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I'm in love with existence

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It's a mindfuck. 

It's a miracle that we are here .it's a miracle that anything exists at all . How lucky we are ? Look at this amazing colorful universe. Look at the birds chirping. Look at the sunshine and the sunset .look at night sky and galaxies and the stars .listen to beautiful music that touches your soul .I'm on the brink of crying .it's so much beauty ? 

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12 minutes ago, A Fellow Lighter said:

It's not luck, though. It's the full blown power of love. 


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That it seems miraculous is a rationalistic fallacy, it is precisely because there is more than reason that there is no miracle to existence.

It is a miracle when something comes from nothing without cause, but since nothing is an impossibility (or an empty potential, empty actual aswell) existence is instead necessary.

What is miraculous instead is everything in existence (or everything existent), for why must it be this way and not another, the miracle is how peculiar it is not that it is.


Can we know why the existent things are as they are? Are also these necessary? The answer to this is self-contained (and empty) in the question, we ask because also questions are necessary, we ask because we must. Yet there is a manifold of freedom, not in a past in which we questioned, but in a future we may decide to question. In other words, we are always new and I who am now and not yesterday is new.

In speculative meta-time there may have been freedom throughout or no freedom at all, in knowledge there is no freedom but towards an unknown future there is, also this is empty.. reached the limit of language again, I can elaborate on everything but it leads to nothing.

If meta-time is considered innate, then will becomes impossible. 

So have I speculated myself to the necessity of existence or have I not? For If I have not then the will is impossible, but since will is possible then I must have speculated myself to the necessity of existence, but if the necessity of existence is an empty belief then existence were willed by something.

Such will I call god, why then did god create? Our answer will always go back to why we create, it is simply impossible to not do this self-reference. We say "love" for this reason. 

But we create to achieve, a contingent love therefore. Who of us create by necessity then? And is it not a god among men he/she who create simply because they can? It is curious then that it is they who are forced to create who are they who only does it because they can.

And so we are back to a god who are forced to create something, but not forced to create us in particular, and with an empty belief for why he did so, but only empty from "his perspective" and never from ours. For in us there is only truth, so if there is a reason then now is the answer.

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@Reciprocality oh do you have to make it complicated?  You are stuck in your logical mind .drop your rationality and just enjoy the miracle of being alive. 

34 minutes ago, nistake said:

It's one hell of a ride, isn't it?

Indeed :)

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1 hour ago, Reciprocality said:

It is a miracle when something comes from nothing without cause, but since nothing is an impossibility (or an empty potential, empty actual aswell) existence is instead necessary.

Is the light of awareness also an impossibility and thus not miraculous? Because one might try as hard as s/he wants but s/he will never find reason for awareness. Existence may be necessary but why should awareness? What difference does it make to reality that there is knowledge or not, lest you admit that it is precisely because it is realised that it is Reality..?

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@A Fellow Lighter Awareness is necessary, so its possibility is speculative. It makes little sense to ask whether it is possible when it already is actual, the belief that it is possible elsewhere is empty and by the way why Leo Gura the rationalist is fooled into his solipsism.

What is awareness if it is not existent? And how can existence be necessary but awareness not if all there is is awareness? By your logic here there is a thing in itself, a duality to awareness.

Is the thing in itself necessary? It it necessarily mystical, I can tell you that much. 


Edit: Many doors may open and luckily others close if you got that Gura part and were already solipsistic, though admittedly there are implications in solipsism that one should integrate. For instance, you do not know your mother or those you love, in your awareness there is no such thing as other people. The idea that there is is mystical, the object of the idea is not therefore impossible.

edit2: I can tell you though, that IF your mother is independently of you then she is not at all like you think, even though her sensibilities and analytic a priori conceptual framework must be the same. The schema, emotions, sensations, synthetic conceptual framework, personality would be very different from yours and therefore impossibly thought of by you, however much you "know" her.

Edited by Reciprocality

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

It's a mindfuck. 

It's a miracle that we are here .it's a miracle that anything exists at all . How lucky we are ? Look at this amazing colorful universe. Look at the birds chirping. Look at the sunshine and the sunset .look at night sky and galaxies and the stars .listen to beautiful music that touches your soul .I'm on the brink of crying .it's so much beauty ? 

Amen brother ?

In retrospect it's crazy that we take the miracle of consciousness for granted lol

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@Reciprocality no, it's not the possibility of awareness that I'm questioning. It's precisely its presence that I'm questioning. To say it is present because it is necessary is to subject it, and I think we can agree that awareness, literally the pre-sent, transcends all that mental faculty. 

39 minutes ago, Reciprocality said:

What is awareness if it is not existent? And how can existence be necessary but awareness not if all there is is awareness? By your logic here there is a thing in itself, a duality to awareness.

Well I'm having trouble with your logic too, friend. At this point it's coming off rather circular as an argument. I mean.. something that exists must be necessary, simply because it exists? What you're literally saying is this: Existence = Necessity. Of course this will leave room for no miracle because then there's nothing to question other than the implications of the logic.

If Existence = Mystery then there is substance, rather than empty belief. What is so wrong if we encounter a duality with this lens? We are simply questioning the aspects of reality as they present themselves. No point in shying away from this for the sake of nonduality.


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You in love with existence, till you aint

- Party pooper 


To be honest, it's all fun and games, but imagine the following. Now if given the chance , you want to be eternal or not, you would probably wish "Yes, ofcourse", but here's the catch, they didn't say whether you will be eternal in heaven/earth or hell. If you are eternally in Heaven now that's the dream right? Then if you are eternally on earthly like realm its great OK, there will be hardships there will be good times, its awesome overall not too bad and you will learn a lot. But if you are eternally in hell, there's a problem now.... The problem can be seen immediately, if you are in hell, you will beg to be dead! And some people are in "hell on earth" so they would not be so happy about existence, hence suicides exist... Its an attempt to escape from existence. But maybe it doesn't succeed, I am not in the position to say. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodo suicide is the result of disconnection with god.  That's the only reason. When and if you lose every hope you have in your life ..there is only one door that you can knock for help, and that door is gods mercy .

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Are you in  love with suffering too? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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4 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Dodo suicide is the result of disconnection with god.  That's the only reason. When and if you lose every hope you have in your life ..there is only one door that you can knock for help, and that door is gods mercy .

I really like thinking of it like that

"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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7 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Are you in  love with suffering too? 


Like osho said " life is a very mysterious phenomenon..where laughter has its time ..and tears also have its time".

Even sadness has its own beauty. 

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