciousness over a sustained stretch. 

I assume that there are many of you that were like me, thinking what's the harm in sleeping in. There's no harm. It's just a question of whether or not you want to ride the day or let it ride you. Every day is its own cycle.



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