
Sugar is Not a Treat

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Great Ted Talk I found on the effect sugar has on the brain and body. Products like Coke and Pepsi are seriously poisoning people and in 50 years are going to be seen as such.  

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Coke and Pepsi have already been declared poisoning 50 years ago. The question is how consciously people can see the connection between consumption and illness. 

Unconsciousness can conserve you in horrible habits for decades, if you never find out how they actually harm you in direct and indirect ways. Only direct, personal experience of suffering connected to the habit can bring forth a change. However, ending the habit is also suffering. The question is, what suffering weighs more. 

Edited by Vynce

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Sugar is a treat. If you put plain refined sugar on your tounge even without swallowing it dramatically lowers cortisol which is the main cause of aging. Stop mistrusting your own instincts, you'll end up doing dumb diets like carnivore or eat excessive greens like a goat. Fruits were meant to be eaten not just stared at as decoration.

The vitamin gummy bears, yogurt, fruit juice she mentioned that are bad are healthy. 

The cause of diabetes is excessive lipolysis where you have free fatty acids in the blood inhibiting glucose uptake in the cell which then leads to insulin resistance. Polyunsatured fats which is in almost every packaged food and is the main oil used to cook in restaurants is what is causes insulin resistance.

People eat garbage like oreos, donuts, chips, loaded with pufas and other additives then they blame the sugar when its the pufa inhibiting glucose uptake which spikes insulin. All that junk food is also missing pottasium which lowers the need for insulin and b vitamins which inhibit excessive lypolysis.



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Sugar is not just one thing. Don't lump together processed sugar, raw sugar, glucose, fructose, glucose-fructose, high fructose corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, artificial sweeteners as all being equal.

I'm starting a 5-day juicing regiment tomorrow. Do you think I'm going to feel better or worse after juicing 33 apples, 10 oranges, 10 pears, 3 cups of blueberries, (plus tons of vegetables)? By my count I'm going to be consuming an average of about 200 grams of sugar per day from freshly-juiced fruit for the next 5 days, fiber completely removed. And once all the initial detox symptoms wear off I bet I'm going to feel better than I have in years. Sugar is not the enemy.

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8 hours ago, funcool said:

Polyunsatured fats which is in almost every packaged food and is the main oil used to cook in restaurants is what is causes insulin resistance.

Not true actually Replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturates actually improved people's A1C score and reduces things like triglycerides and even LDL and ApoB.

Diabetes type 2 is an energy status disease where the body has exceeded its adipose tissue stores  and triglycerides are backing up through liver and pancreas. The maximum tissue store availability for fat deposition is genetic which is why some people can get ridiculously fat and not get diabetes and some get it while not even being chubby.

The body becomes so saturated with calories, glucose and triglycerides that all receptors are shut down because it does not know what to do with all that anymore and so it stays in lumen of arteries gradually damaging glycocalyx, red blood cells and causing a havoc

Weight loss is one of the most efficient strategy for diabetes treatment and eating less saturated fats and more pufas helps that goal

Most people do not consume enough vegetables oils (even at the quantiles with the highest consumption) for them to be a significant factor in their overal calorie intake. This is a typical argument in low carb anti-seed oil communities that rarely stands to a scrutiny of good evidence basis. 

Ofcourse processed foods and junk are a problem but the issue is not the oils, it is the consumption of hyperpalatable foods that are abundant in calories but low on dietary fibre so it takes more time to reach a satiation point

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On 4/8/2022 at 6:37 PM, funcool said:

The vitamin gummy bears, yogurt, fruit juice she mentioned that are bad are healthy. 

No, they are not. Each of these are highly processed and contain an incredible amount of processed sugar which is largely stored as fat and (in excess) causes insulin resistance. Just because it sounds healthy (like fruit juice) dose not mean that it is. Read the nutritional information and you'll see there is not a big difference between a serving of Oreos and some of the "healthy" yogurts you will find at the supermarket. 

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On 4/8/2022 at 7:41 PM, Yarco said:

Sugar is not just one thing. Don't lump together processed sugar, raw sugar, glucose, fructose, glucose-fructose, high fructose corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, artificial sweeteners as all being equal.

Very true. However, the differences between many of the types are trivial at best  

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People are fooled into thinking they can eat unlimited amounts of so-called "natural sugar" from things like dates by a lot of plant based promoters and this thinking is flawed... sugars are molecules of glucose and fructose and whether they come from HFCS, maple syrup, honey, or beet sugar, if you over eat any of these sugars you will suffer the same health problems in the end.

Excessive consumption of fructose containing items should be avoided because it goes through a similar metabolic process as alcohol where it's processed by the liver. A lot of people who overeat fructose end up with NAFLD, skinny fat, and get these little pregnant beer gut looks. I saw it once badly in a road biker... he was on a 100 mile ride and otherwise skinny but looked pregnant. I never saw anything like it. It's because of excess alcohol/fructose.

All sugars are generally 40-60% fructose with the exception of agave which is 80-90% fructose. Starches in the other hand metabolize directly into glucose are are taken in by cells. They are quite a bit more healthy especially if you are not overweight... even simple starches like white bread/rice in moderation. One thing a lot of people consume they think is healthy is pasteurized fruit juices like Orange juice... not healthy, fructose bomb with a little vitamin C added.

Edited by sholomar

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1 hour ago, sholomar said:

People are fooled into thinking they can eat unlimited amounts of so-called "natural sugar" from things like dates by a lot of plant based promoters and this thinking is flawed

Yes the molecules are the same, but the fibers in actual fruits make the sugar metabolize slower. So no high spikes in blood sugar. I never felt bad after eating 2 bananas or some oranges. However eating sugary, white bread stuff makes me feel horrible for the next entire hour. 

1 hour ago, sholomar said:

One thing a lot of people consume they think is healthy is pasteurized fruit juices like Orange juice... not healthy, fructose bomb with a little vitamin C added.

Absolutely! This notion, that juice is somehow healthy needs to end.

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On 4/8/2022 at 7:37 PM, funcool said:

Sugar is a treat. If you put plain refined sugar on your tounge even without swallowing it dramatically lowers cortisol which is the main cause of aging. Stop mistrusting your own instincts, you'll end up doing dumb diets like carnivore or eat excessive greens like a goat. Fruits were meant to be eaten not just stared at as decoration.

The vitamin gummy bears, yogurt, fruit juice she mentioned that are bad are healthy. 

The cause of diabetes is excessive lipolysis where you have free fatty acids in the blood inhibiting glucose uptake in the cell which then leads to insulin resistance. Polyunsatured fats which is in almost every packaged food and is the main oil used to cook in restaurants is what is causes insulin resistance.

People eat garbage like oreos, donuts, chips, loaded with pufas and other additives then they blame the sugar when its the pufa inhibiting glucose uptake which spikes insulin. All that junk food is also missing pottasium which lowers the need for insulin and b vitamins which inhibit excessive lypolysis.



Someone's been reading Ray Peat. xD

I find his stuff to be pretty insightful but I would just use his work as a guide rather than the actual whole truth. Very impressed with most of what he says but sometimes he seems to make gaffes -- can't think of too many examples right now since it's been a while since reading him, but I know he thinks LSD is anti-serotonergic, which seems to be exactly backwards, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that since it is a partial agonist.

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