
Excitement/adrenaline = Intuition?

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If I got adrenaline from thinking about starting a Business, or looking at someone playing drums and imagining myself doing that...

Dabbler/Ego-Desire, or authentic?



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For me, intuition comes when my mind is still, and when it appear, it's like crystal clear, with no doubt.

It's difficult to know what's authentic in us, because what we think as "authentic" may just be a layer, which resonate with inner motivations, which are unknown to the conscious mind.

"Follow your bliss" it's a very personal thing, only you can know, and requires years of research/evolving.

I hope to drill into the superficial levels, and find the true reasons for my passions.

Leo said once "everything you do in life, is a quest for awareness" maybe it means that we need to experience things first, to step back and growth from that. Ra (in Ra's material) call it "polarization" which I think is interesting).

Then, it would be possible to reach awareness without experiencing Samsara at it's peaks, and take the shortcut thought meditation, or experiencing stuff in full awareness, so that the pain dissolve as it is occurring...

Back to topic : you have to try it, to know if that's authentic, and you'll figure out on the path (+meditation practice).

Personally, I see 2 kinds of intuition, the psychological one (subconscious, neurons...) and the esoteric one (synchronicity, deep meaning, dreams...) I think it's 2 aspects of the same thing, but I don't understand yet the connection between neurons and "infinite" consciousness.

Edited by Soulbass

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@Soulbass damn, bro. Really warms my heart to see someone like you take the time to give me such a lengthy response to some stranger's question. Thanks a lot. 

That was very helpful. I like the part where you said your intuition is calm, and BOOM, that hit me and made me realize I logically "thought" my way to "intuition". 


Fuck, thanks, man. 

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On 25/01/2017 at 9:32 AM, Soulbass said:

For me, intuition comes when my mind is still, and when it appear, it's like crystal clear, with no doubt.


Intuition is that quiet, subtle driving force that you notice when you quieten everything else down. It is absolute, undisputable. It isn't stimulation or excitement. It is almost a 'knowing'. It comes from stillness. Leo did a good video on this recently.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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22 hours ago, Thinh said:

So does this intuition have any connection with enlightment?

Only in so far that an elightened person will be more in tune with their intuition and will follow more authentic desires.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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